Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 269: The original true solution, the way of evolution!

     The dawn of the night, the dawn has come.

   In the conversation of one person and one dog, time has passed several hours without knowing it.

   The **** dog didn't know if it was because of waiting too long, or being exhausted from being chased and killed by the cult of Ten Thousand Tribulations and others. In short, he was so exhausted that he fell asleep.

   I want to come to the **** dog for the past two years of hard work, but now it is Lin Feng's turn to wait for him, he has put down all his guards, and it is rare to fall asleep.

   Lin Feng meditated silently, ignoring the faint snoring sound of the **** dog, slowly sinking into the sea of ​​suffering.

   In a **** color, the emperor sword rises and falls, like a supreme conquering the world, exuding a breathtaking and powerful coercion.

   Although, after a **** slaughter, the Emperor Sword absorbed the essence of many creatures, but there were still many broken traces on it.

   Obviously, this sword has not drunk enough blood yet, and it is still far away from the day when the restoration reappears the true power.

   But even if it waits until that day, I am afraid that this world will still present a terrifying scene of a pile of bones and a sea of ​​corpses.

   "Destined to be a murderous soldier."

   Lin Feng didn't pay much attention, his gaze shifted to another object, which was the ancient stele with gray runes on one side.

   This is the last piece of Lin Feng's original true explanation obtained from the Ultimate Ancient Land.

   During his retrospective journey, Lin Feng had many experiences of communicating with the Emperor Huangtian, and learned that the original truth is divided into three chapters.

   The first chapter of the original true interpretation, tells the importance of the foundation of the road.

   This is also an important source of inspiration for Emperor Huang Tian to later evolve into his own freedom, and to create the legendary cultivation system of taking himself as a species.

   If you don’t take into account the factors of dark intervention, it would not be too much to say that it was the origin of Taoism in that era.

It’s just that most of the descendants are talented against the sky. Following this method, countless possibilities have been created. The seeds of Tao have been inherited from generation to generation, and they have changed, innovated, and discovered more valuable and powerful roads. It is precisely because of this that this created the creation. The prosperous cultivation experience in the past.

   The original true interpretation of the second chapter, it is about the method and path of becoming immortal in the red dust.

However, in the several epochs experienced by Emperor Huangtian, Hongchenxian's combat power was not at the highest level. The two cultivation systems were different. Strictly speaking, they could not be generalized. However, if the comparison is forced, the Hongchenxian of the post-desolate ancient times may be considered as high-level. It is the level of the fairy king.

   As for what Lin Feng saw in Boundary Sea, and Ye Fan and others who came back through time and became the Emperor of Heaven, they are all at the level of the Red Dust Immortal, but their true combat power can never be theorized by ordinary.

   At least in the Jiehai Battle, they have already surpassed most of the quasi immortal emperors.

   This is already the limit of the ancient era.

  The nature that Lin Feng wants to explore is not limited to this.

   Breaking the limit is a task he must complete, otherwise he will not even be qualified to enter the final battle.

   Lin Feng, who has witnessed the epic future, deeply understands that on the top of the heaven where all the six fireflies have to join hands, he is afraid that it is just a cruel battlefield that the immortal emperor will not be able to set foot on.

   "Above the emperor..." Lin Feng sighed secretly in his heart.

   The last piece of the original true explanation, related to the level of the quasi immortal emperor.

   Lin Feng once guessed that the last piece of this original truth is likely to be left by the corpse immortal emperor before he stepped into the ultimate ancient land.

But after all, there is no definite proof. Just like the true identity of the corpse immortal emperor, he suffered the obsession of defeat after the ultimate ancient land of breaking the emperor, and the truly detached self has left this world, with a more powerful identity, Stepped into the heaven of heaven and touched the most terrifying truth.

   He is a pioneer in the true sense, and even more tells the existence of the six fireflies, and spares no effort to help.

   Even though he is alive or dead, it is still uncertain.

   Lin Feng knew that it was useless to think too much, and he realized the last article of the original truth.

   He discovered that although many great principles were expounded here, it was limited to the level of the quasi-immortal emperor.

   There is nothing I can do about breaking through the shackles and stepping on the way of God.

   Those who learn from me live, those who resemble me die.

Lin Feng clearly understands this truth, but even so, as a person who has experienced the power of the immortal emperor, he can still find the right understanding of the present and deepen his understanding of the law from the original true understanding. Clearly feel the various wonders of the realm of the quasi immortal emperor.

   And, since the last piece of the original true interpretation is held by him, this opportunity for understanding can be said to be permanent for him, unlimited time and number of times.

   With the reincarnation body, Lin Feng himself can transcend his own level and evolve the heavens and the magic. This ability will be deeply imprinted in his bones and become a habit with the passage of time and the deepening of his understanding.

   This kind of Tao is completely different from Ye Fan and Huang Tiandi.


With a sound of falling, the ten pairs of flags appeared in front of Lin Feng. Although he closed his eyes, his mind was immersed in the sea of ​​bitterness, but he was able to multi-task. At this moment, according to the guidance of his mind, the ten pairs of flags flew out quickly and inserted them in an orderly manner. On the top, a circle is formed.

   This is the treasure of the town education borrowed from the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Tribulations, and the black flag is sealed!

   These ten pairs of flags themselves contain Dao patterns, claiming to be Xiaotiandi, with infinite power.

It’s a pity that Tianjiao of Ten Thousand Tribulations has limited strength. In the previous battle against the Big Black Dog, he did not exert the true power of this magic weapon. Later, those two Ten Thousand Tribulations elders assisted in fisting, which was considered to inspire the Black Flag of Closing Tribulation. Part of the power, but obviously still not enough.

Lin Feng knows all the ways, he knows how to maximize the power of the black flag, but after seeing the **** dog's Nine Tribulations Dao pattern, he has new ideas. At this moment, it is through the realization of the primitive. Really understand the kung fu of the last article, arrogant and arrogant.


   Lin Feng whispered, not seeing any tedious activation actions he performed, the small flag suddenly burst into radiance!

   In the next moment, thousands of chains broke out of the area covered by the black flag of the robbery, and tied Lin Feng tightly.

  Just by looking at the number of chains, it is an unknown level higher than the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect and the elders of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect.

   Not to mention, the chain that shone with cold black light blessed Lin Feng's supernatural power, and the quality was so hard.

"seal up!"

   fell down again, and on top of thousands of chains, almost instantly, he climbed on densely packed odd-shaped symbols, like countless small insects adsorbing on it.

The surrounding barren auras are also agitated because of this, and they all flood into it. While blessing the hardness of the chain, it also forms the image of the Dao. This is different from the original Dao pattern blessing, but it is better, and it also has more powerful subsequent changes. .

   Lin Feng waved lightly, blessing the **** dog with a divine power shield, and then communicated with his heart to rob the black flag, and said slightly:


   Boom! ! !

   The **** dog exploded in an instant, and was awakened from his sleep, and suddenly jumped up to his height. A pair of dark dog eyes were startled and suspicious, but his eyes were already covered by gorgeous brilliance.

   In Lin Feng's vision, everything turned into slow motion.

   I saw a violent collision between the chain and the chain in a very short time.

   The small worm-like symbols on the chains also squirmed with extreme speed, and the image of the avenue formed was activated, guiding the rules of the world.

   In the end, the two were added together, and a wonderful change occurred, bursting out a bright and terrifying explosion!

   The deafening echoed in the empty and lonely mountains.

   And the cliff on which Lin Feng was located, the entire body of the mountain was almost flattened, only a large rock that Lin Feng deliberately protected was still connected to the rock as narrow as a line of sky.

   If you know, this is the land of Fallen Xianling that is protected by rules. Even so, the cliffs are still razed to the ground, and the power of the explosion can be seen.

   After the explosion, maintaining the black flag of the ban on the robbery caused a violent vent of divine power.

   A short breath time is enough to drain all the divine power storage of a cultivator of the third stage of the dragon.

   But for Lin Feng, who has the blessing of reincarnation body and whose divine power can be replenished infinitely from nothingness, it is not even a consumption.

   If he thinks, the divine power can communicate with the great avenues of heaven and earth, endless, and this is only one of the trivial functions of the reincarnation body.

   "I don't have anything to set off fireworks, I want to kill the emperor!" The **** dog looked resentful.

   Lin Feng smiled, just about to answer, but his eyes suddenly condensed on the edge of the sky.

   There, a stream of flying light came, the brilliant light once surpassed the blazing sun, and there was no cover, it seemed to be fearless, so it also appeared extremely arrogant.

   "Here is someone!"

   The **** dog followed Lin Feng's gaze, only to notice the abnormality after half a day, and muttered: "I just don't know which batch came..."

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