Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 167: Add yourself to the great road, avoid all evils!

"Brother Lin wait for me!"

Lin Feng went to the thunder prison indefinitely, his passion was so great that Ye Fan was surging with blood, and he followed him on top!

Although he is not as strong as Lin Feng, he still has powerful means to protect himself, and there is Jiang Taixu plundering the formation under the court, so he has no worries about the future.

This calamity is a disaster for the monks, but for the two of them, it has become a tool for tempering themselves and enhancing their heritage!

Boom boom boom!

An anaconda thunder and lightning pierced the sky, the order of heaven and earth stirs thunder and fire!

Above the sky, there are purple lines, which are the marks of all roads!

The thunderstorm rained on Lin Feng and Ye Fan's body, beating the flesh with the purest Dao pattern, bathing the supreme body with golden brilliance, and the great road inside the ancient saint roared!

The magnificent breath swept the world, the void trembled, and the spiritual power burst!

Everyone saw their scalp numb, and felt speechless for a while.

The terrifying tribulation that can blast the dragon cultivator into dregs, in front of these two radiant geniuses, turned out to be a tool for tempering the flesh and strengthening the foundation!

How absurd!

But after thinking about it carefully, everyone took it for granted.

Supreme body Lin Feng, a well-deserved cultivator in this life, indulging in talent, walking against the sky, possessing such great courage, and doing such shocking things, it seems normal!

Everywhere in the field, from all the holy places, the saints who are regarded as geniuses by the world and have placed countless hopes, at this moment, clenched their fists and looked complicated!

"In terms of resources, I have the full support of the holy land in the clan, and I will never lose to Lin Feng, but he can crush me with such amazing talent and courage!"

"Holy Body Ye Fan, I still have the confidence to compete with it, but facing this supreme body Lin Feng, no matter how firm I believe in invincibility, I can't stop this horrible gap!"

"Oh, I have to admit that Lin Feng, who possesses such pride and wrist, is a real dragon that emerged from the nest in nine heavens.

"If I can't defeat him, my heart will inevitably breed a devil. Pursuing the great road in this world, he will be the object I want to replace the most!"

"Lin Feng, at the pinnacle of my generation, a shady scene that chills everyone's heart has been opened, and there is no sky!"

Sigh with emotion, full of unwillingness.

These saint sons, who had high self-esteem and despised everything, finally felt ashamed after seeing Lin Feng's peerless talent!

They stared at the sky, scorned the thunder prison, and Lin Feng who was laughing wildly, his eyes gushing with endless light.

They compared Lin Feng with themselves, but they were sad to find that they were so unbearable!

Before he knew it, Lin Feng, who was not in the eyes of the saints, was now soaring into the sky, standing at the top, looking down on all beings indifferently!

So their eyes changed.

That's the look in the challenger's eyes.

Lin Feng, it seems that he has become the greatest enemy of enlightenment in the hearts of contemporary geniuses!

The so-called genius?

Compared with Lin Feng, it became a living joke!

"The first three waves of Thunder Tribulation are no longer a threat to them."

Jiang Yun was engrossed in observing the changes in the tribulation, with a little worry on his face: "It’s just that the first three waves are so terrifying. How terrifying would it be?"

When this word came out, everyone in Hualongchi's complexion changed, and there was a look of panic in their eyes, and they sweated for Lin Feng and Ye Fan.

Only Jiang Taixu's expression remained as usual. After talking to Fairy Caiyun for a few times, he silently raised the Pure Land of the King of Gods, preparing for the next eradication of the curse.


boom! ! !

A roar that shook Nine Heavens exploded over everyone's heads, and when they looked up, they saw that the thunder prison was annihilated under the endless dragon energy released by Lin Feng.

The terrifying thunder **** disappeared, the sky was furious, and the horrible aura condensed in an instant, and then turned into a more dazzling black thunder light!

The black thunder sky roars!

After Lin Feng and Ye Fan experienced the thunder prison baptism, countless mysterious Dao patterns were inscribed on their bodies, as many as the stars in the sky, and showed a clear vein, which brought endless benefits to the supreme body and the sacrament.

But with the advantage of God, how can there be good fruits?

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the sky was overturned, the storm was annihilated, and the thunder **** was completely transformed into nothingness. Instead, countless sacred mountains and thunder shadows were formed by the black gods of thunder!

This is the fourth, fifth, and sixth rounds. The three rounds are superimposed on top of each other, which has caused a shocking qualitative change!

"My God...this is not the legendary Thunder God, is it?!"

"It's not that exaggerated, if it's really a world-destroying **** thunder, the **** king will not be able to protect them!"

"It should be a kind of alien thunder. Although its might is not as powerful as the world-destroying thunder, it is enough to kill tens of thousands of monks who have just entered the four poles!"

There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers.

But Lin Feng is still calm: "Leaves, the first three rounds of thunder tribulation will bypass the body and directly attack the soul. You need to protect the soul with the mother of all things. It is not a problem to resist. The last three rounds of form and **** will attack. It can shake the sky, but you can't regret it, I will deal with it personally, and you will take the battle for me!"

An extremely calm voice came out, and Ye Fan's confidence doubled: "No problem, Brother Lin, be careful!"

During the quick conversation between the two, the black **** thunder soon condensed into momentum, entangled and twisted into a mountain, huge and huge, and suddenly covered!

"It's now!"

Lin Feng gave a low cry, waved his fists with the vision of the Immortal King behind him, and slammed toward the black thunder mountain!

Ye Fan didn't dare to neglect, the Qi Cauldron of the Mother of All Things spun around its head extremely fast, exuding a vast aura, setting off waves of voids, and firmly protecting the soul!


With a muffled sound, the black thunder mountain was broken and collapsed by Lin Feng's fist, but it did not cause damage to the surrounding area when it was decomposed.

It seems to come from another time and space, and everything is not damaged. Only the pure source of the avenue can be captured and turned into a thick dao essence and sprinkled on Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng didn't have a timetable to show his joy, just because after a thunder mountain collapsed, two thunder mountains formed in the depths of the sky.

This time, Ye Fan took the initiative to mobilize the potential of the Eucharist, bursting out endless power, blessing on the Qi Cauldron of the Mother of All Things, and with Lin Feng's Dragon Elephant Fist, blasting the sacred mountains on the left and right sides into nothingness!

"'s terrifying!"

After doing all this, Ye Fan was already out of breath, but Heavenly Tribulation won't give him a chance to breathe back.

Boom boom boom!

There was another burst of thunder, and three sacred mountains formed in the void, three legs standing together, surrounded by countless black dragon-shaped divine thunders, roaring into the sky, swooping down!


Lin Feng stood in front of Ye Fan with a calm expression. He manipulated the Jiulong Hongmeng Purple Seal to release endless dragon energy to cover the surrounding hundreds of miles, shouting loudly:

"With my seal, suppress the mountains and rivers!"

Endless sacred light lingers around him, surging divine power into the sea, and the Kowloon Hongmeng Purple Seal is good at facing the wind, covering the three sacred mountains!

Dragon Qi shuttled and covered each other, blocking the fall of the Thunder Mountain, and Lin Feng used his supernatural power to erode and encircle it step by step and finally wiped out the Thunder Mountain!

This is a great way to add body, avoid all evil!

"Such a huge dragon energy is enough to fight against the might of another thunder!"

"So strong! Three rounds of Thunder Tribulation are all over!"

"What else can stop them from breaking into the four poles?!"

Everyone exclaimed, looking up at the sky. At this moment, regardless of the realm of cultivation, just considering this terrifying power, Lin Feng's domineering has shocked everyone!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The familiar thunder roar again!

The black **** thunder disappeared, a touch of golden brilliance flashed, and the sky after the sky was completely plunged into the golden sea!

"How come there is a golden thunder?!"

Everyone was shocked!

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