Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 177: Fusion kills the way, alarms the supreme existence!

The Gushen Dynasty perishes, and the killing will never end!

Lin Feng held the killing token in one hand and the skin of the sage in the other. He comprehended the holy art of killing in front of the ancient cave and experienced the way of killing.

The tokens and minds of the ancient first assassin dynasty represent the inheritance of the heavenly court, which can be said to be extremely terrifying.

In the process of Lin Feng's enlightenment, chaotic and disorderly killing thoughts continuously emerged from his mind.

Endless, always launch a fierce attack on Lin Feng's soul!

The black hole mark on Lin Feng's forehead is spinning extremely fast, while holding on to his soul, it also supports his consciousness, so that he won't sink into the sea of ​​killing thoughts.

And the deeper the mystery of killing the Tao, the more terrifying the breath escaping from his body.

His closed eyes were also stained with blood, showing monsters and horror, flashing extremely weird!

The content recorded on the skin of the sage is not like the traditional teaching, which will allow the successor to gradually understand the experience summarized by the predecessors.

Upgrade in a relatively safe environment.

Instead, the successor will be put to death, and he will be transformed into a lot of murderous intent, so that the successor will float and sink endlessly in the ocean of endless killing thoughts!

It's like fighting the storm that shakes the sky with the power of a leaf of a small boat, until you get over it and defeat it, you can completely control the killing thought!

Like an extremely **** test, victory leads to life, defeat leads to death!

If you can't get out of the world of murder, you must sink into it.

You can imagine how it will end up!

From the moment Lin Feng decided to understand the holy art of murder, it was destined to be a deadly battle without turning back!

The greater the risk, the greater the chance, and Lin Feng knows this well.

With the step-by-step analysis of the holy technique of murder, the secrets hidden in the endless years are constantly appearing in the form of fragments.

Presented in Lin Feng's memory, it flashed quickly like a revolving lantern.

Every scene is a shocking picture.

In ancient times, the three assassins of heaven, the world, and **** co-existed, and the killing deterred the world!

In front of the killer gods, even the sages of the holy land could not guarantee their own peace.

How powerful was the holy technique of murder at that time.

After countless years, the accumulated experience of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood has transformed into the simplest and most effective means of killing.

Everyone talks about it!

However, the glory will eventually come to an end, and even the emperor cannot guarantee immortality.

From ancient times to the present, there has not been any force that dare to say that it will be glorious forever.

The era of the assassin dynasty finally collapsed under the joint hands of All Saints.

The earth-shattering battle of the past years has left a strong and colorful stroke in the long river of history.

In the last scene in Lin Feng's mind, the heaven was completely destroyed, and the world and **** also withered and disappeared.

Killing roads die from this.

Lin Feng consciously obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Court, which was indeed a great opportunity.

But it is undeniable that the curse of the assassin gods also comes with the inheritance, like a maggot with bones!

No matter what it is, as long as it is branded with sorcery and magic, it will inevitably be hostile to all monks.

"Although it is infinitely useful, it is still a hot potato after all."

Lin Feng sighed, and then he fully urged the immortal mark, which was actually obliterating the hidden will of the heavens in the killing thought!

The Killer God Dynasty, always spurned by the world, is the recognized enemy of all holy places.

The holy technique of murder is even more typical.

When this technique is used, the roots and feet are easily recognized, and this is an existence that the forces of the Holy Land cannot tolerate.

If Lin Feng is found to be practicing the holy technique of killing people, then what he has to face next is bound to be a siege that has torn the face of countless powers!

There is no room for negotiation!

This holy killing technique is capable of pulling hatred, which is completely comparable to the inheritance of Emperor Ruthless Man's Heaven-Swallowing Devil Art.

However, even though Lin Feng thought of this, he did not regret it at all.

Because even so, Lin Feng still didn't care.

As far as Lin Feng is concerned, people can be divided into good and evil, and things can also be divided into priorities, but Taoism is not so particular.

In his words, no matter whether the sage's skin is recorded on the evil book or the magic scroll, as long as it is useful to him, it is the supreme treasure.

If the road of killing lives can really become an immortal, it would be an excellent way to reach the top, Lin Feng will never refuse!

This is also the reason why he will decisively practice the holy technique of murder.

The path he chose was to go against the sky from the beginning. He also learned the devil art of swallowing the sky. What about more killing holy techniques?

The throne is piled with dead bones, and the monument to the endless souls!

No wonder it is guilty to kill Dao, but to blame the ruthless world!

Lin Feng has a bottom line, but he is never limited to unnecessary secular restraints.

Mortal knights pay attention to indulging in the arena, especially monks.

Going out and mixing, looking at the open points, and the awareness of killing and being killed are the basics of the way of eating the weak!

"about there."

Lin Feng, who was up and down in the sea of ​​blood, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, shooting out two rays of blood running through the sky, and growled: "Broken!"

The tempered belief in invincibility burst out at this moment, turning into an unshakable will.

The **** sea of ​​killing thought in Lin Feng's mind immediately set off a stormy sea, and was finally ruthlessly suppressed by Lin Feng's will, and then turned into nothingness and annihilation!

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The endless killing intent was twisted into one strand and penetrated into Lin Feng's soul.

A **** mark suddenly appeared in the black hole between Lin Feng's eyebrows, like a cold **** moon, exuding monstrous murderous intent!

Lin Feng stood up, but the ancient enlightened tea tree on the side trembled, seeming to be shocked by this supreme belief!

Regardless of the realm of cultivation, just considering this invincible will, Lin Feng already has the style of the ancient emperor!

This is the third imprint change that Lin Feng has experienced, and the benefits it brings are naturally unimaginable.

Putting away the killer token and the sage skin, Lin Feng scattered his spiritual consciousness and sensed the distance. He immediately noticed a few powerful auras and was approaching here quickly.

"The movement was so loud that it still attracted the attention of the Beast King."

Lin Feng's eyes were clear, and he turned his head to look into the deep ancient cave, where the shimmering light flickered, and the breath of the spiritual thing was particularly obvious.

He knew that there were psychic fairy tears and green gold living there, very powerful, not what he could handle now.

However, this kind of sacred domain consciousness is not strong, and usually does not take the initiative to attack, otherwise Lin Feng did not dare to boldly understand the holy art of killing here before.

The real threats to him are the alien beast kings in the undead mountains and the heroic spirits wandering in the burial grounds.

As for the supreme beings in the deepest part, Lin Feng didn't worry that they would react to his intrusion.

How can those former supreme beings who stood on the nine steps of Sendai overlooking the sentient beings bothered for a small ant?

That's how it is said, but the predictions in my heart will never keep up with the changes in reality!

Suddenly, an invincible divine sense covering the undead mountain quickly swept across the world, and finally left a single point, which actually fell on Lin Feng!

"What the hell?!"

Lin Feng was slightly shocked, and before he could think too much, the next moment an abnormal change suddenly occurred again!


A huge shadow slashed across the sky at extreme speed, and the accompanying terrifying aura, and a huge dragon claw, came crashing down on this land!

King of Beasts!

"The old immortal, don't obediently stay in the source of the gods, what are you doing to trouble me?!" Lin Feng cursed secretly.

Looking at the smashing dragon claws in front of him, he has no time to complain, raising his hand is a punch!

boom! ! !

Lin Feng snorted, the raging wind rang in his ears, and people shot out like a cannonball!

His entire arm was broken, his bones were broken into powder, and his five internal organs were trembling violently, and his injuries were severe.

The realm gap is still too big!

Fortunately, with the blessing of the immortal mark, the black hole between the eyebrows is running at an extremely fast speed, and all the injuries are healed in the breath.

Lin Feng almost evoked the Nine Dragons Hongmeng Purple Seal at the moment of flying, frantically mobilizing his supernatural power, releasing dragon energy, and covering up his own energy.

It wasn't until the moment that the invincible divine sense could not find a trace and disappeared suddenly, he finally screamed and let go of his heart!

At this moment, the mind is back on the battlefield again.

The alien beast king has already revealed his true face, he is a monster with a dragon head and a dragon's body, and the terrifying aura exuding all over his body is not far from the Yuelong Gate!

As soon as it sensed the mighty dragon energy in Lin Feng's body, it was like a jackal who had been hungry for three days when he encountered sweet meat, his eyes blushed immediately!

Aside from it moved the wind and the clouds, cruising in extremely fast, drooling along the way, and it was scary!

"Clown snake, want to eat Lord's meat?"

Lin Feng sneered, turned on the pupil of the **** king, looked for a pattern, and walked decisively: "Fat!"

In the next moment, Lin Feng disappeared in place, and the dragon-shaped alien beast king rushed into the air with great momentum, and slammed into the mountain.

Hum! ! !

Numerous psychic holy objects in the ancient cave were alarmed, and all burst out, releasing endless coercion and confronting the invaders.

However, after the dragon-shaped alien beast king shook his head, he ignored the densely packed holy spirit below.

He just stared bitterly at the distant void, with a vivid gnashing color on his face: "Human...Dragon Qi...Damn!!!"

The dragon-shaped alien beast king roared, and it was actually following the lingering dragon energy here, cruising towards the depths of the Undead Mountain...

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