Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 200: Calculate! The supreme will comes!

"Friend Lin!"


   Zifu Shengzi and Tianjiao stepped forward, and said, "Please forgive me for the unpleasantness of the past, but now we are at a loss for internal and external troubles and disasters. We have nothing to do. Only you can break the deadlock!"


   One after another, fiery eyes came, all expressing ardent feelings.


   On the one hand, there is an unpredictable terrorist crisis, on the other hand, the hope that everyone can rely on most. In the life and death, the complicated sentiment towards Lin Feng in the past has disappeared at this moment.


   is quite ironic!


   "Continue to attack." Lin Feng said lightly.


   Everyone was puzzled and looked at each other.


Lin Feng did not express his position, and they naturally did not know Lin Feng's plan, but there was no weak person in the Tianjiao present, and they knew that Lin Feng would also have to get out of this dangerous place no matter how he kept his hands, he would not take his own life. joke.


   "I understand, Fellow Dao Lin!" The Son of the Purple Mansion arched his hands solemnly, randomly returning to his original position without saying a word, and attacking the constantly solidified center of the enchantment.


   The Tianjiao was speechless, and they all saluted Lin Feng, and then rushed to the place of the Son of the Purple Mansion to help him attack the enchantment fiercely.


   Under such a tense atmosphere, the attack of Shengzi Shaoguang came again, still with that majestic aura, shining with the dazzling light of Tianyu.


   When all the Tianjiao perceive the danger, they all show a look of surprise, but they don't know whether it is a temptation or an attack this time!




   A burst of air-breaking sound suddenly exploded in the field, shocking everyone's eyes!


   saw a cloud of misty gray mist appearing above the Styx River, revealing a sense of sorrow and death, and knowing how to face the wind, it soon expanded to the point where it covered the sky and covered the sun!


   "Lin Feng made a move!"


   "What a pure death spirit is this, when did Lin Feng turn to practice the way of life and death?!"


   "I have never seen him perform this trick!"


   "Could it be that this is what he gained in the Undead Mountain?!"


   All Tianjiao's hearts throbbed wildly, without turning his eyes, wanting to witness the collision of this vast death spirit and the Holy Light technique.


   But when the two were about to come into contact, they heard a cold snort from outside the barrier.


   The next moment, the dazzling cluster of light that broke into the enchantment and attacked the heavenly arrogance suddenly exploded, spreading out into stars in the sky, densely attached to the huge cloud of dead air!


   "The guy who shakes the light is cheating again!" Everyone can see clearly, it is clear that they have deceived them once before to supplement the holy light used to suppress the magic weapon of the enchantment.


   But soon, the fact slapped them in the face again!


   Boom! ! !


   A violent explosion roared, and an endless storm of divine power swept across the entire Styx area. Some of the children of the Great Teacher were caught off guard, caught in the storm, and turned back and forth in the hurricane of wild hunting!


   "Isn't it fake?!" Everyone was amazed.


   The source of the explosion comes from the countless star points attached to the dead gas cloud. Together, these seemingly harmless gadgets with gleaming light can actually arouse divine power and cause great destructive power!


   "How can there be true or false? The Holy Light technique transforms its power at will. It has long been superbly transformed by the Son of Shaking Light." Lin Feng shook his head.


   Use death aura to resist the holy light, the loss is not large, a large amount of holy light explodes, but it only slightly reduces the area of ​​the death aura cloud.


   But Yaoguang Shengzi's strength is indeed unfathomable.


   Holy Light Technique is not the method used by the Shake Light Saint Child, the invisible magic power of swallowing the sky is his most terrifying trump card.


   Lin Feng also got the inheritance of Heaven-Swallowing Magic Skill through signing in, but he didn't use it frequently.


   This is not because the occasion is not suitable or what, but because he deeply understands that following the way of others, he will not be able to become an immortal emperor after all and open up his own world.


   Besides, Shengzi Shaoguang is the inheritor of the Immortal Heavenly Art. He was born to suppress the Heaven-swallowing Magic Art. Before Hua Yunfei died, he tried to break the fate of becoming a **** food countless times.


   Regardless of whether the Heaven-Swallowing Demon's function makes Chaos Body or not, Lin Feng actually doesn't care about it.


   He owns the supreme body, and after he grows up, he will be able to look at the fairy king. Having the chaos body is just the icing on the cake, just to verify another way.


   "Shaking the Son of Light!"


   "If you still don't get rid of the barrier, you want to trap me, it's unrighteous!"


   "Quickly give way to retreat, the gap between us and Lin Feng has been closed, we should join hands to overcome the crisis, don't be arrogant!"


   "If you are obsessed with not understanding, you are not afraid of the wind leaking, and all the holy places will hold you accountable?!"


In the    Tianjiao camp, almost all of them were shouting to Yaoguang Shengzi, with good words to persuade them, and threats to threaten them, and some even moved out of the forces behind them to put pressure on them.


   But these words came out like a stone into the sea, without arousing the slightest splash, let alone any response.


   Everyone even became a little suspicious, there are really living people outside, can they be unimpeded in the tide of alien beasts, and can still manipulate the enchantment?


   Boom! ! !


   Holy Light does not deceive.


   A continuous group of bright lights interrupted the voice of questioning, and once again invaded the enchantment, wanting to attack the arrogance of heaven!


   "Friends of Lin Dao!" The children of the famous Great Teacher shouted for help urgently.


   Actually, there is no need for him to say much. Lin Feng has already seen it through and waved his hand lightly.




  The explosion sound at the edge of the barrier corresponds to the roar of the center of the barrier symphony.


   On the one hand, there is the non-stop attack of the Yaoguang Shengzi, and on the other hand, the movement of the heavenly arrogances attacking the enchantment.


   And Lin Feng stood alone on the Styx, always sensing the unstable will outside the barrier, the black vortex at the center of his eyebrows was spinning at an extremely fast speed, faintly reflecting a bleak white light and shadow.


   "It's been so long, what you have to wait for should come..." Lin Feng muttered silently in his heart.


   The noisy battlefield, the roar of the alien beasts, under the chaotic world, no one noticed that a will to shock the soul is coming towards Styx.


   "Get out of the way." Lin Feng's faint voice suddenly echoed in the field.


   All Tianjiao stopped their hands at the same time, looking at the white-clothed divine shadow above the Styx.


I only saw Lin Feng shrouded in endless coercion, his whole body exuding dazzling golden light, the blood-colored bitter sea set off stormy waves, the supreme bones and blood screamed, the whole person's breath continued to rise, and a little bit of it made everyone's breathing fast, as if they were caught Heaven and earth suppression!


   Lin Feng had no joy or sorrow on his face, and slowly raised his hand, facing the mysterious magic weapon that emitted divine light in the center of the barrier.


   "What does he want to do?" Everyone has a question But Jiang Yifei's eyes are clear and brighter!


   Outside the barrier, Shengzi Yaoguang noticed the terrifying divine power fluctuations in the barrier, stopped the urging of the Holy Light technique, and his face was calm: "Are you finally willing to do it..."


   Boundless darkness, unknown disaster.


   Under the breathless atmosphere, Lin Feng pointed at the center of the barrier, raised his finger, and tapped it lightly.


   In an instant, the breath of heaven and earth was chaotic!


   The rules of Undead Mountain are shaking!


  The enchantment felt as if it had received an extremely violent impact, and it shook violently along with the black mountains carrying the power!


   Rocks collapsed, space burst!


   Everyone stared in amazement, facing the spectacular scene in front of them, they were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked, and they couldn't speak for a while...

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