Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 253: 2 transactions, God's Domain destroys the world!

     The situation is changing rapidly.

   Once a strong enemy who never died, now he can sit down and negotiate calmly.

   This worldly thing is so ridiculous.

   "Really? It's a pity that I don't believe you!" Facing the attractive conditions put forward by Lin Feng, the Dharmakaya in the future will be ignored, as if he has given up his mind.

   "For the first time, killing you, I won't get any benefit, and some unverifiable doubts will always rot in my heart."

Lin Feng raised his fingers confidently, with a calm expression, and said in a statement of facts: "Secondly, I already have the ability to control reincarnation. Even if I return to the original time and space and the ability is weakened by the system, I can at least guarantee that I will never make the mistakes of today. , So I don’t think you can still show up and become a threat to me.

   Finally, if I let you go, I may be able to get the exact truth, I will clear the biggest doubts in my heart, and get additional benefits at almost zero cost. Which one is more important, I can grasp it, and what kind of person I am, as the future you, is it still unclear? "

  No one knows himself better than himself.

  The light of the future Dharmakaya flashed, and he smiled suddenly: "Indeed, in the face of small risks and big benefits, no matter the past or the future, I will always choose the benefits first."

   "So I think, in the same way, you will not refuse." Lin Feng said lightly.

   "Of course, but I can't control this transaction, so I have to add two conditions."

In the future, the law body was moved, but he did not intend to be like a prisoner. Lin Feng was led by his nose, so he raised his fingers and calmly said: "First, you can only ask three questions; second, after the transaction is completed , Send me back to the samsara where I am."

   "Yes, but the answer I want must be true and correct."

   Lin Feng smiled faintly: "In addition, the previous question is not included in the conditions, you still have to answer it."

   The face of the future Law Body is slightly black: "Deal."

   But at this moment, a blast came from an endless distance, interrupting the conversation between the two of them, and there was a bang, shaking everywhere!

   Lin Feng and the future Dharma body follow the prestige, but he sees Shi Hao carrying the destruction of the world, stepping across the starry sky, and descending on the spot like a god!


   Shi Hao stared at the future law body, his eyes flashing with boundless killing intent: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused me? Pay it with your life!"

After    said, he shook his hands and suddenly exploded a terrifying emperor's prestige!

   But Lin Feng, as the enemy of the future Dharmakaya, looked at him, but he suddenly shot his hand, promptly arousing the power of reincarnation, and enshrining that Emperor's prestige into nothingness.

   "What do you mean?!" Shi Hao narrowed his eyes.

   Seeing the enemy who had fought hard before, but now he is living in peace, his eyelids are open and closed, and he suddenly reveals an extremely dangerous aura.

   Lin Feng had no doubts, the next moment, Shi Hao would go violently, and directly attack him and the future Law Bodies indiscriminately!

   After all, he is the invincible Huangtian emperor in this generation.

   Lin Feng still has a calm expression on his face. Obviously he is not afraid, but he is also unwilling to let the conflict and misunderstanding escalate and disturb his transaction.

   He looked at Shi Hao, only calmly said: "All things have been resolved."

   "But this guy is not dead yet!"

Shi Hao sneered, and pointed to the destruction of the world above his head: "There is also this shattering thing that holds the power of reincarnation, unless the caster dies, otherwise the power of the highest emperor's way in this realm can't shake a bit, it can only be transferred! "

   Lin Feng shook his head, and withdrew the power of reincarnation smoothly, so that the surrounding area was no longer shielded: "Can't you see it? He has no threat."

   Shi Hao was slightly startled. At this moment, he discovered the powerful spiritual consciousness, only to find that the state and aura of the future law body, indeed, as Lin Feng said, both fell to the bottom, and no longer the previous strong gaze, there is no threat to him.

   He couldn't help but glanced at Lin Feng, a little surprised, but quickly recovered as before, saw the clues, and asked, "You won't kill him?"

   "Strictly speaking, yes."

   Lin Feng glanced at the future law body, and the other party responded with a cold snort. He ignored it and said, "He is still useful to me."

   "This is not an excuse for you to stay here."

Shi Hao's eyes kept killing intent, and his expression became worse and worse: "He played us and tried to destroy this world. He wanted to return all good fortune to the ruins. This sin is unforgivable. And you, you stay here for one more second, and I feel it in my heart. Be more angry, I hope you can cherish our previous friendship that we fought side by side, let alone try to challenge my bottom line of patience!"

Lin Feng sighed when he heard the words, knowing that this matter could not be circumvented easily, so he could only calmly said: "I think it is not that there is no room for change. Maybe I can help you again to offset the unnecessary conflict. "

   "Do you think I still need your help?" Shi Hao grinned.

   With a slight movement in his mind, Huang Tiandi’s powerful imperial Dao coercion surged out, sweeping everything, and the momentum overwhelming the world!

  The endless starry sky is his background, and he has stepped under his feet over the years.

   has experienced the baptism of blood and darkness, his heart and fists are already the same indestructible!

   "Don't rush to refuse first."

   Lin Feng was indifferent, he suddenly turned his eyes to look at the future law body, pointed at the ruined world, and smiled: "You are the key target of our Huangtian Emperor. Do you have to show your sincerity?"

The future law body is now exhausted, and the power is exhausted, and he is unable to use the emperor's way of immortality, but he is so clever, he immediately heard the meaning of "sincerity" in Lin Feng's words, his face blackened, and forced to arouse. Divine mind.


   A signal from an unknown organism is detected, requesting the establishment of a mind-mind connection for data transmission. Do you agree? "

   The system sound suddenly sounded.

   Lin Feng smiled slightly, the secret path of the future law body really knows how to play the system better than him.

   "Agree." Lin Feng said in his heart.

   "The connection between mind and soul is successfully established, data transmission is in progress..."


   Congratulations to the host for comprehending the fairy law: God's Domain destroys the world!

   Type: Killer move.

   Grade: unknown. "

   "The name is quite bluff." Lin Feng smiled even more.

   A stream of information filtered by the system flooded into his mind, and Lin Feng instantly learned the method of summoning to destroy the world.

   And, this time it was a real mastery, not just a flash of inspiration in Fallen Xianling.

   This is equivalent to the future magic body imparting a killer move to him forever.

   "Go!" Lin Feng said softly.

   In an instant, the supreme aura of destruction, the power of reincarnation emerged from the universe, sweeping the world!

   The emptiness of the four directions collapsed, and the world of destruction above Shi Hao's head also trembled. Under Lin Feng's traction, it gradually sank into the cycle of reincarnation, and there was no threat to this world.

   Shi Hao's expression improved a bit when he saw this, but the killing intent in his eyes was still terrifying.

Seeing a successful smile on Lin Feng's face, his face was gloomy in the future, and he immediately poured cold water: "Don't be happy too early. This method consumes a lot of money. Although you can use it now, it won't hurt you, but when you return to the original time and space , But it’s not that easy."

   "That's not something you should worry about, recognize your situation!" Lin Feng replied in a cold voice.

  The breath of the Law Bodies in the future stagnates, and his face is dark and no longer speaks.

   "Do you think this level of help is enough to quench my anger?"

   Shi Hao stared at Lin Feng: "Kill him, I can still make the broken thing disappear!"

   "Of course not, this is just my sincerity, I can give you more help than this." Lin Feng shook his head.

   "For example?" Shi Hao raised his eyebrows.

   "For example, to help you resurrect the deceased, your relatives, and your friends." Lin Feng smiled.

   Boom! ! !

   Lin Feng's body suddenly collapsed in the void, and the endless emperor enveloped him, squeezing the terrifying atmosphere into the world!

   He saw that the eyes of Shi Hao on the opposite side were filled with angry flames...


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