Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 255: the truth! Uncover the mystery of samsara killing!

     The look of the future Dharmakaya has changed.

   From the dismissive mockery to the gloominess without a word, he seemed natural.

   But when Lin Feng pierced the loopholes in his words, the speechless gloom suddenly turned into incomparable peace.

  The aura of the Law Bodies in the future has changed, and he no longer looks flustered, but the wind is light and clear to see through everything, there is a pool of stagnant water in his eyes, and it is terribly calm.

   "I have to say that you can clearly realize this from the clues of the confusion. I am very surprised." The future Dharmakaya said lightly.

   "This is not difficult, there is a cause, there must be an effect, no matter who it is, there is always a purpose for doing something, even if he doesn't know what the purpose is, but the result will emerge in the end." Lin Feng replied.

   The emotions between him and the future Dharmakaya have reached an astonishing synchronization at this moment!

   Judging from the current situation, this is the same person who can perform almost the same in different time periods.

   "So, I only need to understand what your purpose is, it's enough to see the lies."

   Lin Feng looked at Shi Hao, who admired the starry sky behind him, and said lightly: "Our time is precious. For your life, I think you should be more honest."

   Future Law Body nodded: "No problem, I can tell you clearly, your guess is correct, and I really lied."

He calmly said: "Even if I previously obliterated you, I actually don't have to pay any price, because it does not violate causation, at most it is a taboo. Punishment and backlash are there, but it is not because I obliterated you. I admit that after you called me out, I missed many opportunities to easily obliterate you, this is because of the corpse of the immortal emperor, I want to know something, and also because Shi Hao transformed him into a free evolution. To the extreme, because of the immortal emperor's transformation, I cannot kill him with him in this reincarnation."

   "That's really a pity." Lin Feng shrugged.

   "I think so too." The future Dharmakaya was expressionless.

Lin Feng chuckled and said: "Then the problem is here. According to your statement, this so-called'paradox' still exists, but there is no need to pay a'price'. Can I understand it as the cause of this phenomenon? In fact, there is no'paradox' at all?"

   "Is this the first question?" Future Law Body said coldly.

   "No, it doesn't count, because you don't need to answer this question." Lin Feng's eyes flashed, clear and clear.

   He has peeped through a part of the mist, and is about to touch the truth.

   "My first question is, do the future law bodies that you and I summoned in Fallen Mountain at the beginning belong to the same person?"

   Lin Feng smiled strangely: "Or to put it another way...Are you and him in the same reincarnation?"

After the words fell, the face of the Law Body in the future changed slightly, and his eyes flashed with confusion, but he soon became clear again, and muttered: "No wonder you were wary of me at the beginning. I was still wondering, it turned out that it was you. I was exposed to something similar in advance...very good.

Then it’s okay for me to tell you that the journey within the sea of ​​bounds is our first collision. I don’t know about falling into the fairy ridge, but if you have called the future dharmakaya there, I can tell you clearly, That's not me, you and me, the three are independent. "

When Lin Feng heard this, he was confident: "That's right. The clues are right. After the future Dharmakaya came, the first thing he did was to kill me. He didn't hesitate, he didn't hesitate. He has never been like you. The same, what kind of worries about causal taboo revenge?

   In his words, even if there is a causal backlash, he can completely ignore it at the height of his standing. It is precisely because of this completely different approach that I discovered the loophole in your lie. His eyes are so different from yours, he has never considered the consequences.

   He has only one idea, that is to obliterate me, obliterate me at all costs, if I hadn't used the power of the system to contain it, I'm afraid I would have already fallen! But you are different. You know the system functions unexpectedly, and you can even play with them easily.

   Therefore, I cannot let the system sanction your restless variable, because you know how to suppress the system better than me and the future Law Bodies of Fallen Xianling. This is the biggest difference between you! This also means that there is more than one future in this world!

  It's interesting, it's so interesting... what a fun thing I found! "

   The Fashen's face in the future is a bit ugly: "So, the basis and reason you used to expose my lies is actually not reliable in your eyes. Are you just trying to deceive me?!"

"Don't say that." Lin Feng raised his mouth: "Although the basis for debunking your lies, most of them are just my bold guesses, but that is also one of the loopholes I have found. After all, you can't stand the test. , Just bare feet, isn't it?"

   The Law Bodies will not speak anymore in the future, but judging from his iron complexion and the deep fear in his eyes, his mood at the moment is obviously not calm. If the terrifying Lin Feng wants to defraud him next, the hope will be very slim.

   "Let's start with the second question."

Lin Feng shook his fingers, and his thoughts were unprecedentedly clear: "Since you and the future law body that appeared in Fallen Mountain are not the same person, then the so-called'paradox' does not exist, because you are independent. For me, I am independent.

So, can I boldly imagine that the reincarnation of the three of us is actually quite inconsistent, but you and his purpose are surprisingly consistent. They are all to obliterate me, and you are all to let your own past. No longer exists, in order to gain self.

   But this will have a fatal problem, that is, if I were obliterated in Fallen Xianling, you who were summoned as the sea of ​​bounds, wouldn't you have no goals? Without the prerequisite for me to live to break time and enter the world, you can't even touch me, let alone obliterate me.

  Your plan will fall to nothing, you will no longer be able to cut off or even obliterate your past, the idea of ​​detaching everything can only be vain! And I strongly believe that in the reincarnation you are in there are enemies who can fight against you, even stronger than you!

   Therefore, you will set foot in the emperor's way, after possessing the power of the immortal emperor, you will still have a sense of worry. You know that you are not invincible, and there is still room for ascent, and the best way you can think of is to wipe out the past and become stronger through the cycle of samsara!

   Then back to our original assumptions, you and Fallen Xianling’s future Law Bodies have the same purpose, but if I were obliterated by him, he will get the power you can’t get now, what will he do afterwards? Can he also know your existence?

  Will he turn to obliterate you for some purpose? Under this endless reincarnation, there are countless possibilities and countless futures of me, but there will only be one person who can reach the pinnacle of the world. This is destined to be the first to get there and eradicate all threats!

There is only one fruit tree, but there are so many people grabbing the fruit. Your current practice is like there is only one fruit on the fruit tree. Everyone wants to fight for it, then eat it and kill others... It’s so strange. ,why is that? "

   In the last sentence, Lin Feng seemed to be muttering to himself, and the doubt in his heart became more profound.

"The fruits on the fruit trees are actually as many as the galaxies in the sky." After listening to the future Dharmakaya expressionlessly, he said an amazing fact: "There are countless species in the future, which means that there are countless species in the past. You are the one I want to kill. But it’s definitely not the only one!"


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