Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 300: It's my turn to protect you, the Great Sage is back!

Remember in one second【】

Under the sky at night.

The stalwart God King Pure Land belonging to Jiang Taixu suddenly appeared under Lin Feng's palm.

Jiang Taixu was still calm, and he naturally wouldn't feel that Lin Feng's sudden move was to harm him.

In terms of his strength, or Lin Feng's strength, both sides have confidence, and there is an unspeakable tacit understanding and trust.

The vast will, like a god, forms a small world on its own, spreading out in this quiet small courtyard, exuding mighty divine power.

The power of the great avenue is spreading, but there is a lingering breath of death, and it has reached the end, but it still does not yield to the years.

"It's useless, I'm at the end of the road." Jiang Taixu lightly touched the haze of the Huamu Shenhai, shaking his head and sighing: "The four thousand years of Zishan has almost exhausted my origin. Although you can help me, it's done. One metamorphosis, but was offset by too many things, after all, it is drinking poison to quench thirst!"

Lin Feng was expressionless and silent.

He knew that whether it was for Ye Fan to break the curse of the four poles, or the calculations of the Blood Daoist and the power of many holy masters later, it greatly consumed Jiang Taixu's energy, surrounded by his current weakness. , It is not difficult to guess that he also made sacrifices in other things.

For example, Lin Fengchu saw Jiang Tingting who had not had time to relive when he entered the small courtyard.

Her Taiyin body seems to have been liberated and sublimated, and she has emerged, and she has entered the level that her peers look up to at a young age. The reason for this must be that Jiang Taixu fulfilled his promise to Lin Feng and spared no effort to serve Jiang Tingting. After the baptism, Jiang Tingting now has unlimited potential.

Of course, this is certainly Jiang Taixu's integrity, and accepting Lin Feng's entrustment, he will definitely do it perfectly, but after thinking about it carefully, this is not the layout Jiang Taixu left for his younger generations.

If he dies, the line of the **** king will surely suffer the disaster of extinction. At this critical moment of survival, fostering potential offspring is naturally a means to protect the Jiang family, at least when Jiang Taixu is still intimidating the Eastern Desolation. , Tianjiao like Jiang Tingting's generation, naturally can gradually plump their wings, and carry forward the Jiang family.

With this in mind, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh for the good intentions of the old **** king.

He can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, even sacrificing the creatures of the heavens and all realms.

But he never wanted to owe others.

He raised his hand.

A burst of invisible ripples suddenly rippled in the quadrangular space, like a tree branch falling from the calm water surface, rippling rippling circles.

Under the spread of this invisible ripple, the power of the great road triggered by the Pure Land of the King of Gods disappeared.

Jiang Taixu's eyes flashed, as if he had discovered something, and his unwavering heart moved slightly: "This is..."

"The other side of reincarnation." Lin Feng's sigh, like the sigh of the **** king, was deeper than the latter, interrupting Jiang Taixu's question.

The ripples began to spread across the sky and the earth, drawing a beautiful trajectory under the sky, covering the pure land of the **** king, covering Jiang Taixu's body and weak soul.

At this moment, a familiar bell rang in Jiang Taixu's heart.

He thought of the dark purple mountain.

He remembered the promise with Fairy Caiyun.

He remembered the excitement when he first solved the God King Body.

He remembered the youth and vigor who had indulged in the Eastern Famine.

Scenes from the past, under the influence of the power of reincarnation at this moment, began to emerge and began to pass quickly.

Jiang was too frustrated.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

His physical body is between illusion and reality, as if independent of this world and this world.

His eyes lit up with flames, and the world was blazing!

"Big dream-reincarnation technique!"

With a whisper, shaking the heavens, with the power of transforming decay into a magical power, he reversed Jiang Taixu's state.

His realm and cultivation base remain the same, but his origin has regressed all the way through reincarnation, from malaise to peak, just a short time.

Finally, when Jiang Taixu's state of spirit and soul reached the peak of his life, the turmoil between heaven and earth opened up a terrifying backlash.

Samsara began to turn around again, just as Lin Feng had the future of the dragon-patterned black gold tripod, time quickly leaped forward.

This is the irresistible Tianwei, for anyone who wants to challenge the rules, there is no forgiveness, only destruction!

Jiang Taixu's soul trembled, changing from the peak to the trough.

Under the counterattack of this backlash, his physical body even began to rot and exude death, and the punishment of cause and effect came ruthlessly.

But how could Lin Feng watch this scene happen?


The world-burning flames in his eyes almost burst out, and his arms shook, and a surging oven burst out, suppressing the luck of this world, and injecting boundless power into the power of reincarnation covering the pure land of the king of the gods, booming It moved, shook the world, and shook the backlash.

"God thief, you can't block my way!!!"

Finally, with Lin Feng’s roar, countless rays of light rose from the **** sea of ​​bitterness. The Nine Dragons Magnificent Purple Seal rose from Lin Feng’s head, blooming with the supreme divine brilliance, suppressing the luck of this world and depriving the thousands of miles of society. !

The reincarnation oven was no longer obstructed, and it slammed into a huge shock, drawing power from an indescribable generation, releasing the endless power of reincarnation. The flames of the burning world dyed the sky red, swallowing all the backlash that fell on the pure land of the king of God, turning this world into a fierce hell!

Jiang Taixu’s original state has been pulled back to its peak, and the King of God’s body has also begun to fight back under the mighty power of the sky.

^0^Remember in one second【】

, Tianxian Shenshu urged the avenue to resonate, and finally fell the sigh of the gods, so that he finally crossed the threshold that caused him to end, and the earth-shaking transformation occurred, making the entire Eastern Wilderness tremble, and countless strong people rushed out in shock. , But unable to capture the source.

The reincarnation oven turned into a phantom and disappeared, the flames extinguished, and all the power of reincarnation was lost. Lin Feng took back the Jiulong Hongmeng Purple Seal and let out a long sigh.

Look at Jiang Taixu again. He is surrounded by divine light, and the pure land of the gods stands behind him, the majestic and majestic bank like a heavenly palace, boundless.

The power in the field of law has been explored to the extreme ~ ~ the ultimate sublimation, in order to reach the peak of the limit.

Great Sage!

Jiang Taixu savored this power carefully, the original desolate and snowy temperament was still there, but those eyes that were never moved by foreign objects turned into deep horror and horror at the moment when they were fixed on Lin Feng. incredible.

He was not happy for the skyrocketing strength, only worried about Lin Feng's pale face.

"For me, is it worth it?" He wondered.

Lin Feng shook his head: "Not for you, but for myself."

That terrifying backlash force is still raging in his body, the force of reincarnation is suppressing and obliterating it, his face still has inviolable majesty and monstrous ambition.

"As soon as I return to the Eastern Famine, I will make this earth-shaking upside down, even if I will go away."

Lin Feng looked at Jiang Taixu with a look of emotion, and said every word: "From now on, I will protect you, and you will be the master of Donghuang."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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