Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 230: Massacre the heavens, Huang Tiandi is crazy!

At this moment, everything faded, and the three quasi-immortal emperors shook together, and even Shi Hao showed a look of surprise.

Who could have imagined that such a variable would appear in this time-distorting opening battle!

"If you intervene in the battle of this generation, aren't you afraid of being contaminated with great cause and effect?!" The emperor Yu, who was blasted to his body, did not dare to fight back easily. Like Cangdi Hongdi, he could not guess Lin Feng's feet and strength. At this moment He spoke in a deep voice, turbulent everywhere, as if he was cautious.

Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong, including Shi Hao, every creature who fought over the long river of time was shocked, and they all waited for the existence that opened the sky and the world to appear, and get a glimpse of its true appearance.

But when this word came out, there was no response unexpectedly. It seemed that after the death of the **** axe, its manipulator was quietly submerged in the years, and could no longer sense the slightest movement.

"The variable breath has disappeared." Hongdi frowned and whispered.

"That axe just now, wouldn't it be the emperor's aura..." Cang Emperor's face was filled with surprise.

"No, it's still in the category of the quasi-emperor. Perhaps the rising stars of later generations rushed to help, but it's a powerful horror." Emperor Yu sacrificed his soul, condensed his body, and said in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, would you like to show up to help us kill the darkness?" Shi Hao shouted.

The voice spread through the boundless sea, the ups and downs of waves, but still did not get any response.

One after another creatures were disappointed. They were all hidden in the darkness. They continued their battles. They seemed to be a glimpse of the astounding. The brilliant meteor, leaving only a brief moment of excitement, disappeared and disappeared, and there was still no light under the sky. .

"Very well, it seems to be a horrible shock." Emperor Yu sneered, his face regained his previous indifference, proudly scorning all beings, he was still the immortal existence that controlled the darkness.

Cang Emperor’s eyes were shining, and he still did not relax his vigilance. He suddenly opened his hands, and the world burst in his arms. Countless worlds seemed to be drawn and pulled in one after another. The time was restless, and the dark earth rose and flickered. The stars, intertwined with a hazy dark shadow.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Hong looked at Shi Hao and smiled even more: "It seems that no one can help you before and after time."

Shi Hao ignored him and paid a painful price. After exiling Huo Ling'er and Meng Tianzheng, he had no worries anymore, his eyes were only on the dark earth that moved, as if he had thought of something, coldly called out the law pool and turned towards him. The Cang Emperor who was brewing the unknown attacked and left!


Emperor Hong appeared in front of Emperor Cang and blocked Shi Hao’s attack. His whole body was tumbling, all of which was the blood obtained from the dark people. The purple air enveloped him and turned into armor, resisting the offensive, and constantly The death curse suppressed Shi Hao, his face was indifferent, but his eyes were murderous!


Shi Hao roared, the fire of the primordial spirit was burning, and the true spirit was undergoing transformation, raising his hand to explode Hongdi's purple armor, overturning his life!

"It's interesting!" The Emperor Hong was blasted off, just a little embarrassed, but he didn't have a serious problem. Standing on the sky of the sea, on the top of the world, he did not continue to pounce, but the seal evolves the heavens and the magic. Long-range bombardment of Shi Hao!

Shi Hao spotted Emperor Cang, ignoring the others, waved his hand again, a bone crown and a bone stick appeared beside him, emitting the brilliant light of Quasi-Xiandi Emperor, holding these two ancient artifacts of origin, he bombarded Emperor Cang. To stand up to the tide of law, interrupt its action!

"Take our token to cut through the darkness of the world, you are so bold!"

In the middle of the way, another Yu Emperor came out. He carried the soul-burning flames behind him, and the power of the original source emerged from it, and he gave Shi Hao a heavy blow from the side and back!

"Puff--" Both the golden and red blood shot out and fell on the sky of the galaxy. The power of the source turned into a bit of starlight, covering Shi Hao's body, making the heavens of the ten thousand realms feel his pain.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth, and even if he hurt the true spirit, he still hardened it, igniting two ancient artifacts of origin, and the burst of origin power forced Yu Emperor to retreat.

But Emperor Yu was still reluctant, and with a sneer, he called out the dilapidated nine-color fairy golden chariot, broke through time, smashed the years, and slammed it down, the world roared, and finally suppressed the offensive, and Shi Hao was forced to retreat!

At this moment, the unknown brewing by Emperor Cang also revealed the mystery.

The stars that rise and fall in the dark earth are actually the souls of dark people one after another.

They were originally innocent, affected by the source, and their will was not controlled. The Emperor Cang sacrificed them to conjure a real killer!


The black shadows that were held up, through the evolution of the power of the law, finally revealed their true appearances. They were all hideous and ancient altars, connected to each other, resonating, and inspiring endless brilliance!

"This is..." Shi Hao was startled, and after seeing the scene before him, monstrous anger burned in his chest!

In the void, black chains stretched out one after another, pulling out the temples that led to them.

These towering mountains-like buildings broke open roads, causing time to flow, and the other end of the boundary sea was forcibly summoned, and countless worlds were forcibly torn out, and finally landed in this world.

Countless creatures are howling miserably in the world. The Emperor Cang has no expression on his face and took the seal, playing with the rules and order, burning the world with flames that can burn the true spirit of the immortal king, and offering a powerful sacrifice. Make Shi Hao feel the pain of heartbreaking!

In time, the world that Shi Hao was born and experienced was shattered one after another in the hands of Emperor Cang. Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu guarded both sides, blocking the impact of Shi Hao's life-threatening time and time again, and the roar shook the universe. This moment , It seems that no one can save the fate of darkness.

The clamor of change, the sea of ​​bounds is already covered with blood and corpses, and the blood flow is still not enough to describe the tragic battle of this battle. This is the massacre belonging to the three quasi-immortal emperors, ruthless, cold, and extinct of humanity!

Shi Hao was crazy. He watched all this happen, but he was unable to stop it. His heart was bleeding, tearing, and he was being burned and burned more intensely than the raging fire.

The creatures of each world died out and turned into the dust of the universe.

The Emperor Cang is still doing mercilessly. They have long been out of the scope of ordinary life. At this level, the so-called life is just a tool for supplying blood. As long as they do not die ~ ~ the universe is immortal, they can do it again. Numerous creatures were bred, and all that was consumed was only the time and years that were not worth mentioning to them who were immortal.

Darkness spreads. On the earth where there is no end, only darkness is rising and light is suppressed. This is the carnival of the dark ones. The overall situation has been set. Ye Fan, the Ruthless Emperor, and Wu Shi the Great are all on the battlefield. By this killing that came in advance, time was delayed and the plan was disrupted.

Everything seems to have fallen into despair.

"Is it powerless to return to the sky?" Shi Hao and the Three Emperors smashed into the dark ground, killing everything silently, but they couldn't stop everything from happening.

He hates, he is angry, he is unwilling!

"You all have to die!!!"

Shi Hao went crazy, his reason was drowned in anger, his transformation reached its extreme, and an immortal fetus was born. He stepped into the realm of the immortal emperor with one foot, but stopped in front of the end due to the burning of the fire of the soul.

The fighting power erupted from this made the three emperors look different...

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