Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 208: Chaos storm, headless knight chased and killed!

"He's crazy!"

"This is like a mayfly shaking a tree, and a man's arm as a car!"

"Does he know how terrifying the headless knight is?!"

"Just to prove it to Brother Lin Dao, isn't he a coward... He did it, but it's a pity that he has to trade death in exchange!"

In the distance, the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King moths slew towards the Headless Horseman. This amazing scene unfolded, and all the arrogant people suddenly exclaimed and sang and screamed continuously!

But Lin Feng was staring at the headless knight who had been silent all the time, secretly accumulating his strength, and aroused an object in the sea of ​​suffering.


King Golden Wing Xiaopeng was desperate, urging the secret method to turn all the essence of his body into a source of divine power. With the action of slamming the sky like a meteor, it suddenly manifested its true body!

Everyone saw a shining treasure mountain in the sky, and a huge golden-winged roc bird appeared outrageously, flapping its wings lightly, and then rolled up the boundless gust of wind, screaming up to the sky, shaking the wasteland!

But the headless knight at this moment is still unwavering, seeming to completely ignore the huge momentum in front of him.

No one can understand what the headless knight is thinking, and no one knows how strong the headless knight is.

But judging from its overwhelming aura when it comes out on the stage, this supernatural power is enough to kill everyone present!

Absolutely better than Da Neng!

It is the supreme existence that all Tianjiao feels powerless, unable to resist, and unreachable in his heart!

boom! ! !

A bang exploded, and a flash of light suddenly appeared.

No one saw clearly how the headless horseman made the move, but only saw that after the flash exploded, the wings of the golden-winged big peng bird were annihilated!


Duan De swallowed fiercely: "This fierce birdman can't even handle this headless monster?!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Lin Feng, only to find that the latter suddenly disappeared without knowing when.

All the arrogances also reacted, their expressions changed drastically, and they searched around, fearing that Lin Feng, a powerful patron, would be missing!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There is another burst of explosions!

The air wave swept in from far away, and was finally blocked by the invisible barrier, causing violent ripples on the surface!

The power of this combat even made the entire enchantment tremble. Who would have thought that this is just a handwork of the headless knight's mind!

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng King went tragically, but he got tragic and tragic. Its main body's wings were shaken by life, and its body was as brilliant as golden feathers in the blazing sun. fall.

When he died desperately, he only kept his soul immortal. After all, he was beaten back to his original shape, and he fell back with bruises and bruises.

The headless horseman did not pursue, and the mount under him slowly turned the target, straight to the sky above the enchantment.

The next moment, it moved.

Seems like the footprints of a nightmare, cut through the sky!

The headless knight shook slightly, and the surrounding undead mountain rules burst instantly. The space here collapsed, and all the powers of the four directions flowed back!

Black light flashed, forming a chaotic vortex at the source of the enchantment above!

The ripples have never stopped.

"It's now!"

Lin Feng appeared, and Zhong Tianjiao raised his head in astonishment, but saw that he had fallen into the high sky of the enchantment, where there was a storm created by a headless horseman and also contained an unknown terrorist crisis.

But he did not step back, let alone hesitate at all, the mark on his forehead flashed, and a divine seal suddenly appeared on the top of his head!

Kowloon Hongmeng Purple Seal!

"What is he going to do?" Zhong Tianjiao was shocked.

The Son of the Purple Mansion took a step forward, showing purple energy in his hand, fainting the turbulence of spiritual power that hit all around, allowing the picture to be clearly displayed in front of everyone.

That was a storm of divine power entanglement, emperor prestige overflowing, and lifeless chaos!

On the black iron clothes of the headless horseman, a mottled scene was reflected-it was a black spear, pointing to the sky and the earth!

The rules of the Undead Mountain were trembling, he stopped, did not continue to move, but all the spearheads of the Qi machine undoubtedly escaped into the center of the enchantment, the extremely powerful imperial soldier!

Yaoguang Shengzi presides over the black gold tripod with a dragon pattern and suppresses the enchantment.

Even if there are so many calamities to add to his body, he still acts calmly and looks like he doesn't eat the fireworks in the world.

There are not many people in this world who can enter the eyes of his Dharma.

At this moment, the jade seal on the head, the footsteps of the mountains and rivers, suppress all disorder-Lin Feng, the most eye-catching performance!

Absolutely, he is the most important fateful opponent in his mind!

"It's a pity that you can see through it again." Yaoguang Shengzi cherishes the words like gold, which seems to be his original appearance.

Lin Feng casually dispelled the oncoming divine power chaos, and said lightly: "Your trick is too clumsy."

"No, you should thank me in advance." Shengzi Shaoguang shook his head and waved his hand lightly, and he shot out a powerful spell, the light burst into the storm, turned into a chaotic tide, and attacked again: "I laid the enchantment, and at the same time Remove the poison from the four medicinal fields, and they will be fine."

"What's the matter with me?" Lin Feng's eyes were calm, like Gu Tan, but the corner of his mouth raised a smile: "Don't you really think that I would be so kind?"

"It doesn't matter."

Shaoguang Shengzi held the black gold cauldron with the dragon pattern in his hand, muttered a few words in a low voice, and the **** mark on the center of his eyebrows began to shine, contrasting with the black vortex on the center of Lin Feng's eyebrows, very weird.

"You can't escape."

The cold words came out, but only Lin Feng could hear them.

In fact, the endless storm condensed above makes the energy such as divine power and aura become violent, disorderly, and difficult to control.

A crowd of Tianjiao was still able to recognize people at first, but now, those with enhanced pupil technique can barely see the three shadows above, which are constantly changing.

The sound of words was drowned out by the roar of the explosion of divine power, and became the scraps of a burst of condensing storms.

Shengzi Yaoguang has always been indifferent, and seems to have known the Headless Horseman in advance, and will never attack at this time, so he brazenly raised the noise.

An extremely arrogant remark, spoken from the mouth of Yaoguang Shengzi, seemed extraordinarily natural, as if he was very confident, and was fully prepared.

But even so, Lin Feng is not afraid!

The reason why he dared to take the big risk to fight is because he has already seen through the disguise of Shaoguang Shengzi, and he used the Golden Winged Xiaopeng King to attract attention, and blasted into the hiding place of Shaoguang Shengzi and the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns.

On the other hand, he also relied on full courage and bold speculation to basically understand the abnormal performance of the Headless Horseman.

This is a wandering soul that used to be powerful and boundless but is now so mutilated that only obsessions remain.

Seeing Lin Feng not speaking, Shaoguang Shengzi said: "You give up, it's useless to struggle, you are destined to be my **** food on the road."

"Ji Dao imperial weapon, and this guy, are all the cards you used to turn over?" Lin Feng ignored, but a mocking smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I will take your part and set foot on the top of the stars."

Shaoguang Shengzi is no longer nonsense, the blood gushing from the mark on the eyebrows, like a waterfall of blood, spilled around the headless knight in the middle of the storm.

In an instant, the world trembled!

The former supreme was decapitated, and his immortal destiny is redeemed today.

At this moment, the headless horseman turned around, underneath his stone horse and raising his hooves, he stepped out of the four wilds.

Step by step, the space collapsed in front of him, and the storms along the way turned into nothingness, but he ignored him and went straight to Lin Feng!

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