Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 248: Teach these sentient beings, don't dare to go against my fate!

   Shi Hao and the eyes of the future law body condensed at the same time.

   Lin Feng moved, he turned his head for the second time, but instead of looking at Shi Hao, he locked his vision and locked the future law body.

   Under the magnificent background of frantic destruction, Lin Feng fell into a loss. At this moment, there was a faint fluorescence in his eyes!

   The immortal immortal imprint, like a bottomless black hole, releases appalling fluctuations to the world, which is stronger and deeper than the corpse immortal emperor who was obsessed with before.

   The uproaring aura and the tenacity against the power of reincarnation symbolize Lin Feng's undefeated and unyielding will.

   He shouted to the heaven and the earth!

   He yelled at Zhou Yu!

   Immortal and immortal!

   Unyielding and undefeated!

   Seeing this in the future, his face was gloomy for a moment, and he stopped talking to Shi Hao, but turned around and concentrated on manipulating the reincarnation oven.


In the future, the hands of the Dharmakaya will be imprinted, and I read it lightly. I don't know what method is being applied. It actually makes the four directions bathe in the reincarnation. The three reincarnation ovens will vibrate, forcibly suppressing its own unstable and destructive aura, and let the reincarnation that breaks the boundaries of time and space. Power, once again dominates!

   But even so, after finishing all of this future law body, his complexion did not return to natural.

He looked at Lin Feng's gaze, slowly becoming bleed, and even locked for a while, the faint fluorescence that appeared in Lin Feng's eyes could not help but mutter: "How come this sign...Is it true that I was in the past The sixth person in that variable?!"

   Some unbelievable self-questions were issued, but not long after, the future law body suddenly sneered again, dispelling his worries on its own.

   "Oh, it's just some ridiculous possibility."

   His eyes drifted slowly and returned to Lin Feng, jokingly: "You, are destined to be my tonic!"

   And just in this arrogant words, the moment they fall.

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   Shocking Zhouyu's explosive sound, abruptly exploded!

   The fluorescence in Lin Feng's eyes violently flickered and stirred into a galaxy, covering the vast world.

   With his tenacious mind, he brazenly broke through the confusion and suppressed aura of destruction. At this moment, he has recovered again, and it has skyrocketed countless!

   Looking at the scene again, Lin Feng's face showed a mocking look at some point.

   He seemed to feel the contempt of the law body in the future, the powerful will in the true spirit, and he was struggling violently.

   pulled down intermittently, and there was a roar that resounded Zhouyu from the battlefield:

   "Emperor Sword!"

   The words fell, a gray light burst out of Lin Feng's body, suddenly turned into a shadow of Lei Hong, and dashed through the sky, leaving a faint star trail behind.

  In an instant, Shi Hao felt that the barrier of reincarnation in front of him and the time blocked by the future law body were thought to be shaken!

   "Useless struggle."

  The eyes of the future Dharma body are as cold as frost, and the connection seal is connected, and the three reincarnation ovens are activated, spraying the flames of the world, and chasing the emperor sword!

   Boom! boom! boom!

In the void of reincarnation, several different forces are colliding fiercely, their prestige is overwhelming, turning into a chaotic storm that fills the universe, the power of reincarnation is intertwined, overturning the long river of time, and making all the rules and order of this world. , Annihilated in the aftermath of terror!

   Upon seeing this, Shi Hao acted decisively, isolating all the storms on the edge of this realm, and protecting the creatures in the sea and even the heavens and all realms.

He saw the gray shadow of the emperor sword, under the chase and interception of the three infinite rays of reincarnation, he stubbornly resisted, poking out a big hole in the barrier of reincarnation, his strength was difficult to maintain, and he finally returned to the battlefield. Among.


   Lin Feng has a sword in his hand, and there is a deep black hole in the center of his eyebrows.

   Such a world-famous posture instantly reminded Shi Hao of the vast divine shadow that flashed above the boundless sky before the corpse immortal emperor madly perished!

   The same immortality is immortal, the same emperor sword cuts the world, how similar between the two!

   "It really gave you a little bit of life."

The voice of the future Law Bodies is like a low roar of the Nine Nether gods and demon: "Unfortunately, even if you use the imprint of the far away person to inspire with the emperor sword, and barely regain your sobriety, you are still following the way of others and cannot truly understand. Self, you can never get rid of the shackles!"

   The words fell, his eyes bloomed with immeasurable light, turning into two fires that burned the world, bursting out an endless aura of destruction!

   "Destroy and reincarnation in the palm of my own hand, these heavens and all paths are inferior!"

   An indifferent word fell, like the judgment of heaven, turned into the supreme imperial realm, and crashed on the battlefield!

   Shi Hao frowned. He couldn't see through this power. He couldn't help but doubt that this is the true power of the future Law Bodies? !

   Lin Feng was the first to bear the brunt. The true spirit was forced out of the terrifying imperial realm, and the reincarnation brand on it flashed violently, but could not resist.




   The immortal imprint on the center of his eyebrows couldn't resist, and it broke into two halves!

   That humble Emperor Sword was then crushed into powder by endless power!

   Lin Feng once again lost his hole card against the future Dharmakaya.

   But he did not intend to give up!

   "Then destroy it."

   Lin Feng laughed wildly, directly revealing all the true spirits, and inspiring the reincarnation brand on it, with detached power, ignoring the imperial realm, bursting out an infinite aura of destruction!

   "No one can trample on my way!

   I want to teach you defeat, no one can resist!

   If I want to teach these sentient beings, don't dare to go against my fate! "

   The sound is like a roar of heaven and earth!

   Shi Hao heard this, his heart suddenly stirred, he seemed to have thought of something, he stared at Lin Feng, whose posture became more and more frantic, his eyes cracked!

   An unprecedented feeling also hit his heart like a raging tide at this moment.

   He can't imagine that Lin Feng is already in desperate situation. Until now, why can he still have the courage and courage to desperately? !

  "You are Shi Hao gritted his teeth and watched the destruction spread in front of him, with just one sentence: "You are destroying this world, and you are also destroying yourself! ! ! "

   The words shook the world and spread far, far away, and all the creatures in the heavens, enveloped by unknown fear, could all be heard clearly.

   But there was no response.

   He saw the face of the future law body, which was unprecedentedly gloomy.

   Shi Hao probably also thought about it, in the current frenzied battle, he is doomed to get no answer.

   This is no longer his fight with Lin Feng.

   This is Lin Feng's battle for true will!

   "You can't turn it over."

   The future Dharma body moves, and he takes a step, that is, he is above the reincarnation of the heavens.

  The realm of Emperor Dao expanded to the entire Universe in an instant, and the whole body of the Law Bodies in the future will radiate even more terrifying power!

   Boom boom boom! ! !

   This eternal time has been penetrated by the power of reincarnation!

   And Lin Feng on the battlefield, at some point, lost all his strength, and was bombarded with a punch in the heart by the future law body!

   Only Shi Hao looked carefully, his pupils shrinking slightly.

  The future Dharmakaya will bear great cause and effect and forcibly break the cycle of the two worlds!


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