Bai Chen licked his lips, his eyes filled with fighting spirit.

Compared with the geniuses of other teams, who is stronger and weaker?

At this time, Wang Shaonan's eyes showed pride, and he spoke quietly.

"Bai Chen, you Jingzhou City should have lost this trial again."

Bai Chen; "What do you mean?"

"Aren't you still clear about the situation?" Wang Shaonan wondered, "After losing again, Jingzhou City will enter the Tianchi Lake with the lowest score."

"Tianchi, cleanse the marrow?"

Bai Chen had just arrived in Zhoujia Town, and he obviously didn't know about the trial, because Bai Chen really just came to ask for directions.

Bai Chen smiled bitterly: "If I said that I just came here today, would you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it." Wang Shaonan curled his lips.

Bai Chen sneered.

"Haha, it's true that women are all big pigs."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Chen already knew in his heart that the opponents in Jingzhou City were probably Wang Shaonan and others.

What made Bai Chen feel strange was that even though he had been fighting for so long, there was no reason that Fatty Wang and others didn't notice.

At this moment, a sweet sound of silver bells sounded.

"Brother Bai Chen."

A girl with outstanding figure and delicate face slowly appeared in Bai Chen's sight.

The graceful figure exudes beauty, and she is extremely beautiful in a white gauze dress.

Ling Qianqian.

Bai Chen was startled, and finally an acquaintance came.

But this situation is obviously not the time to reminisce about the past.

Ling Qianqian also understood. Seeing the injuries on Bai Chen's body, her heart ached. Her eyes were filled with water, as if she would cry in the next second.

When Wang Shaonan saw this, he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The famous eldest lady of the Ling family would actually do this for a man.

This is still the Martial God Ling Qianqian.

Bai Chen coughed lightly and said.

"Qianqian, why are you alone, where are Fatty Wang and the others?"

Ling Qianqian seemed to have thought of something and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Wang Shaonan's impatient voice.

"Hey, hey, hey! Do you still choose a time to spread dog food?"

"As if I don't exist?"

Bai Chen said.

"You haven't left yet?"

Wang Shaonan said dissatisfied.

"Why should I leave?"

Bai Chen was surprised, paused, and said.

"Now it's 2 versus 1. Are you sure you can win against both of us?"

Wang Shaonan said with a frosty face and gritted his silver teeth.

"You're mean."

Bai Chen was startled. There was nothing wrong with this woman, right? I remember that when the group beat me up just now, the boss was so cool.

Sure enough, women are all stupid.

Bai Chen decided to waste more words, his eyes flashed with purple light, thunder bloomed on his swords, and his figure turned into a gust of wind and galloped away.

Wang Shaonan narrowed his beautiful eyes, seeming to be thinking about something.

Long swords, daggers, ice and fire appeared again. The two mutually exclusive energies looked extremely gorgeous at night.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The two fought together again.

The innate spiritual power spread again, and with each strike of the sword, the ruins that were originally full of desolation once again became shattered, and a large amount of dust and smoke was raised.

Ling Qianqian, who was standing on one side, did not choose to fight immediately.

Her eyes narrowed, a bright look flashing through her eyes.

Bai Chen held the Cold Light Sword tightly in his left hand and raised a strong wind again. The Qingling Sword in his right hand cut down a thunderbolt, and the spiritual power rolled around his body.

The strong wind and thunder seemed to become more violent, and the two swords merged into one and struck at Wang Shaonan.

Wang Shaonan snorted coldly, and followed up with the long sword and fiery dagger wrapped in frost.


The two were once again in a stalemate, sparks flew everywhere, and a rippling spiritual energy ripple centered on the two of them, rippling rapidly.

Suddenly, Wang Shaonan smiled contemptuously.

A strong crisis suddenly arose in Bai Chen's heart.


The next moment, a blood-red spear pierced directly from Bai Chen's back to his chest.

Drops of blood,

Bai Chen looked at the bloody gun head blankly, then turned his head to look over with difficulty.

A hint of gloom flashed across a delicate face.

Ling Qianqian?

Wang Shaonan laughed unbridled, and while Bai Chen was in a trance, the frost sword and the fire dagger suddenly pierced his chest.


Bai Chen's vision went dark, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. The alternating pain of ice and fire was unbearable for ordinary people.

Bai Chen snorted coldly, the soles of his feet flashed with strong wind, and he was far away from the two of them in the blink of an eye.

Although the power of the bloodline is not activated, the self-healing ability contained in the bloodline is something that ordinary warriors do not possess.

Before Bai Chen could think about it, why did Ling Qianqian suddenly rebel just now?

The two women opposite turned into elves in the darkness and came to Bai Chen's side silently.

Bai Chen said silently: "Who are you? It's definitely not Ling Qianqian."

‘Ling Qianqian’ smiled slightly, shook her head, and did not explain.

Wang Shaonan sarcastically said: "There are so many things you can't think of, so it's better to admit defeat and avoid any physical pain."

"Haha, I'm dreaming." Bai Chen advanced instead of retreating, and his body once again turned into a gust of wind and plundered out. "Let me take off your mask."

The Green Spirit Sword flashed in the night sky, like a starry sky hanging upside down. The sword, wrapped with 99 strands of innate spiritual power, fell fiercely towards 'Ling Qianqian'.

‘Ling Qianqian’ had a faint smile on her lips, and her blood-colored spear danced in the air. Wisps of chilling air lingered from the sound of gunshots.


The spear and the sword collided fiercely in the air. However, 'Ling Qianqian''s spear seemed to come alive, changing directions strangely in the air, like a poisonous snake hidden in the darkness, spitting out messages, revealing a murderous intent.

At the same time, Wang Shaonan used a strange footwork and his figure escaped into the darkness.

Unable to detect it, Wang Shaonan brandished his frost sword and attacked Bai Chen again after seeing Ling Qianqian's attack.

Bai Chen's eyes flashed with purple light, and the Nine Nether Eyes suddenly opened.

But the next second, Bai Chen was stunned.

Both Wang Shaonan and Ling Qianqian are full of confidence.

"Isn't that right?" A strong sense of crisis arose in Bai Chen's heart.

In an instant, Bai Chen's figure could only turn into a gust of wind, galloping away into the distance.

This is the first time that the Nine Nether Eyes are restricted.

It was not the treasure but the appearance of 'Ling Qianqian' that put him in crisis.

Who is she?

Could it really be Ling Qianqian?

After fighting against 'Ling Qianqian', I realized how miserable Bai Xian was at that time.

‘Ling Qianqian’ and Wang Shaonan will not let go of such a good opportunity.

The two women attacked again, carrying terrifying spiritual power and blasting towards Bai Chen.

It is certain that Bai Chen must be captured this time.

Bai Chen stood there like a rock, with a sneer hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, you are seeking death."

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