Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 212: Fearless capital shocks the crowd, a man of troubled times!

The latest website: The sky is full of heroes, and the mighty power is overwhelming the world, the strong are facing each other, and the invisible smoke spreads.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Countless gazes all looked at the young man who looked like a **** in the sky.

Lin Feng smiled very freely, his eyes were deep and cold, and the words he said made the pupils of those high-ranking big men tremble.

"Who do you think you are?"

This voice full of contempt caused the opposing Lord Shaking Light to tremble slightly, and his heart was full of indescribable absurd feelings.

But the holy lord is still holy lord after all. After experiencing many ups and downs, his joy and anger are out of shape. He slowly raised his head, and Yu Guang faintly led to the scene on the side of Jiang's Holy Land, and then he said every word: "Zhuzi, so courageous!"

Without any sign, a holy light suddenly fell from the sky, and the brilliance illuminated the mountains where the heads were shaking, and also reflected the indifferent coldness that flashed in the eyes of the Shaking Holy Master.

That holy light seemed to come from nine days, with endless colorful flowers, rolling thousands of miles of wind and cloud!

In the end, it engulfed a terrifying power level coercion, and the power of the avenue's rules was guided down, and it crashed on top of Lin Feng's head!

The big power level strikes the killer!

Suddenly there were exclamations!

Time seems to be very slow and very slow at this moment.

On the ground, the countless ordinary monks watching the battle widened their eyes in slow motion. They were obviously caught off guard by this sudden change.

In the major sacred camps, the elders showed shocked expressions, while the holy masters frowned slightly and looked indifferent, silently glanced at the location of Jiang Taixu.

And the Tianjiao who followed Lin Feng to rush out of the Undead Mountain, at this moment actually performed the most calm.

They have experienced too many dangers in the Undead Mountain. This man who is like a **** is always able to perform miracles. What will it be like this time?

The result is not important anymore. The important thing is that they all know that even if it is a Saint-Master level powerhouse, if they want to kill Lin Feng, there is no absolute certainty, I am afraid it is not enough.

On the other side, Jiang Yun also turned his head abruptly and looked at Jiang Taixu, but saw that the latter was still closing his eyelids slightly, and there was divine light in the gap.

He still looks like he has no sorrow or joy. There is nothing in the world that can move his heart. At this moment, it seems that he doesn't care about the move of Shaking the Holy Lord.

Someone was waiting to see the joke, ecstatic.

Some people were worried and shocked.

But in any case, the result that the Shaking Lord saw was that Jiang Taixu, who was most afraid of him, did not make a move, so he turned this temptation blow directly into a killer move, even if he was holding a try. As long as Lin Feng is killed on the spot, it is not a loss.

It was Lin Feng who provoked wildly and killed him, even if it was Jiang Taixu, he couldn't fault him!

The slow time returned to normal, and the noise in the heart of the Shaking Lord became more and more heavier. He controlled the holy light to smash the sky, and was about to submerge Lin Feng in the torn of the avenue!

But Lin Feng, who was on the opposite side, still looked like he was not afraid of the sky, even though the mighty force squeezed his body, he still dared to laugh wildly!

The holy light flooded in, and countless people watching the battle held their breath, and some even shook their heads too lazy to watch.

The powerful and powerful shot at the four-polar cultivator, and the strength of the world is different, and the result, needless to say.


In the next moment, Lin Feng's behavior shocked their jaws!


The crisp bone cracking sounded suddenly.

Under the overwhelming shining light, this movement was abrupt, but it also seemed so insignificant.

But it was this sound that made the Holy Master Shaking Light frown, shaking his sleeves abruptly, and dragging the Holy Light on top of Lin Feng's head.

Everyone stared at him again, but saw Lin Feng holding up the half-dead Son of Shaking Light, and clasping the latter's head with his big hands.

There were obvious depressions in the temples on both sides of Shengzi Yaoguang, and the sound of cracking bones was due to the twisting of the force.

"Come on." Lin Feng smiled more and more presumptuously: "The peak's holy light technique is very bluffing, I would like to see if it is you or me!"

Shengzi Yaoguang gritted his teeth, his pale face was extremely cold.

Countless eyes shot on his embarrassed posture. Although he didn't care, he didn't feel embarrassed for a moment, and wanted to kill Lin Feng like this!

The Shaking Light Lord looked indifferent, the Holy Light technique did not fall in his hands for a long time, and the radiant light hanging above Lin Feng's head at this moment vividly brought out Lin Feng's fearlessness and pride!

It's more like a mocking joke!

"My God, is he not afraid in the face of mighty power?!"

"Who in our generation has this courage!"

"This son, it's a real hero!"

Everyone was stunned, and couldn't help looking at the confronting two sides.

Even some holy bishops, seeing this scene, had to sigh secretly: "The catastrophe is approaching, this son will become a troubled king!"

At this moment, the air was freezing, only Lin Feng dared to sneer with his head up.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?" Shaking the Holy Master's hand moved slightly, his eyes bright and uncertain.

Lin Feng curled his lips and shook his head and said: "I really dare to do it early, I really don't know what you are talking about."

When the words fell, the Lord Shaoguang couldn't control his expression anymore, and his elongated complexion was almost dripping with water.

He looked at Shengzi Yaoguang, and sighed in his heart: If it hadn't been for the great secrets in his body, he couldn't be regarded as an abandoned child now, he had already done it, and directly destroyed the arrogant Lin Feng!

"Brother Lin Dao, can I leave later?"

Suddenly, a student of a great teacher gave Lin Feng a message, fearing that he might misunderstand him, he also added: "I am not afraid of the old man, but I want to explain to my father that the truth is revealed. This move will put pressure on the Holy Land of Shaking Light. , Help Brother Lin Dao!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. After a group of Tianjiao who had been ready to move, after looking at each other, they all turned into Changhong and flew towards their respective camps.

The Lord Shaking Light didn't stop, he just kept staring at Lin Feng, his slightly moving hand seemed to outline something, faintly moving the change of space.

On the other hand, after the return, the Tianjiao all described to their elders a complete description of the undead mountain experience. Some Tianjiao even pointed out Lin Feng's many feats of saving them. There are many hints in their words.

The masters of the archbishops did not change their expressions after hearing this, but there was a lot of trouble in their hearts.

All of a sudden, the big men learned the truth one after another, and they talked together in a tacit way.

They didn't have any intention of repaying the favors they owed to the descendants and Lin Feng, but the abnormal behavior of the Son of Shaoguang in the Immortal Mountain seemed to let them catch something!


Suddenly, the holy masters of the various sacred places and several leaders of the Eastern Wilderness Great Sect flew out together, blocking the middle of Lin Feng and the Shaking Lord.

This change left a crowd of spectators unclear.

"What do you mean?" The Lord Shaoguang asked lightly, having to put away the secret technique that he had accumulated for a long time.

All of these holy masters looked indifferent and had a clear attitude.

The Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Wanchu first said: "We have some questions about the Undead Mountain and our group, and we need your son to answer!"

The Holy Master of the Holy Land of the Purple Mansion is more direct: "You proposed the previous rules, but you were the one who did the hands and feet. It's too ugly for you to shake the food of the Holy Land?"

When the words fell, an unnoticeable cold light flashed in the eyes of the Shaking Lord, but at this moment, he did not dare to move rashly.

It was not the pressure that these holy masters put on him, but the ethereal shadow that suddenly appeared in the field, which caused him to lose all his sneaky hearts.

"Shake it." Jiang Taixu said lightly, "I want an explanation too."

In an instant, everyone was silent.

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