Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 295: Blood disaster, dark outpost!

The Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Shaking Son is so vast.

The truth discovered by Lin Feng is also so appalling.

The meeting composed of the holy masters, guardians, and hidden old monsters of the various holy sites actually surrounded the corpse of the mysterious man with the blood sword.

It was also at this moment that everyone understood.

It was not the hidden old monsters in the holy places that really killed the mysterious man of the blood sword, but Jiang Taixu who was hit hard by the mysterious man of the blood sword!

How many hidden secrets are still hidden in this?

In the snow valley, all the people watching the shade of the sky were gloomy.

The chills keep going.

How many secrets are there, they have never been exposed to at this level, but they are extremely terrifying?

Ye Fan looked at Lin Feng, and a trace of surprise flashed across his calm face.

There was lingering doubt between the eyebrows.

Why is Lin Feng able to open up the secret of Shaking Shengzi so accurately?

Did he already know everything?

The **** dog saw Ye Fan's thoughts, and suddenly said: "You should understand that after he came out of Fallen Xianling, he has obtained a lot of incredible power and information, and it is normal to behave strangely. I don't know what he is thinking. When I asked him, he didn't say anything, he always made some strange behaviors, and he made the decision to come to Xuegu to save you. I think he has already prepared everything."

"I can feel it in my mind. The distance between him and us seems to be getting farther and farther. It is impossible to reach, but it is so real." Ye Fan sighed.

Duan De laughed loudly: "I don't know what you are worried about. Boy Lin is strong. Isn't it a good thing for us? Hey, I will live by holding his thigh in the future. No worries, there are no tomb robbers, I dare to explore the tomb of the great emperor!"

Everyone was speechless.

And Lin Feng's gaze was always in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Shaking Son, he waved his hand again, the power of reincarnation revolved, and the light curtain changed again.

"No!" Bing Zhenren roared: "If you dare to expose him to the public, I will kill you!"

The fairies in the Ice and Snow Palace heard the words, but they were silent, but they started to work harder with each other.

The divinely surging waterfall rushed down wildly, and the Caixia turned into a wave of rushing irrigation, and all fell on the dragon gas barrier, stirring up a burst of blurred brilliance.

However, the Jiulong Hongmeng Purple Seal is still so sturdy that there is no need to show off the power of the Devouring Devil Jar.

But when Lin Feng heard the threat from Master Bing, he glanced back slightly.

Just at that moment, the invisible power of reincarnation rushed out, ignoring the gap between realm and cultivation base, and hit the soul of Bing Master!

"Puff!" Bing Zhenren shook his whole body, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell over his head, struggling in pain.

This scene stunned all the disciples of the Ice and Snow Palace, stopped their attacks, and rushed towards the real person Bing.

However, Zhenren Bing insisted on suddenly yelling, "Don't come here!"

When this sound fell, a female disciple of the Ice and Snow Palace was already approaching, and the invisible force of reincarnation entangled her and broke out, sweeping ripples, causing the female disciple to explode and die on the spot. The other female disciples all snorted and passed out.

They don't have the power level cultivation base, and the powerful true spirits that have been tempered.

Under this direct attack on the soul, no one was spared.

Even if he escaped the fate of exploding and dying, the true spirit has been washed away, and it is destined to be demented in the future, and there is no possibility of practice.

Bing Zhenren's eyes were cracked.

Lin Feng was taken aback, and successively printed obscure seals, which changed the projection of the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Shaking Son again.

In the light curtain, the still scene moved again.

Jiang Taixu expressed the conditions, and the holy masters of the holy land all stood up, showing murderous intent on their faces.

But the hidden old monsters with the king-level cultivation base looked at each other, smiled, and said in the same way: "No problem!"

Jiang Taixu scanned the audience coldly, and finally shook his head, unfolding the Pure Land of the King of Gods, making the Divine Comedy sound, and a wave of light fell.

Stars of light fell on the broken corpse, suddenly dizzy with the monstrous blood.

The corpse began to tremble, and a cloud of blood rose from the heavenly spirit.

It turned out that it was the body that had already died, but his soul still had a trace of obsession, and was detained by Jiang Taixu.

At the moment Jiang Taixu used magic skills to lift the seal and release the soul obsession.

Under the greedy eyes of everyone, that soul obsession evolved into a hideous gore-like appearance, screaming at everyone.

"The dark side will eventually rise."

"Scarlet is the outpost of God."

"And you all will be the blood of God!!!"

When the words fell, everyone was shocked, and they didn't know why, but they also heard the terrible sign.

However, those hidden world powers ignored them, and only when Jiang Taixu put away the Pure Land of the King of Gods, walked toward the door, and after showing an attitude of not intervening anymore, they all stretched out their hands to grab the blood-covered soul obsession.

puff! puff! puff!

The representatives of each holy land won a ray of blood, or a broken soul obsession.

It contains endless energy, the most complete blood inheritance, endless secrets, and countless great changes!

"The sky is dead!"

"The ancient Donghuang, it's time to change."

"The inheritance of blood is our hope of reaching the top."

"I don't have to worry about Shouyuan!"

"The harsh cultivation environment will no longer be an obstacle to us!"

"In this age of decline, we are walking out of a new road!"

The king-level hidden old monsters held the blood path inheritance, and laughed wildly in the roar of the torn soul.

The eyes of the holy masters everywhere flashed helplessly, and then ignited blazing ambition.

The screen is now terminated.

Everyone was horrified, their eyes trembling, and they were silent.

The audience was silent.

Until Lin Feng waved his hand and broke the light curtain.

Bing Zhenren had already escaped from the pain.

At this moment, the coercion of the great energy level was truly displayed before everyone's eyes.

That was an irresistible force, the power of the great avenue surged out along with the anger of Bing Zhenren, and the power overwhelmed the audience.

"You shouldn't do this, you are ruining yourself, revealing the secrets of the great sacred places, that is, to be an enemy of all the forces in the Eastern Wilderness!"

Bing Zhenren gritted his teeth and said: "It's all right In order to abide by the agreement, except for the sons everywhere, everyone else present must die! You killed them, I just have to kill you, those ambitious old men. Blame, I can't blame it on my head!"

When the words fell, she opened her hands.

The blizzard solidified at this moment.

The boundless snowfield falls under the ice curtain.

The power of the cold is manipulated by Bing Zhenren.

This world is her home court.

"Get out of the Northern Territory, there will be another next time, no matter what you kill!"

Bing Zhenren waved a hurricane of cold ice, blowing away all the holy sons of the Tianjiao League, Tianjiao, and sending them away from the battlefield.

After doing all this, her eyes condensed again.

With a murderous look, he suddenly shot towards Lin Feng: "Now, it's your turn!"

   Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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