Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 190: ? The sky blew up and the Undead Mountain rioted!

The skeleton was silent.

In the hollow of the bones, two blood-colored flames rose up, like the gaze of death.

"Wild ants, you don't know how much trouble your stupid behavior has caused." Skeleton said indifferently.

The crystal prison that bound him began to tremble violently at this moment, and the power of the great road attached to it was constantly passing by.

Lin Feng glanced and shook his head: "Don't bother. Now that I see it, you are destined to die, no matter what grand goal you have."

"You can't kill me. The mission I am carrying is an area that you ants can't reach." Skeleton said with contempt.

"Is it?"

Lin Feng suddenly shot his hand and blasted the skull's head with a punch, pulling his body and the crystal cage into the Styx.

The children of the Great Teacher who were watching the battle above, among them the person who performed the secret technique prison, was shocked, and his eyes were shocked: "What's the matter? I feel that the cage has been moved artificially, it won't be that. The seal of the people of Central Continent has fallen off, right?!"

Everyone was shocked, and they all looked at the place where the people in Zhongzhou were originally trapped, only to see the black water surging into a tide, where there is the shadow of the crystal cage!

"The force of suppression was forcibly cracked by him?"

Jiang Yifei came floating, and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Dao, can you still manipulate the Secret Technique prison now?"

The child of the great teacher chanted the spell, his face flushed, but there was no effect, and he shook his head dejectedly: "No, my secret technique seems to be blocked, I can't perceive or manipulate it!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone suddenly became calm:

"Damn, didn't you say that it can be suppressed 100%?!"

"Why did you drop the chain at this critical moment? If he runs away, it will be difficult to catch him again!"

"No, the immortal mountain is vast and boundless, and there are countless dangers. Once he escapes completely from the shackles, we will inevitably be greatly restrained!"

"Then what should we do now? Are we going to sneak into that dangerous Styx to find someone?!"

With a blast of complaining words, the great teacher's face blushed, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, you guys, even if he can temporarily block my secret technique, he will definitely not be able to untie the restraints for a while. It can be guaranteed!"

But immediately someone muttered with dissatisfaction: "Guarantee? What guarantee? Didn't you just pat your chest to make sure that it was a good deal, but it turned out that something went wrong..."

The son of the Great Teacher blushed and hesitated and couldn't speak.

In the end, Jiang Yifei gave a final word: "Styx is dangerous. If you dared to go deeper, I am afraid that you will understand the way of the people of Zhongzhou. It is better to stay behind and monitor the movement of Styx. Once you find the trace of the crystal cage, immediately call, we They came to support together!"

This suggestion was recognized by the Tianjiao present.

After they made up their minds, they flew in all directions, stayed above the Styx, and used various methods to search.

At this moment, Lin Feng under the Stygian River was dissecting the skeleton's body, and at the same time constantly imprinting on the crystal cage to cover up his breath.

"Don't bother in vain, Ant, even if you dismember my body, you will definitely not find what you want!"

A sneer came from the skeleton. Although he had no head, he could still speak, and it was not a divine mind. This ability can be said to be terrifying and weird.

Lin Feng looked as usual, ignoring the skeleton's sarcasm, and methodically sliced ​​his body, revealing the bright red internal organs and the large intestines rolled into a ball.

"The body is no different from a normal monk, but there is no wheel of life, the five internal organs have not been tempered, and the limbs are even weaker..."

Lin Feng's eyes were clear, and he murmured: "If you have not cultivated your body, you are not a monk, but it is strange that you can exert a combat power comparable to the Six Transformations of the Dragon. What gives you power and what drives it. What about your soul body?"

"Hehe, you are just a grit, a faint light in the faint sea of ​​stars, fleeting, and will never understand the mystery of higher life!" From the faint beating heart, there was the scornful voice of the skeleton.

Lin Feng smiled, put his hand to the heart, grabbed it, and said coldly, "It's just a small race of Galaxy, who dare to claim to be a higher being. Even if your king is here today, I still have to be trampled under my feet. , Don't resist!"

"Just ants, Ann dare to insult me...Ah!!!"

In an instant, the majestic spirit of God poured into the skeleton's heart, and the man's gloomy words came to an abrupt end, and replaced by waves of screams!

The black water surges, the battle of Tianjiao in the sky is not over yet, and the supernatural power is overflowing to set off a monstrous wave, but Lin Feng is always indifferent, and his heart is like an ancient well.

He understands that since the skeleton can make a sound, he can certainly act by this, giving him the source of abnormal power, perhaps hidden in this humble heart!

Divine Sense explored into an unknown place, his vision was pitch black, but as the number of Divine Senses increased and deepened, Lin Feng saw a familiar blood reveal.

Just like the sea of ​​knowledge of the skull and the earth, this place is also a world of its own, with a unique mystery and great secrets hidden in it.

Skeleton never put Lin Feng in his eyes. He didn't know Lin Feng's power and the terrible sense of opportunity.

It's too late to regret now.

"I have to say, you are the smartest wild ant I have ever seen." Amidst the blood, a senran voice came out.

The next moment, a soul body wearing a metal armor suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's vision.

The silver horns on his head have a similar appearance to normal humans, but they are exceptionally deformed.

It seemed that the face had been stabbed thousands of times with a knife, and then there were countless ugly scars.

Lin Feng sneered at the sight, without saying anything, he directly attacked him with his spiritual thoughts!


The sudden trouble caused the soul to be caught off guard. After an invisible collision, the soul spit out a mouthful of green blood, the armor cracked, and his expression was hideous.

"You are blaspheming your god!" The soul roared, his eyes full of madness.

He whispered a few spells that Lin Feng could not understand, and then his armor was shining, and a breath of power originating from the blood overflowed, causing him to instantly grow his soul, stepping in the **** world, swinging the giant Fist, to crush Lin Feng!

Lin Feng does not dodge or dodge, gathers all his spiritual thoughts, moves the immortal mark, and uses asymmetric fists to fight back fiercely!


The huge fist instantly dissipated in the storm of divine consciousness!

"This is an immortal brand?!"

The soul body screamed in disbelief, but his body continued to collapse with the bombardment of the power of divine mind, the armor dissipated, revealing his body engraved with mysterious runes.

"The things that don't resemble four are like hybrid gods and demons!"

Lin Feng urged the immortal mark to the extreme, specializing in the power of soul and consciousness, like a sharp knife, shattering the soul of the skeleton!

On the top of the **** world, a group of seven-colored halos flashed, escaping the breathtaking stalwart power!

"Heterogeneous blood? Good thing!" Lin Feng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he manipulated his divine mind to grab it, and then wrapped it in his divine mind to bring it out.

The soul fell, and the **** world also collapsed. Lin Feng turned his mind back to reality, but saw that the heart burst into the sky with blood clots!

The skeleton that was once said to be immortal has also been destroyed by Lin Feng's hand.

"Failed again?"

Suddenly, a boundless sound came out of the darkness, making Lin Feng's expression slightly startled.

"Hey, the old man has to look for the next one..." This time the voice was almost gone, weak to the extreme.

But Lin Feng still ascertained the source of the His gaze suddenly shifted, and he shot at the horrible body of the skeleton.

There, a blood sword that everyone called a "pseudo imperial weapon" began to tremble violently, revealing a heart-palpitating breath!

"Return to the ruins."

With the last sound, Lin Feng exploded his hair, running wildly with the immortal immortal mark, and quickly fleeed outward!

boom! ! !

The blood sword suddenly exploded, sweeping the world with endless power, causing the ten-mile mountains to scream loudly, and the sky was stained with intense blood!

At this moment, everyone was stunned by the terror movement, and they all stopped and dumbfounded.

This blood-colored power that shook the Undead Mountain made countless monsters in the deep surroundings go crazy, rushing towards the Styx!

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen...

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