Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 143: Great harvest, sign in to reward the fairy picture!

In the northern icefields, there are thousands of miles of snow drifting.

Under an inconspicuous little snow-capped mountain, a space suddenly fluctuated.

Damn it!

A crack opened out of thin air!

The next moment, four human figures, plus a dog figure, pounced out with a "swish", and descended on this originally peaceful snow-capped mountain together with the terrifying aura coming from behind.

"Quickly turn off Xuanyu Terrace!" The **** dog's shout seemed particularly anxious.

Ye Fan and the others hurriedly performed the technique, and when the space crack was about to reveal the great horror, they were shut up.

The breath was annihilated in the sound of the harsh wind, and everything was calm again.

"Huh!" Li Heishui sighed for a long time, still with a look of fear in his expression.

"It's so exciting!" Tu Fei flushed, obviously over excitement.

"Done! We succeeded! Brother Lin, you really did it!" Ye Fan yelled in a daze.

He turned his gaze to the space bag, and the large piece of Shenyuan waited quietly, as if telling him that this was not a dream!

Only the **** dog was angry and grinned at Lin Feng: "You stinky kid! Next time you want to play with your own life, don't get the emperor again, you almost scared to death by your kid!"

Everyone laughed.

"Laugh a shit! So do you guys, crying out, if we confess all that we are in that shabby place, there won't even be a fire for revenge!"

The **** dog glared at him one by one, grunted unhappily, and then moved to Lin Feng to look at it, and asked, "How about it, fight against that monster, where did it hurt?"

"It's okay." Lin Feng raised his severely fractured right hand and smiled freely: "I tried my best to make me slightly injured, and the Swire royal family is nothing more than this!"

When everyone sees it, they are all in their hearts.

Although Lin Feng performed such an understatement, the scene of the demons dancing in the Wanlong's Nest is still vivid, and everyone is still scared to think about it now!

Lin Feng and others forcibly seized the Ten Thousand Dragon's Nest by force, incurring great hatred. At the end, the full blow of the Taikoo royal family was even more powerful than powerful!

If it were not for Lin Feng to bless himself with endless dragon energy at the last moment, and to display the talent skills of supreme bone, I am afraid that four people and one dog would have to die under the great power of the dragon, and there would be no one's life!

But fortunately, Lin Feng was strong enough to live up to everyone's expectations and successfully took the most terrifying blow, thus gaining precious time to lead the crowd to manipulate the Profound Jade Terrace and move out of the dangerous place of the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest.

"Papa!" A crisp bone sound protruded.

However, Lin Feng calmly connected the injured arm, and then, with the powerful healing power of the supreme body, he recovered in an instant!

"Okay, let's count the gains."

Lin Feng grinned: "Although we have taken great risks, we have also obtained matching returns. It can be said that we have made a lot of money!"

Ye Fan, Li Heishui, and Tu Fei all felt the same:

"My biggest gain is that I got the opportunity of Brother Lin to draw Dragon Qi to wait for me to build my body. My current physical strength is several times the previous one!"

"Hey, I even feel now that I can fight against those in the same realm of body training!"

"Dragon Qi has endless magical effects. The gain to the body is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the dragon Qi washes our body, which is equivalent to tempering a divine power.

This is of great benefit to me when I am waiting to break through the realm in the future! "

Everyone couldn't hide their joy, but the **** dog looked upset, as if Lin Feng owed him millions of catties.

"Dragon Qi still has remnants in your body, so please temper it cleanly when you practice." Lin Feng reminded kindly.

Ye Fan nodded, and suddenly took out the big divine source, and said: "The biggest gain is this. Needless to say, the value, you know!"

Everyone immediately cast their fiery eyes!

Such a large piece of God's source is worthy of being worth mentioning, and no matter how it is handled, it is a huge wealth.

"The source of the gods was taken by Ye Zi, so leave it to Ye Zi to deal with it."

With Lin Feng's final word, everyone knew that this divine source was likely to be the key to Ye Fan's breakthrough in the curse of the ancient Eucharist, so naturally there was no objection.

In the end, Lin Feng showed the dragon-shaped ancient magic drug with the gold beads removed.

The light on the surface of the magical medicine is slightly dimmer compared to the previous one, but the fragrance of dragon Qi and medicine is still strong.

The **** dog looked at it and sighed: "Although you have absorbed all the essence of this magical medicine, its inherent spirituality has not diminished in the slightest!

In my opinion, if you can transplant it to a suitable treasure and cultivate it for hundreds of years, it will definitely bear dragon roots again!

By then, this will be another superb miraculous medicine that will kill you! "

Everyone was fascinated by it, and when they looked at the dragon-shaped magical medicine, they were all surprised.

"It's a pity that it is too hard to find this ancient magical medicine to rejuvenate the blessed land of the Chinese New Year!" Tu Fei sighed.

"I have heard that the powers of the Xiantai realm have opened up the pure land in the brain and are completely suitable for the survival of the magic medicine." Li Heishui thoughtfully.

"The Great Energy is too far away from me, and if you save this magical medicine to others, I'm afraid it won't be safe."

Ye Fan persuaded: "Brother Lin, why don't you seal up this magical medicine, and when you have the conditions, let's train it again?"

When Lin Feng heard the words, he smiled and nodded.

He naturally listened carefully to everyone's suggestions, but...who said he couldn't cultivate the ancient magical medicine?

In the next moment, Lin Feng took this dragon-shaped ancient magical medicine into the sea of ​​suffering.

The blood-red tide continued to surge, and after accommodating these gods, it immediately became more active!

The miraculous medicine nourishes the sea of ​​bitterness, and the special spirituality of the sea of ​​bitterness also allows the miraculous medicine to continue to resuscitate, complementing each other, and there is only a mystery.

Because of the uniqueness of the supreme body and the miraculous effect of the Demon Emperor's Heart, Lin Feng seemed to have the capital to cultivate this ancient magical medicine!

Moreover, he does not need the hundreds of years that the **** dog said, if he is really ruthless to give birth, he can completely temper the demon emperor's holy blood to achieve his goal!

But hurry!

Previously, there was a long battle in Wanlong's Nest, and the system's sign-in time was already complete, indicating that it had already fallen, but Lin Feng did not have time to watch it.

Now, Lin Feng muttered the system silently, and the sign-in reminder immediately sounded in his heart:

"The time is up, congratulations to the host for signing in.

Get the sign-in reward: "Xianzhen Picture"! "

After the words fell, Lin Feng's sea of ​​bitterness suddenly added a fairy picture exuding the atmosphere of a great road.

Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

Xianzhen map!

It really is this god!

Immortal treasures have a long history, from mythology to the ancient times to the deserted ancient times. They have been in the hands of the heavenly emperors of all dynasties. It contains the ultimate meaning of the universe and records a map of the star road. It can be called a treasure comparable to the emperor's soldiers Although there are no offerings in it, so there are deities, but its significance to Lin Feng is far more than most treasures.

"With the immortal treasure map, in the near future, I will definitely be more certain to prove Dao to become immortal and break fate!" Lin Feng secretly thought.

Xian Zhentu claimed to have the secret of becoming immortal, but Lin Feng deeply understood that it was just a big picture.

But even so, the fairy tales are still precious, and they will definitely be of great help to Lin Feng in the future.

"Next stop, let's go back to the holy city!" Lin Feng said loudly.

Everyone is in a good mood and has no objection.

After some rectification, Ye Fan and others opened Qingyu Terrace again. After all, the **** dog couldn't send the letter, so they had to rely on this magic weapon to save some effort.

However, just as everyone was about to set off again, a cold shout suddenly came from a distance:

"Stop it all!"

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