Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 193: Enraged into anger, gang up and besiege!

The beast roars, the frenzy is coming!

All the arrogances were unwilling to pay attention to the crisis that struck. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the white-clothed youth standing freely in the field.

The angular face showed no joy, anger, sorrow, or joy, and the corners of his mouth were curved, revealing the confidence to control the overall situation.

Those eyes that are indifferent to sentient beings are profound and boundless, as if there are hundreds of millions of stars hidden in them, flowing endlessly, exuding Taoist rhyme.

Pian Pian is peerless and domineering. Two completely different characteristics have been perfectly unified in him!

"I heard that you are looking for me?" Lin Feng glanced at the audience and said lightly.

All the arrogances present were silent, and none dared to make a sound or challenged.

The two lessons learned are still flying backwards due to the great force. Who can be sure to win Lin Feng at this moment?

Everyone unanimously shifted their gazes and shot at the Son of Wanchu and Son of Dayan who had just returned to the team.

The two Tianjiao who escaped the catastrophe because of Lin Feng's spear turn, are both gloomy at the moment, ignoring everyone's eyes, and silently adjusting their breaths.

In fact, they have thought in their hearts countless times that they want to rush out and fight desperately, just to vent their boundless anger against Lin Feng!

However, after seeing the end of Yaoguang Shengzi and Golden Winged Xiaopeng King, they felt a strong weakness.

It is true that they have the belief in invincibility, but it does not mean that they will go to death uncontrollably because of this setback.

There is no weak generation in the Saint Son Tianjiao. They are naturally aware of their inability to grasp at this moment. Only when they are restored to their best condition can they have the capital to fight Lin Feng.

"Heh." Lin Feng had foreseen Tianjiao's reaction and sneered in response.

His eyes shot to the black mountain further away, and he clearly perceives the breath of countless powerful alien beasts.

But for unknown reasons, they did not enter the Styx in the first time, as if there was a terrifying will in the underworld, suppressing their manic hearts.

"Could it be that I sniffed my arrangement?" Lin Feng started to move in his heart.

"Brother Lin!" Suddenly, Lin Feng's ear heard a gentle voice.

He turned his head and looked around, but saw Jiang Yifei staring at him in the crowd.

"I haven't seen him for many days, Brother Lin's strength has improved again."

Jiang Yifei sighed slightly, with a look of helplessness: "Compared with Brother Lin, I am so ashamed. I want to ask for some advice, but it's not a good time to reminisce about the past!"

"There will be a chance." Lin Feng smiled faintly, the immortal imprint ran, and directly conveyed the reply to Jiang Yifei's heart.

At the same time, everyone also discovered the peculiar mark on Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Feeling the majestic atmosphere escaping, their faces changed.

Some people are envious, some are unwilling, and more people are jealous, and they all understand tacitly that Lin Feng must have an adventure in the undead mountain.

Compared with their desperate struggle and struggling to explore the Undead Mountain, Lin Feng's situation in such a dead place is enough to be called a fortune!

"Lin——Feng!!!" Suddenly there was a scream, breaking the silence in the court!

It was the Shaoguang Shengzi who turned into a stream of fire, and shot it quickly, blasting out a powerful and terrifying Taoism with anger!

The powerful aura brought the Tianjiao present to his senses, and they all retreated to a safe area, with curiosity and expectation in their expressions.

Everyone knows the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and everyone knows the name of the Son of Shaking Light.

But in fact, this acclaimed saint seldom takes action in front of others, so his true strength is unknown.

Today, everyone not only has the opportunity to see the holy technique of shaking light, but also has the opportunity to experience a battle with the supreme body in person!

It's really rare!

The Dao skills blasted by the Son of Shake, wrapped in the waves of majestic divine power, shook the world, rolled up the violent wind, and once overwhelmed the roar of the beasts in the mountains and forests!

When Lin Feng saw this, he didn't panic, the air in his sleeves was tumbling, and he raised his hand to liberate it, turning it into a storm, and stepping up against that powerful Taoism!

boom! ! !

A huge roar blew up in the field!

Unexpectedly, the mighty and terrifying Taoism was finally annihilated in the Dragon Qi storm that Lin Feng sprang up at his fingertips!

"Is this a blow..."

Lin Feng retracted his hand and sneered, "It's really a superficial person."

Shengzi Yaoguang, who returned to the battlefield, stepped on the halo, bathed in Xia Cai, and was surging with divine power, staring at Lin Feng with that cold gaze.

Although the palm prints on his face had faded, a hideous and distorted color appeared again, which was very different from his previous calmness.

"Huh, it's worthy of being a supreme body, the strength is really strong!"

At the same time, King Golden Wing Xiaopeng also rushed back to the battlefield, without saying anything, swung the halberd and smashed it down, saying hello to Lin Feng!

"Go away." Lin Feng said lightly.

With a sound of falling, the fierce supernatural power exploded on the spot!

The endless dragon energy swept the audience, and the vision of the **** king revealed a point, the shadow of the heaven and earth, bursting out endless brilliance!

boom! ! !

With such a mighty power, the attacked Golden Winged Xiaopeng King and Yaoguang Shengzi were set off together!

"How can the Four Extremes have such a terrifying power? Damn it!"

Yaoguang Shengzi used Taoism to protect his body, avoiding damage, his eyes gloomy.

He didn't forget the purpose of his trip. He just remembered that slap before, his heart was like being burned by fire, and he couldn't calm down!

In fact, whether it is Shengzi Shaoguang or King Winged Xiaopeng, both of them are undoubtedly the arrogance of the arrogance.

They have been going smoothly since they were young, they have never experienced failure, and they are the only ones who bully others. How can they be slapped by such humiliation?

Lin Feng's unscrupulous behavior and his dismissive attitude touched their bottom line as the arrogant.

Enraged them completely!


King Jin Wing Xiaopeng's body is tough and unimpeded, standing proudly with a halberd, licking his lips, his eyes are bright: "I am really looking forward to it more and more, the taste of cutting off your head by myself!"

"His head should be taken by me!"

Shengzi Yaoguang also let out a low roar, his body was so bright that he was dazzling, as if he was going to fight to death!

King Jin Wing Xiaopeng sneered, and he didn't bother to glance at Shengzi, all his attention was on Lin Feng.

The impatient image of the Son of Shaoguang today is completely different from the gentle and gentle image in the usual days.

However, this change is also in everyone's understanding.

If the person who was slapped was replaced by them, the reaction would be even more violent!

This can be seen from the performances of Saint Son Wanchu and Saint Son Dayan when they were so embarrassed that they almost vomited blood.


The Shengzi Shaking Light turned into a streamer, and Fei flew to the side of Lin Feng, and separated from the Golden Wing Xiaopeng King before and after Lin Feng, with the light in his hands, ready to go.

The two fought back and forth, forming a confrontation in an instant!

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