Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 280: The unquenchable faith, the returned supreme!

The roar of the beast shook the sky, and the whole sky of ice and snow seemed to be shaken by strong pressure, stagnating in the air, not seeing it falling for a long time.

All the Tianjiao stopped abruptly in the air, shuddering under the pressure of terror, and looked forward in panic.

The huge snow ape that was sealed in the depths of the snow valley stared at all the offenders with scarlet eyes. The chain of his left hand was broken by the cauldron. He was able to liberate a part of his power, but the dense curse imprinted all over his body. After he showed off his power, it flowed rapidly.


"You broke your promise!"

"I'm just guarding my only remaining home!"

The Snow Ape suddenly roared, unwillingly, with that huge left hand, slammed the ice surface that sealed him, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to break the ice.

Boom boom boom!

With the snow ape frantically attacking the ice surface, the entire mountain began to vibrate violently, and the snow valley echoed with roars, countless pieces of ice smashed down, and slices of white powder storms bloomed in the snow, and the arrogant people saw this. King, I just feel like the end of the world is coming.

The sealed snow ape has great strength, creating such a terrifying power, if it is allowed to escape, wouldn't it be ruining the world? !

Obviously, at this moment, two people saw the key to victory or defeat.

"Daoist, attack the seal with me!" Ye Fan shouted.

"Stop him and knock that trip down!" Shengzi Yaoguang suddenly said, his eyes cold.

Duan De was the first to react, and immediately drew it from his hidden treasure full of treasures. Finally, he picked out a bronze sword from the left and right. With a wave of his finger, he evoked it to cooperate with the mother of all things and attacked Seal Snow. The chains of the ape!

After finishing talking, the Son of Shaking also called out something and flew to the heads of the Tianjiao. It was the ultimate imperial weapon of Shaking Holy Land, the black gold tripod with dragon patterns!


Shaoguang Shengzi let out a low cry, as soon as this extremely Dao imperial weapon was released, it immediately released a trace of imperial prestige, instantly dispelling the coercion of the giant snow ape.

The two canceled out, and all the heavenly arrogances immediately got rid of the imprisonment and resumed their actions. They rushed forward with howling. Although they did not dare to get too close to the violent snow ape, they all recalled magical weapons or blasted spells together. Or hit with a magic weapon, in short, it can be used to block Ye Fan and Duan De's methods, and they are all used!

Until now, no one could have imagined this scene in front of him.

This turned out to be a tug of war against magical artifacts!

Boom boom boom!

The clashing sound of magical instruments exploded continuously, mixed with the sound of the snow ape impacting the seal, and a fierce roar echoed in the snow valley, causing the sifangs to fall into the snow, which was melted by some fierce divine power, forming a cold stream of ice. , And gradually flooded the entire snow.

However, the situation of the confrontation is not ideal for Ye Fan. Although he won the first opportunity, the blow that the mother of all things smashed the chain just now was because he had accumulated for a long time, and now he wants to blast the same. A powerful blow, I am afraid it is not so easy.

And as one chain broke, the curse mark on the ape began to flow, and it continued to extend, and finally attached to the other three chains. It seemed that it had blessed some power, and the seal was suddenly strengthened!

Ever since, under the madness of the Tianjiao, Ye Fan and Duan De did not cut off even one of the remaining chains. The roar and frenzied struggle of the Snow Ape also gradually disappeared with the continuous strengthening of the seal. weak.

In the end, the coercion had already shrunk to the small side, but it was a mistake that exerted tremendous pressure on Ye Fan and Duan De!

"Is this big guy really stupid? Obviously we are the ones who help him get out of trouble, and he just wants to stop us!" Duan De was speechless.

"Satisfaction, we all rely on this guy to survive the desperate situation."

Ye Fan sighed: "In the beginning, I was thinking of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so I went deep into the snow valley. I didn't expect that there was a big secret hidden in the depths of the snow valley. This was originally a chance to comeback, but unfortunately... Hold it decisively, so I'm still in a desperate situation!"

As he said, for some reason, he suddenly remembered the scene of taking the Dragon Fruit with Lin Feng and others on the adventure.

At that time, they did not go too deep, but it was not just because they were afraid of the siege of the snow ape group, but Lin Feng's insistence that it is not suitable to stay here, and should take the source dragon fruit and leave, and then follow the clues of the dragon black gold sword. Go to find the treasure.

This was the thrilling experience of Wanlong's Nest.

Now that I think about it, that approach is correct. If I can also have Lin Feng's instinct to sniff danger, I am afraid that I will not be blocked by the people of the Tianjiao League in the northern region, but now I can't go to the sky, and I can't enter the earth!

"Be careful!"

Duan De suddenly yelled and awakened Ye Fan. He saw that the former quickly took out a protective magic weapon and threw it upward.


A deafening cracking sound rang, and then a circle of turbulent air currents was opened in the air, and a space was cracked by this!

Ye Fan looked at the sound again, but saw Duan De's body protection magic weapon burst into thousands of fragments, scattered all over the sky.

And this terrifying collision was actually the dragon-printed black gold tripod shaking the light of the Son!

"Cough...cough cough."

A trace of red blood flowed from the corner of Duan De's mouth, which was quickly wiped off by him. He raised his head to look at the indifferent face of shaking the light in the distance, and smiled bitterly: "This kid is really vicious, because the imperial weapon was originally powerful. But the supernatural power he blessed is so terrifying!"

Seeing Duan De's wounds, Ye Fan instantly glared, "Shake Guang, don't use sham tricks, dare to fight with me!"


Yaoguang Shengzi looked cold and indifferent, and said ruthless words: "You are not qualified."

Ye Fan suddenly became even more angry, but he listened to Yaoguang Shengzi suddenly sighed: "The only one who can fight me is Lin Feng. It's a pity that he is dead."

Ye Fan's heart was shocked when he said this.

The rest of the people were shocked when they heard it, and they felt mixed.

Some are sorry, some are sneers, some are disdainful, and some are more fearful.

No one can forget that figure standing upright, in the holy city, in the undead mountain, they have seen too many miracles created by Lin Feng.

Two years ago in the Eastern Desolation, I have to say that the supreme body dominates the younger generation.

Whether it is a Tianjiao or a monk, everyone can hear Lin Feng’s name countless times in the mouths of elders or strangers. It is like a shadow on the bottom of their hearts. This name alone is enough to make them invincible. Faith is seriously damped!

"The supreme is dead, there is no legend." Duan De, who has always been hippie smiling, suddenly became sentimental at this moment.

But Ye Fan didn't think much.

He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, stimulated his essence and blood, and once again manipulated the qi cauldron of the mother of all things, attacked the sealed magic weapon, and coldly said: "Brother Lin is not dead. He is not as incompetent as you are. Don't stop him, when he returns, Donghuang will be overthrown."

Hearing the words, the arrogance of all heavens was taken aback for a moment, and then all ridiculed.

"Is it?"

Only Shengzi Yaoguang frowned rare, and suddenly said: "But what if he really died?"

The laughter stopped abruptly.

"Then I will carry it all."

Ye Fan's resolute eyes swept across the audience, and finally he let out a sigh of relief: "With my invincible will, even if I fight against heaven and earth, I will never give up! God can trample on my luck, but he can't obliterate me. As long as I have a breath of faith, I will never stop! If I don’t die in the future, I will carry the share of Brother Lin and continue on!"

The words fell, but no one ridiculed again.

Ye Fan's determination and his belief in invincibility are the light in everyone's heart in this declining age.

Why are they not so?

On the avenue, countless people walked alone.

"well said."

Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded.

It's not big, but it's clearly in everyone's ears.

At this moment, the pupils of Shengzi Shaoguang shrank suddenly, Shengzi Wanchu and Shengzi Dayan trembled fiercely, and Ye Fan's eyes lit up!

At almost the same moment, everyone looked behind with a look of horror.

However, in the boundless snowfield, a lonely figure gradually appeared in the hidden wind and snow, somewhat unclear.

But no one dared to ignore his existence.

Even with a hint of horrified uncertainty.

"The monk, is to fight the heavens and the earth, that is, he should have an indestructible will to be qualified to control his own snow disappears, the man is dressed in wind and frost, showing a stalwart figure, A **** dog followed.

No one answered.

Because at the moment when I saw it clearly, everyone's hearts trembled fiercely.

A strong sense of oppression swept through their bodies, and their body and mind were already occupied by shock, and they couldn't even speak a word.

And the son of Shaking Guang who was always calm, the most brilliant brilliance in history burst out in his eyes at this moment.

That is an indispensable fighting spirit!

"Lin, Feng!"

He paused word by word, telling the identity of the person.

In the wind and snow, he returned with a smile that never changed.

(End of this chapter)

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