Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 197: Fist breaks the sword and step on Xiaopeng King!

In the dazzling world of sword light, Lin Feng lingered all over, with golden glow bursting out, closed his eyes and meditated.

The whole body surged like a tide, the sword energy strong enough to tear the space, cutting his body, but was completely consumed by the death energy.

Occasionally, a sword aura that was sharp enough to break through the death aura fell on his physical body, but it only aroused a spark, leaving no trace.

The sword qi storm was raging in the space, and the laughter of the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King came from the periphery, revealing arrogance and wildness, as if the winning ticket was in hand.

Lin Feng's heart is not waved, and he allows him to attack in every possible way, only to use the divine consciousness strengthened by the immortal mark, expand and extend all the way, until it covers the inside and outside of the enchantment.

He saw the arrogances watching the battle on the edge of the barrier, and also saw the expressions on their faces that were happy, relieved, relaxed, or regretful.

Most people hope that he will die in the hands of King Golden Wing Xiaopeng. After all, without Lin Feng, a terrifying opponent who overlooks the world, the road to invincibility will inevitably be much smoother.

It is a pity that their vision is too shallow to see how far and unreachable the real road is.

Lin Feng's line of sight came outside the barrier.

The frenzied wave of alien beasts continued, several Tianjiao were buried in this disaster, and a few sporadic Tianjiao were still escaping outward.

But in the center of this chaotic battlefield, Shengzi Yaoguang was holding a black magic weapon in his hand and was scanning the surroundings indifferently.

Under his feet, the blood gathered into a pool of water, and the fleshy foam floated under the feet of the alien beast, but no creature dared to take a step closer to him.

A powerful Nine Aperture Stone Man, the most terrifying existence in this wave of strange beasts, could only be thousands of feet away, watching the Yaoguang Shengzi Shi Wei faintly, and did not dare to approach it.

Lin Feng clearly felt a resonance, which originated from the throbbing of a powerful heart.

He seemed to be aware of something.

In the depths of the Undead Mountain, a terrifying will that made the avenue tremble, the space buzzed, and the heavens and the earth faded, seemed to be affected, and was slowly waking up.

And the source of all abnormalities is the Son of Shaking.

At this moment, his eyebrows were filled with aura, refining and absorbing the mysterious energy in the pool of blood, and in turn transmitted the ripples that made the Undead Mountain vibrate.

Suddenly, Yaoguang Shengzi raised his hand and tugged, a blood arrow was suddenly stirred up in the pool of blood, and it disappeared to the horizon with a swish.

After a while, the blood arrow returned again, but it penetrated the head of a great teacher and brought him to the face of Yaoguang Shengzi like a skewer.

Yaoguang Shengzi looked indifferent, dragged the corpse in front of him, with the majestic divine power in his hands, and opened his mouth slightly.


A burst of powerful suction!

The next moment, this tragic death of the Great Teacher's child, his body instantly melted, everything he possessed was transformed into the source and essence, and was refining alive, and finally absorbed by the Shaking Son.

"Sky-swallowing magic power!" Lin Feng's heart moved slightly.

Shaoguang Shengzi, like Hua Yunfei, was selected as the "inheritor" of Ruthless Emperor Dao Fa by the mysterious power in the sacred place.

Lin Feng knew this well.

Hua Yunfei had been killed by him, and the destiny of the son of Yaoguang had also changed. The movement caused by this was far beyond his expectations.

"After all, it has affected normal history, but the changes in shaking light are too big..." Lin Feng secretly said.

The mind turned to the vision of spiritual consciousness again.

Yaoguang Shengzi's breath began to become unstable, but at the same time it also became stronger.

His eyes were shining violently, and it calmed down after a while, and returned to the darkness as deep as a starry night, with the Milky Way hanging upside down inside, and like the time flow, revealing an indescribable vagueness.

Mobilizing the power of the pool of blood, he once again inspired the mark on his eyebrows, looked at a few vague shadows in the barrier, locked one of them, and that was the reflection of Jiang Yifei.

The horrible waves from the depths of the Undead Mountain became more and more obvious, and the strange color on his face became thicker and thicker.

After swallowing several Tianjiao one after another, the realm of Yaoguang Saint Child has risen several steps, but he is still calm, no longer talking as much as before, silent like the night.

I have to say that in order to attract all the arrogances to the bait, his acting skills are impeccable.

As a Tianjiao among Tianjiao, his mind is like a demon, and his every move reveals the confidence to control the overall situation. As if the world is also stepped on by him, he can make all living beings convincing even though he does not speak!

"This is the real you." Lin Feng sneered in his heart.

During this period of time, the shining breath continued to rise, the tremor from the pool of blood also became intense, and the ripples passed layer by layer, and finally reached the depths of the Undead Mountain.


Suddenly he stunned, passing by the audience, ethereal and hard to find!

It seemed that the immortal strong man who had been sleeping for countless years sighed now.

Through the ages of eternity.

At this moment, no matter it is inside or outside the barrier, everyone's hearts are throbbing!

"Sure enough, there is a great horror in the Immortal Mountain!" a big teacher exclaimed.

Yaochi Shengzi also showed a panic: "Friends of Taoism, I think we should withdraw!"

The Purple Mansion Saint Child frowned: "Now it’s not a question of whether to withdraw or not. It is a question of whether or not to withdraw. After Yaoguang Shengzi was thrown out, the enchantment here has not been lifted. You can see the previous state. , Even if we join forces, we can't break the barrier!"

"Is there really no other way?"

Someone looked embarrassed: "We really have to wait for them to finish before we have a chance to escape. Isn't this too passive?!"

A little bit of anger and pessimism spread quickly, and the Tianjiao began to riot, and their lives were involuntary, which would naturally make everyone uneasy.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Yifei calmly said: "The more this situation is, the more we have to be calm. Since the barrier can't be broken, let's wait for Lin Feng to come out. Since he dared to break into the Undead Mountain alone, he must be sure to go out. You can ask him for help!"

As soon as this statement came out, several Tianjiao sneered or sarcastically said:

"What did Jiang brother think? Waiting for Lin Feng to come out? I'm afraid we can only wait for a cold corpse until the end!"

"Hehe, Lin Feng looks like a hard stubble, but he was buried with a sword by the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King. Now I don't know his life or death, do you still expect him to save us?"

"Forget it, it is better to ask King Xiaopeng to ask Lin Feng, or wait for him to kill Lin Feng, negotiate with him, let him lead us to break the barrier, find a way out according to the original plan, and get out of this terrible place as soon as possible!"

"It makes sense. Lin Feng is dead. I can't count on it. King Xiaopeng is so powerful that he might be able to lead us out!"

The words filled with ridicule spread, and the sages of Zifu and the sages of Yaochi nodded, agreeing with everyone's thoughts.

Jiang Yifei didn't speak anymore, he rarely showed a compassionate gaze, and swept past the Tianjiao present.

Only he knows how strong Lin Feng is.

What he thought in his heart, let alone the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King, even if he was able to make a move, he might not be able to keep him!

"Brother Lin, don't play anymore, the existence in the Immortal Mountain is our biggest threat..." Jiang Yifei sighed secretly.

howl! ! !

Outside the barrier, alien beasts riot!

Lin Feng looked over, but saw that the pool of blood at the feet of Shengzi Shaoguang had flowed all the way across the battlefield, covering nearly a hundred feet of land!

The horrible aura became clearer and clearer, and even the arrogances in the connection world were also aware of it, but because they didn't understand it, they were faced with a look of surprise.

At this moment, Shengzi Shaoguang finally showed excitement on his face, and there was a sense of madness in his eyes. He still used methods to show the talents of Tianjiao, manipulated the blood to spread, and the eyebrows were marked by a burst of light, and he kept murmuring a little. The words of machine ambition.

However, he didn't know that Lin Feng had already seen all his actions, words and deeds.

"It's time, I can't let him do this anymore!"

Lin Feng settled down, opened his eyes abruptly, pierced two divine lights, and directly blasted the sword energy storm through the two gaps!

"What?!" Jin Wing Xiaopeng King's face was The surrounding Tianjiao were also disturbed. They all looked together, but saw the overbearing young man in the storm, gently raised his left hand, Go ahead!

boom! ! !

Everyone was shocked by the deafening cracking sound.

This mighty one hundred and eight thousand swords were actually exploded by Lin Feng with the power of the flesh!

The smoke and dust dissipated, Lin Feng showed his true face, his face was calm, his body was full of golden light, but it was like a **** descending to the earth.

He raised his foot and stepped out, spanning a distance of hundreds of feet, and directly kicked the stunned Golden-winged Xiaopeng King into the air!


The eyes of the arrogances widened. At this moment, the sound of swallowing saliva was endless!

Lin Feng was indifferent, stepped on King Xiaopeng, suppressed him to the ground, and said, "If you don't want to die, come here."

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