Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 278: Blood stained Snow Valley, Snow Ape’s anger!

   "Fat, I was really killed by you this time!"

   In the valley, Duan Deman's sad voice spread far.

Around them, countless fierce-faced snow-white apes surrounded them, all exuding a dangerous aura, jumping up and down, although they did not immediately attack, but they blocked their forward and backward path and sent them extremely unkind. The roar.

This is the fierce land of monsters and beasts that Ye Fan visited in the past. At that time, Lin Feng led the team to explore the opportunities of the Northern Territory. The Jin won, but he had an enmity with the monster group here.

Now they are returning to their place. I don’t know if it’s because they broke in without saying hello, or because these snow apes seem to remember Ye Fan’s taste. They were not welcomed. On the contrary, they just went deep and attracted countless snow apes. Be surrounded.

   Among them, the aura is stronger, and several old snow apes squatting high in the valley are actually staring at Ye Fan, with strong hatred in their eyes.

  They absolutely remember this human being, who broke into their territory, wreaked havoc, and took away the elixir they guarded!

"If you have time to complain, it's better to think about how to escape." Ye Fan looked on guard, and the big cauldron hung above his head, releasing a breath of deterrence. , I'm afraid it's chasing in. Be careful."

"Damn, I can't make any sense with these evildoers, Fat Master, what can I do..." Duan De muttered, and he took out a protective magic weapon from his pocket, and his small bean-like eyes looked around. , Suddenly said: "How do I feel they are a little bit against you?"

   "Illusion." Ye Fan replied without blushing and heartbeat.


A burst of air blasted from behind, and Duan De looked back abruptly, only to find a stream of swift beams shooting towards this place, scaring him to a tremor, and cursed: "These lingering bastards, I really dare to come!"

Not long after the words were over, the sky was full of glow. Those saints, Tianjiao, saw that Ye Fan and Duan De were trapped in the snow apes, and they laughed together, and then they sacrificed their magical artifacts without any hesitation. Regardless of the existence of Snow Ape, a wide range of destructive spells were launched!


   The snow ape group obviously felt the strong divine power fluctuations, and they became agitated. Some of the weak snow apes felt threatened and let out a horrified roar.

The old snow apes with strong aura in the snow valley saw another wave of strange humans breaking in, and they attacked with magic weapons without saying a word. They were also furious. They rushed out at a very fast speed. The white shadow melted into the heavy snow rushed to the front of the snow ape group, and let out a loud roar!


The roar was surprisingly loud, like Hong Zhongzheng. Together, they formed a sound wave visible to the naked eye, distorting the light in the sky, and greatly reducing the power of the spell wave. After falling, they have already used their flesh resolutely. Blocked, the collision exploded and opened the skins of several old snow monkeys. The damage was not deep, but it made them more angry, and their eyes were red.

   "Huh?!" Duan De's eyes lit up.

   "Don't be stunned, rush in now!" Ye Fan yelled, taking advantage of the gap between the fighting between the two sides, taking Duan De to break through the snow ape group, and head towards the deeper part of the snow valley.

It is said to be breaking through the encirclement, but in fact, after a wave of battles just now, the snow apes have long been chaotically because of their nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They no longer have the previous dense formation, but they were created for Ye Fan and Duan De. Given the opportunity, it took almost no effort, and he ran a long distance.

   This scene fell in the eyes of the Tianjiao, undoubtedly aroused an angry voice.

   But they wanted to chase, but the snow ape, who had just been beaten up, refused to agree.


A roar sounded, but the three old snow apes led the crowd to rush out, quickly turned their spears upside down, and in turn surrounded the chasing princes, and launched a frantic attack amidst a whistling sound. !

   "A bunch of overbearing beasts!"

   "Damn, they ran into the snow valley!"

   "They can't run, this snow valley is closed, they can only enter and can't leave, there is no other way for them to escape!"

   "What about these snow apes?"

   "Huh, since they are disobedient, let's kill them together!"

Seeing the snow ape monsters and beasts rushing from all directions, the tianjiao all brazenly shot, ruthlessly used powerful Dao skills, and blasted the snow apes one after another, ruthlessly, this is a decision to Snow Ape killed all, and then went to hunt down Ye Fan and Duan De.

   These snow apes are also full of fierceness. They saw their forward companions being bombarded and killed.

   Especially the three old snow monkeys, squatting behind to preside over the overall situation, from time to time they also played a burst of frost spells, blocking many attacks, and also caused the Tianjiao's ability to move greatly, and the frequency of shots was significantly slowed down as a result.

"I can't go on like this!" Wanchu Shengzi waved his hands and killed ceaselessly, but he still had a gloomy expression: "There are too many snow apes in this gang, and they can't be killed. Ye Fan and the fat Taoist priest have already escaped. Going out a long way, if you drag on like this, it's easy to cause accidents!"

What he said was pretty good. The Tianjiao here were surrounded and couldn't get away, so they had to fight hard, but after one wave after another, there were still snow apes pounced from all directions, and the snow valley was still surging. Snow monkeys, God knows how many there are.

Although these snow apes have low IQs and their sharp claws can't break their divine protection, their bodies are extremely hard to resist, and there are those insidious old snow apes plundering formations, harassing from time to time, although Tianjiao's methods are extraordinary~www. But they are not in harmony with each other, and they have some reservations in their shots. Most people fish in troubled waters, and the overall actual lethality is limited, so it is far from enough to eliminate all the snow apes in a short time.

Yaoguang Shengzi was the only one who did not participate in the battle. As the leader of his Tianjiao League, he naturally did not bother to take action before these Tianjiao. Observing the situation at the moment, he also discovered the problem. He immediately ordered: "Kill the three first. Old head."

After he finished speaking, he moved too. He didn't see what magic weapon he took out. He just took a step forward and stretched out his hand slightly to arouse the majestic supernatural power. A huge finger phantom was condensed in the air, and it burst out. He directly crushed an old snow ape!

   This trick is quite Lin Feng's style.

In fact, this is actually the trick that Shengzi Shaoguang felt in the Battle of the Immortal Mountain after seeing Lin Feng's use of the immortal mark to condense the huge palm of his hand to attack, let’s look at the power of Shengzi Shaoguang. , With great power, definitely not weaker than Lin Feng!

   All Tianjiao received the prompt, and immediately shifted their spearheads. Regardless of the many little snow apes that struck, they only resisted with divine power barriers, and gathered together to fire the remaining two old snow apes.

   Boom boom boom!

After a divine bombardment, two old snow apes fell unwillingly, and the group of snow apes suddenly fell into a situation where a group of dragons was headless. After being left behind by hundreds of snow apes, they were finally defeated. Amidst the roar of fear, one after another fled to the depths of the snow valley...

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