Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 272: Slap old Qin, no self is illusory!

"This is impossible…"

   Qin Lao's ferocious expression was dull.

   Millions of Jiejiao disciples also widened their eyes, and even forgot to attack, they only opened their mouths, looking like they had seen a ghost!

They would never have thought that the situation had changed so quickly. It was just a blink of an eye that the six elders of the Myriad Tribulations Sect, who had flown one after another, were all trapped by Lin Feng's method of formation and followed in the footsteps of Qin. !

   But... they clearly remembered that the black flag of the sect had no such functions at all!

   "Isn't this the black flag of the tribulation?!" Seeing the six elders of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect resisting the chains in embarrassment, Qin finally saw the clues and shouted in horror.

   The **** dog turned from panic to surprise, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw Old Qin's embarrassment.

   But Lin Feng didn't answer Qin Lao, his expression was not happy or sad, he just waved his hand indifferently, and the divine power rushed out like a torrent, washing around the battlefield, echoing the flags arranged in the square formation.

   Hundreds of disciples of the Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect, at this moment, they were shocked to find that a circle of light was lit up under their feet!

"not good!"

Old Qin roared, he had completely let go of his contempt at this moment and was ready to wait, but his hatred of Lin Feng also turned into an endless killing intent at this moment. Seeing the blood rising from the light, he decisively shouted: "All the disciples Obey orders, there will be no more disasters!"

With an order, these disciples of the Myriad Tribulation Sect finally reacted. The senior disciples took the lead in commanding them. They shouted out the magical artifacts, moved closer to the center point, and then diverged into two circles inside and outside, forming a mystery in an instant. The battles of each other stand and echo each other.


The roar sounded, but the disciples in the outer circle urged the divine power together, and then the disciples in the inner circle pinched the seal. I don’t know what kind of Taoism was used, and it actually gathered the divine power of all people into one, forming a nearly half-step larger. The pressure of energy releases a mighty breath!

   And Old Qin was not idle either. Although his divine power was sealed by two chains, he still had a way to break free, but the price was too great. But in this unexpectedly absurd situation, he no longer has too many choices. If he is truly defeated by a junior today, he is afraid that he will have no face to return to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect, and he will be pointed out by the entire Eastern Desolation. Laughing on the spine, that is the price he can't afford!

   Looking back at the pool of blood, Qin Yu's corpse was lying quietly, already cold, and the panic before his death stimulated Old Qin's madness even more.

He bit the tip of his tongue and squirted a splash of blood on the chain on his chest. Once touched, blue smoke appeared on the chain, and the sound of "sizzling" continued to sound. In a short time, the surface of the chain was actually covered with The blood has corroded a large piece of fine iron, and the remaining prestige is not diminished!

As the iron-stained substance fell, the divine power contained in the chain was immediately weakened. When Qin saw it, his eyes flashed, he suddenly inhaled hard, his lower abdomen shrank and shrivelled, his eyes rounded, and then suddenly opened wide. Mouth, let out a deafening roar:


boom! boom! boom!

   There were three loud bangs in a row, and the chain broke completely under the surging sound waves!

Qin immediately felt that the power of the seal was flowing, and without hesitation, the half-step mighty powerful divine power burst out in an instant, sweeping the audience, and also helped him to flip the chain above his head. When screamed, the inner **** pattern flashed. , Seems to relax the power of the prisoner.

Although Old Qin's face was much paler at the moment, Old Qin also recovered part of his ability to move. Apart from anything else, he immediately stretched out his hand and leaned upwards. This process was very difficult, but the speed was not slow. The next moment he was stunned. I pulled one end of the chain, and slammed down with a loud roar, which actually broke the chain from it!

   Zi Zi Zi!

   The sound of friction sounded, and the two broken chains seemed to have lost their target and the supply of divine power, and instantly turned into black water and merged into the earth.

"Hands!" Old Qin completely liberated his combat power. He first screamed and ordered the disciples of the Myriad Tribulations in a pool of blood, and then turned around and turned into a **** shadow, rushing to Lin Feng to kill him, not forgetting Jie. Said: "Lin Feng child, I think you have any other tricks!"

   All this happened so suddenly, the **** dog hadn't been happy for long before he immediately saw a group of disciples of the Ten Thousand Tribulations teaching exert their strength, blasting out the splendid brilliance of the sky, and gathering together again, falling down like meteors!

   Seeing Qin Lao with a terrible killing intent, using a secret method to fly away, and once again madly attacking one person and one dog, the **** dog's face suddenly stiffened.

   "Boy Lin!" The **** dog yelled hurriedly, but hurriedly jumped to hide behind, looking scared of death.

   "Why don't you panic the dog?" Lin Feng smiled faintly, facing the threats, he was still in the mood to tease the **** dog.

Seeing Lin Feng's inattentive appearance, Old Qin's anger suddenly soared, and he roared bitterly, and called out a long and narrow shuttle, lightly stepping on it, the speed suddenly increased, almost turned into a faint silver that pierced the night sky. Shadow, coming in a flash!

"Damn!" The **** dog felt a powerful pressure, and then the surging divine power overwhelmed the sky. He was already shocked on the spot, unable to move, so he could only turn his eyes and look towards. Lin Feng found that the latter still did not dodge!

   "Run! Don't die!" the **** dog yelled anxiously.

   It's a pity that the voice came out, reminding that it was a step too late, the old man would not hesitate to burn his blood, the speed at this moment is almost breaking through the sky!


The next moment, Old Qin speeded up his flight, turned into a **** light, blinked and arrived in front of Lin Feng, the flying shuttle under his feet also deformed rapidly, and instantly turned into a huge weapon shaped like a guillotine knife, which he grasped. Holding it in his hand, without hesitation, he severely slashed towards Lin Feng!

This blow engulfed the power of half a step, and even poured all the anger of Old Qin. At this moment, he sent out hatred, overturned a hundred miles of rocks, the space trembled, and the gods flashed, even if he was the monk at the peak of the dragon. In the presence of this knife, I am afraid that I will be split in half!

   The knife flickered in cold light, and the **** dog's panicked face was reflected in the light and shadow, and Lin Feng's faint smile was also reflected at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

"Without me."

   A faint voice fell, and Lin Feng's whole body was rippling, and the previous invisible power appeared again.

At this moment, Old Qin had already swung his knife down, but when the blade was about to touch Lin Feng, that invisible force enveloped Lin Feng's body. Obstructively penetrated Lin Feng's body, as if through a phantom!

   Qin Lao's hideous face, at this moment can not help but appear a touch of astonishment: "How is this possible?!"

   He obviously thinks that with Lin Feng's style, he will definitely use his powerful supreme body to resist, but he did not expect Lin Feng to perform strange tricks.

   Turning the physical body into nothingness, these weird things are quite horrifying because he is very knowledgeable and has never experienced it even once!

   The most important thing is that when he passed through Lin Feng's body, an inexplicable horror aura swept through his body, UU reading made his soul tremble!

   At the same time, the Daoguang blasted out by the hundreds of disciples of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect had already crashed down!

But like Old Qin, these mighty and powerful waves of divine power passed through Lin Feng's body without any hindrance, and failed to injure Lin Feng half a point. They scared the **** dog very much. Fortunately, he was prepared in advance. , A burst of extreme speed tossing and shifting was dangerously avoided.

   Boom boom boom!

   The rock burst, and this already devastated cliff suffered once again, as well as the spatial pattern depicted by the **** dog.

   However, in this deafening sound, the constant roar.


   There was a sudden, crisp sound, but it was clearly reflected in everyone's ears.

   At this moment, everyone raised their eyes and saw Old Qin screaming and flying out, his face full of disbelief, his eyes horrified!

  Looking at Lin Feng again, he shook his already firm hand. It seemed a bit painful, but everyone knew that he was the culprit.

   "Without the supreme body, my physical strength is really not as strong as before."

   Lin Feng muttered silently in his heart, and then shook his head and muttered: "The four-polar realm cultivation base is still too restrictive. Now it takes so much effort to fan a monk on the first floor of Sendai."

   The sound fell, everyone trembled!


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