Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 293: Blood Road, the beginning of the conspiracy!

"It's a person from the Ice and Snow Palace!" Tianjiao, who had not participated in the battle, exclaimed in the field, pointing to the divine light floating in the sky that day.

"You haven't tried your best, just to wait for them?" Shengzi Yaoguang asked Lin Feng coldly.

Lin Feng smiled without saying a word.

At that time, Ye Fan, Big Black Dog, and Duan De had already flown one after another, standing behind Lin Feng, completing the round.

The divine light that struck in the wind and snow soon came to the snow valley battlefield and showed up in succession.

But they were all female monks with ethereal temperament, dressed in white coats, extremely holy, as if they wanted to merge with the ice and snow.

Headed by an old woman, her breath is also exceptionally strong, just the leaked pressure made everyone present feel a burst of strong pressure.

"Great power! Really strong power level!" someone exclaimed.

"Palace Master of the Ice and Snow Palace, contemporary Bingzhen, a third-order monk from Sendai." Saint Dayan was well-informed and said the identity of this old woman.

Shaking his eyes like electricity, but still putting his mind on Lin Feng, that Bingzhen is so powerful, but it can't stop him from paying attention to Lin Feng.

Only Lin Feng is the one who can make Shengzi Shaoguang pay full attention to him!

"Black gold dragon pattern tripod, sky swallowing magic pot..." The old woman swept across the battlefield with boundless consciousness instantly, staying on the two great emperor artifacts for a while, stopping on the giant old snow ape, and then seeing Lin Feng.

At this moment, her eyes shrank suddenly and couldn't move away.

"The supreme body actually came out of Fallen Xianling alive. Isn't this a trivial matter? Donghuang is afraid it will be fried..." the old woman murmured.

"Palace Master, that old demon ape..." a disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace girl reminded beside the old woman.

The old woman came back to her senses and nodded slightly: "Go ahead and let this beast be safer."

When this sound fell, the group of female monks in the Ice and Snow Palace turned out without saying a word.

Seeing these Xueguang rushing at the moment, the old Snow Ape was angrily regenerated a hundred times, and shouted: "You are finally here, you guys who don't keep their promises, I want you to pay the price!"

"Heh, a mere beast." The old woman sneered, raised her hand and punched a red seal, which rose in the wind, and quickly expanded to the size of a snow ape's head.

The heaven and the earth quivered, and the scarlet seal was actually guiding the power of the avenue, crushing it down, and knocking the old ape to the ground!

The seal bloomed with boundless red light, and the lines became extremely clear. When everyone took a closer look, they discovered that there was a blood mark carved on it!

At the same time, the female disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace flew over, surrounded the snow apes, quickly formed a formation, and both hands shot a ray of snow.

The snow light rises into the sky and complements each other. It is actually woven into a snow net over the old snow ape, exuding magnificent power!


The old woman once again urged the Crimson Seal to press down.

At first there was only a strong sealing power, but then on top of the seal, there was another blood glow, which was covered with the big net, trapping the old snow ape at the same time, the blood glow was crazily eroding the old snow ape. His flesh and blood are condensed into the essence, feeding back the Dharma seal!

This weird scene, no matter how you look at it, is not like the upright Taoism that a famous great teacher like Ice and Snow Palace would use!

"Sure enough, it is a **** road. It seems that the major forces have been in the same situation, and some of the results have been researched." Lin Feng shook his head.

When the words fell, Shengzi Shaoguang narrowed his eyes.

On the other hand, the old woman’s eyes flashed sharply, and she said in a low voice: "Junior, I advise you not to arrogantly discuss **** matters. Some people can't provoke you, and the Jiang family can't protect you, and since you are from Fallen Immortal Mountain What secret did you learn about leaving? Come and listen!"

"I'm just going to talk about what you can do with me? Using the power of the Great Teacher to study the blood path, I am not small, I am afraid that you can't eat it!" Lin Feng coldly replied: "As for Fallen Immortal Ridge... I know the great secrets. But I definitely won't tell you, because you don't have that qualification yet!"

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" The old woman was even more angry, saying goodbye three times, and then laughed angrily: "I thought you were missing for two years, and you have already died in Fallen Xianling. Someone's enmity curse may never be possible. Solution, but I didn't expect you to be born again and be so lucky to be met by me. It seems that this cause and effect can be settled in my hands!"

After all, she actually waved her hand outrageously to strike a great power, evoking resonance between the world and the earth, the mighty force swept the wind and snow, suddenly turned into a boundless storm, smoothed all obstacles along the way, and rolled towards Lin Feng!

A crowd of arrogances, under such appalling momentum, pushed back one after another, lest they would be harmed by the pond fish.

Only Yaoguang Shengzi still stood calmly opposite Lin Feng, unwavering.

Regarding the old woman’s arrogance, he was stunned, and only said to Lin Feng: "If you want to know the secret of the drastic changes in the Eastern Wilderness in the past two years, you can fight me again. As long as you win me or kill me, I will You can open your soul and let you search for the truth!"

Lin Feng faintly looked at Shengzi Yaoguang, shook his head and said: "It doesn't make sense, you are not my opponent."

"If you don't fight to the end, how do you know the final result?" Shengzi Shaoguang was not annoyed. The blood in his eyes eroded, but there was only a clear space, blooming a monstrous battle intent: "Come and fight with me, I know All the secrets, about the blood path, about the escape from the world, about the identity of the person who seriously injured Jiang Taixu! And as long as you defeat me, you will learn everything!"

By then the storm had arrived.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Lin Feng raised his mouth suddenly: "I will find the answer I want."

When the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the storm that contained the power of the great avenue.

At this moment, the brand of reincarnation flickered, and Lin Feng's body began to become illusory.

But the power of that invisible reincarnation burst out!

This power has no root and no source, but it can affect everything, no matter how long time is, no matter how time, this world has boundless cause and effect!

Lin Feng’s fingertips bloomed with immeasurable light, sweeping the world and sweeping everything. Not only did the storm instantly disappear into nothingness, but it also stretched all the way, covering it with the shaking light. The scenes he experienced turned into the background of the sky, like a revolving lantern. Generally pass by extremely fast.

Everyone was shocked.

Not only was he shocked by Lin Feng's full blow to annihilate the mighty powerhouse with his single hand, but also shocked by the scene generated by the shaking memory.

They saw that the Son of Shaking had returned from the undead mountain in defeat, with all their eyes and power tortured to search for the soul, but they always endured the humiliation, saved their lives, and increased their strength crazily, and finally killed the 72 candidates of the holy place of Shaking. With blood forged an unbreakable position.

They also saw the Divine Soul of the Shaking Son coming out of his body and entering a **** land, where they met with a blood-clothed old man, learned the powerful blood technique, and cooperated with the mysterious man with the blood sword who had struck the Eastern Desolation. Sneak attack on Jiang Taixu, and severely inflict heavy damage on the strong men of the great holy places!

They also saw that Shengzi Yaoguang obeyed the order of the mysterious man of the blood sword and established the Tianjiao League. In name, it was to fight the turbulent forces everywhere, but secretly it was dealing with the major new forces, excluding dissidents, eradicating opponents, and fully supporting that great. The new forces are on top!

Finally they saw the Yaoguang Shengzi promoted to the peak of Hualong, and then reported to the major sacred places where the mysterious people of the blood sword were, and induced the final power of the major sacred places to dispatch. Those old sages have been dormant for thousands of years. Lord, guardian, all strike together to kill the mysterious man with the blood sword!

Although the mysterious man of the Blood Sword died, he sprinkled the seeds of the Blood Dao in the Eastern Wilderness before dying, allowing countless people to acquire the blood-dao inheritance, and their strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and they have established countless large and small blood-dao forces in the Eastern Wilderness. Development, only a day after the beginning!

In the end, the final picture was frozen on Lin Feng's face.

In reality, the Son of Shaoguang, with a hideous face and unwillingness, collapsed to the ground feebly after the secret was emptied.

Lin Feng looked at it indifferently, but once again opened the memory that had been sealed in the mind of Shengzi, and wanted to make those real secrets public.

However, Zhenren Bing couldn't stand it anymore.

"Enough, Lin Feng, do you know what you are doing? You are destroying the entire Eastern Wilderness!"

   Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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