Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 274: Life and death robbery, arrogant threat!

     Old Qin still had difficulty getting out of the shock.

At the moment of the truce, his mind began to reverberate with the image of the battle just now. He still remembered the moment he passed Lin Feng, clearly feeling that the surrounding world seemed to be separated from him, and the space he was in was no longer familiar. It's like being out of the sky!

Moreover, a palpable aura of destruction shuttled through it, only a slight scalp swept over his scalp, which made him numb, his soul trembled, and all his strength was lost in an instant, leaving only fear in his heart. .

   So, if it weren't for that, with his strength, how could he not be able to avoid the slap from behind Lin Feng and be blown away by life?

   In fact, that slap didn't cause him much harm, which made him feel surprised.

  So that Qin Lao later attacked with a silver shuttle magic weapon, but also to test, I did not expect Lin Feng to be really hurt!

   Although his own shuttle is infinitely useful, its power is relatively weak, and it is definitely not comparable to a holy master-class magic weapon.

   You need to know that the supreme body, known for its powerful physical body, has allowed Lin Feng to set a record of forbidding the Holy Master Class weapon in the Holy City!

   "It's really interesting, the supreme body that is known as the Eastern Wilderness, but now it is as weak as an ant, and has lost the greatest support." Qin Laohu sneered, and after thinking about it for a while, he had already discovered the clues.

   Lin Feng heard the words, his eyes shot leisurely, and he also smiled: "Yes, but I think it is enough to Tu Guang you."

   He confessed generously, making Qin Lao's eyes shine immediately: "All the disciples follow the orders, inspire divine power, and help me capture this son alive!"

   If Mr. Qin had some scruples before, for fear of being physically shaken with Lin Feng, there would be no worries at this moment!

  Since Lin Feng's physical body is insufficient, he will use realm to force him, magical implements, Taoist bombardment, anyway, no matter how strong Lin Feng is, no matter how magical his methods are, he is just a quadruple monk.

Old Qin thought gloomily, he would not care about the **** of elders and juniors. Since this son dared to kill his lover and humiliate his majesty, he made the matter so serious. If Lin Feng can't be kept, then his reputation, He just don't want it!

After thinking about it, he once again released the silver shuttle in his hand, with one finger with one hand, which actually invoked the secret method, making the flying shuttle travel at extreme speed, and at the same time, it divided into two, two and three, and in an instant, thousands of the same shuttle shadows appeared. All transformed into sharp blades, turned their spearheads, and shot towards Lin Feng!

   This is not enough. Hundreds of disciples of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect mobilized all their divine powers into Old Qin's body, and Old Qin immediately roared to the sky:

   "The Seal of Life and Death!"

   He raised his hand, and with the support of millions of Jiejiao disciples' divine power, he exploded an incomparably huge handprint covering the sky and descended with the thousands of silver shuttles!

   Boom! boom! boom!

   Thousands of miles of mountains shook, and the rules of Fallen Xianling were shaken!

   Judging from the extremely pale face after Qin Laohong was born and died, this Dao technique seems to be Qin's strongest ultimate move!

   And under the blessing of endless divine power, it already has an almost powerful aura!

   The **** dog looked up, a stern rain of silver knives hit his head, and accompanied by a handprint covering the sky above his head, it rolled up the wind and clouds in all directions. The power was terrifying and terrifying, and it was to destroy the area where they were located!

But he was surprisingly not as panic as before. He looked at Lin Feng with fiery eyes. He was inexplicably calm and confident. The thought in his mind told him that he knew there was this young man in front of him, even if the sky was falling. ?

   seemed to sense the thoughts of the **** dog, Lin Feng turned his head and smiled: "Remember? I said I would show you fireworks."

   A terrifying storm surged, but Lin Feng made a surprising move at this moment.

   He raised a hand and stretched out his palm to face the sky.

   Everyone looked at him and heard the words from his mouth, like the boundless voice of heaven:

   "I hold the universe, the heaven and the earth are respected!"

   The sound fell.

   The array flags scattered on the four sides lit up with bright lights, covering the entire battlefield, and also enclosing all the people of Ten Thousand Tribulations.


   Two extremely huge chains suddenly broke out of the ground, and directly overturned most of the pool of blood, causing the entire mountain range to shake violently!

"This is impossible!"

   Shocked roar came out, echoing in the battlefield.

   The earth trembled, and millions of Jiejiao disciples couldn't even stand, and fell to the ground one after another, looking at the extremely shocking scene before them with horror.

   One chain goes straight to the sky, one chain entangles the mountains.

   The top is the sky, the bottom is the earth, the heaven and the earth are one, and the bottom is all!

   As soon as these two chains came out, they instantly tore Qin Lao's shuttle, smashing the seal of life and death that covered the sky, and the supernatural power of the power level was also destroyed in the hurricane that the chains swayed!

   Old Qin staggered, barely maintaining stability, but he stared at the two chains.

   He clearly remembered that these were the two chains he tore off earlier!

   "The inner world!"

   "This is the method of the two chains!"

   "The universe and the universe... God, do it for the sky, and the earth for the earth, the momentum is invincible!"

   The six Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect elders who were still trapped in the chain method shook out one after another.

   But they found out too late.


   Lin Feng waved his hand, and countless small black and white chains suddenly broke on the battlefield, which actually entangled the feet and feet of all the people of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect, including Old Qin and the six Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect elders!

   "What the **** is this?!" Someone exclaimed.

   No matter how they use their methods, they can't get rid of it. This black and white chain is like a non-slip loach, which can not only unload power, but also absorb the divine power they blasted out.

   "Town." Lin Feng said lightly again.

Six elders of the Myriad Tribulation Sect hacked with powerful magical weapons, but a black and white Tai Chi picture suddenly appeared on the black and white chains. While resisting all attacks, they also transformed their power into themselves. The chains were suddenly clamped and almost strangled. Broke their feet!

   Qin Lao is the only one who didn't take measures.

He looked at the black and white chains at his feet, and then at the chains that traverse the world. He suddenly shouted hoarsely: "Everyone, don't move rashly. As long as these chains are not struggling, they are not aggressive, let alone cause harm, they Only the effect of imprisonment!"

  The words fell, everyone stopped struggling, and the chain really didn't change any It just shrank tightly.

   For a while, everyone slowly calmed down from the panic just now, and could not help secretly cursing Lin Feng for bluffing others.

   And when Lao Qin saw that Lin Feng shouldn't, he said gloomily: "Lin Feng, with your divine power, how long can these chains exist at most?

   If I’m right, you want to take this opportunity to run away with the dead dog, right? "

   Lin Feng remained silent, but there was a little more mockery in his eyes.

Old Qin was slightly taken aback when he was seen, but only when Lin Feng was pretending to be a ghost, he said viciously again: "You killed my beloved disciple, butchered two elders and hundreds of disciples of my teaching, carrying a heinous murder on his back, even if he escaped. At the end of the world, the old man will also catch you back and refine your soul for thousands of years!

   You can run away now, but the old man has heard that you are close to that sacred body Ye Fan. Haha, then I will help the people of Tianjiao League kill him first! As for you... I'm afraid you don't know yet, you, if you provoke someone who shouldn't be offended, Jiang Taixu can't keep you!

   As long as I tell the news of your rebirth, Donghuang doesn’t know how many forces there will be by then, and wants to rush to kill you! "

   The amount of information was so great that everyone was shocked to hear it, and the six elders of Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect were even more worried and gestured with frantic eyes.

   And this scene happened to be seen by Lin Feng...


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