Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 186: The unbearable Son of Dayan!

Fengchi electric engine, flashing light at a glance!

The saint child, the descendant of the ancient family, and a group of disciples of the Great Teacher, gathered together, chasing the blood!

"There is a situation ahead!"

Shaoguang Shengzi's eyes were filled with purple air: "It's the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King, as well as Daoyi Shengzi and Dayan Shengzi, they seem to have fought!"

After hearing the words, the Tianjiao used their methods one after another, and across a long distance, they still clearly saw a messy battlefield above the Styx!

"Regardless of other things, let's stop the Zhongzhou remnant who committed the crime first!" Yaoguang Shengzi said with an indifferent expression.

Anxiety flashed quietly in his eyes staring at the blood light ahead.

But no one noticed his abnormality.

Ji Haoyue faintly showed the vision of the bright moon in the sea behind him, and said: "Yes, I am ready for Taoism, and I can stop him immediately!"

All the arrogances behind him echoed, each of them had accumulated their strength, and could perform powerful Daoist attacks at any time.

"You guys, Shaoan, don't worry, that person is still holding an evil imperial artifact in his hand. The danger is extremely high. I am pressing, I am afraid that there will be casualties!"

The saint of Yaochi is calmer: "In my opinion, if you want to be safer, it's better to let the three colleagues of Styx join hands!"

When the words were over, Ji Haoyue nodded, and everyone responded in unison without any objection.

"I don't know that the fellow has a secret transmission, and will not be known by the remnants of Zhongzhou."

Yaoguang Shengzi said, and suddenly looked at Jiang Yifei, who was low-key in the crowd, and said: "I heard that Brother Jiang once fought against foreign enemies with the Supreme Body.

Therefore, he has won the favor of the old **** king, and now he is practicing the supreme Taoism under the old **** throne. I think it must be unparalleled.

I don't know... Brother Jiang has a way? "

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes turned towards Jiang Yifei, with curiosity, disdain, envy, and even more gloating.

Especially Ji Haoyue, who glanced at Jiang Yifei and Yaoguang Shengzi separately, the expressions in their eyes were quite interesting.

After being "targeted", Jiang Yifei looked complacent and said: "I am naturally dull, I am not as good as all the arrogances, and even less than the supreme and unparalleled brother Lin. I have not studied for a long time under the throne of the old god. The shot, I'm afraid it will alarm the Zhongzhou fugitive."

"Brother Jiang meant that he was not strong enough?" Shengzi Yaoguang frowned, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Brother Dao said yes, that's it." Jiang Yifei smiled warmly.

When all the saints saw this, their expressions changed slightly, and they looked at Jiang Yifei with more appreciation.

Jiang Yifei's remarks seemed to belittle himself and raise all the arrogances present.

But everyone who understands knows that this is clearly moving out of Lin Feng's name, which implies that everyone is inferior to Lin Feng, and he doesn't like it in his heart, and even more disdain to help!

This was an ingenious counterattack, which not only won Jiang Yifei's appreciation, but also made Shengzi Shaoguang seem a bit unreasonable.

"If you drag it any longer, people will run away. I'll do it!"

In the end, the Purple Mansion Saint Child took out a jade order, carved a few lines on it, and then said in a low voice: "Brother Li, we have come back and forth and are chasing and killing the fugitive from Zhongzhou. Please be ahead. Help me wait for him to be arrested and killed!"

It turned out that he and Daoyi Shengzi had contacted privately and kept the communication Yuling of the two sides, which would save trouble.

On the other side, above the Styx, Daoyi Shengzi Li Donglaihu frowned slightly, took out a jade order that was the same as the Zifu Shengzi's hand, and simultaneously received the message message.

"Brother Xiang, the fugitive from Zhongzhou is rushing to our side." Shengzi Daoyi looked at Shengzi Dayan and said.

Shengzi Dayan glanced at King Jin Wing Xiaopeng coldly, and replied: "Okay, let's stop that person first and turn with them."

When they talked, they had to leave.

But King Jin Wing Xiaopeng refused to agree, snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and stood in front of the two.

"Wang Xiaopeng, what do you mean? Don't deceive people too much!"

"Get out of the way, you have delayed the Eastern Wilderness public enemy we are looking for, and you will surely endure the anger of all your colleagues!"

The reactions of Daoyi Shengzi and Dayan Shengzi were surprisingly angry, and these were all grievances accumulated from previous fierce battles.

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng King is so strong that they can't get it together, and this is the result of the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King's failure to exert all his strength!

"Anger? Oh, even if you guys go together, I'm just trying to learn about the talents of the great arrogances of the human race!"

King Jin Wing Xiaopeng proudly said: "If you want to go, tell me after you finish the fight!"

"Damn it, how can you get entangled in this madman-like fighting frenzy!"

The same anger echoed in the hearts of Saint Son of Dao Yi and Saint Son of Dayan.

The two looked at each other, and finally decided that the former should go to assist the round first, and the latter would stay and continue to be involved with King Golden Wing Xiaopeng.

What's interesting is that Saint Dao Yi directly turned into the sky and flew away, King Golden Wing Xiaopeng did not stop him, but stared at Saint Dayan with his wild eyes, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really think that your peers are invincible?" Dayan Shengzi's face was full of ice.

He saw only disdain and contempt in the opponent's eyes, which made him feel fussy, and he raised his head and yelled: "Come on!

The so-called monster genius, I will let you know what the difference is, you don't know the height of the sky! "

King Golden Winged Xiaopeng heard this, but was not annoyed, and shook his head: "Perhaps I will be in the wild in the future, but now I do not say that I am the strongest of my peers, because before I defeated the Supreme Body Lin Feng, all the big words seemed false. And arrogant, the strongest name should be proved by strength and blood!"

"Oh, I have the same idea as you, but I never feel that I am inferior to Lin Feng, but you were afraid before fighting!" Saint Son Dayan sneered.

King Golden Winged Xiaopeng shook his head again. This time his expression was full of sarcasm and pity: "To be honest, although I have never fought against Lin Feng, I also understand that your holy sons are far behind Lin Feng. If It's not that I have some talents, I can't even be interested."


As soon as these words came out, the anger of the Dayan Son could no longer be suppressed: "Teach you to see the foundation of my Dayan Holy Land!"

When the words fell, the divine power exploded, and the Son of Dayan shook his hands virtual, and a group of bright rays of light appeared in the middle, condensed into a sword-like shape, dissipating the divine light, and the breath was amazing!

"Die me!"

Shengzi Dayan walks with the sword, his divine power is surging like a tide, and the holy sword buzzes, stuns the monstrous wave and rolls under his feet, engulfing the mighty power, like a sword god!

"This is the **** of Dayan Holy Land, is Dayan Sacred Sword?"

King Jin-winged Xiaopeng was full of blond hair and fluttered without dodge or dodge, and a light smile appeared on his white face: "It's kind of interesting."

In an instant, Saint Child Dayan attacked at a swift speed, and the power of the holy sword reached its peak, even the dragon-transforming master could not resist it!


Suddenly, a gust of wind rolled up, and the huge kinetic energy made the huge wave of the film instantly roll in the opposite direction!


The holy sword fell into the air and pierced the air, leaving only Dayan Shengzi's surprised face in place.

He didn't even see clearly, the opponent in front of him had disappeared in place!

"you are too slow."

A deep and deep voice rang from the back of Dayan Shengzi, shocking him to stand tall, subconsciously wanting to turn around and fight back.


But it was still lost, no one was seen on the spot, and there was only a gust of wind that was stirred up by powerful kinetic energy!

"Even if you are holding the Jidao Emperor Soldier, UU Reading can shake the sky, but if you can't display its true strength, it is equivalent to a child holding a sword, which is ridiculed."

The voice of King Golden Wing Xiaopeng once again passed into the ears of Shengzi Dayan. At this moment, it was like death's urging curse, making his heart tremble suddenly!


Without any signs, the Dayan Saint Son turned into a meteor and flew out, and the Dayan Saint Sword lost its divine power infusion, and then it was broken and dissipated.

He lost!

King Jin Wing Xiaopeng appeared again, standing still, never moved.

But Saint Child Dayan, who was in pain, knew that just now it was definitely not an illusion, but the terrifying speed of the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King, so he couldn't catch it!


He actually fell into the Styx like the previous Son of Ten Thousand Years!

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