His thoughts sank into the Xiangless Sword Box, and then Bai Chen cursed directly.

What comes into view is the shining fairy palace, suspended in the air, majestic, ancient, and full of vicissitudes of life.

That's right, the entire Immortal Palace is contained by the Phaseless Sword Box, with the Immortal Swords in the sky surrounding it, and each Immortal Sword exudes a dense aura of Immortal Spirit.

The originally dilapidated fairy palace, with rubble flying upside down, is gradually returning to its original appearance.

In a matter of moments, the entire immortal palace appeared in front of Bai Chen's eyes.

Bai Chen swallowed, his head a little down.

Good brother, I just want you to help me steal this gorgeous-looking phoenix throne. It would be better for you to just move it to someone else's hometown.



Just what I wanted.

Bai Chen moved and appeared in the Immortal Palace again. Everything had not changed and was still the same as before. But in Bai Chen's mind, the entire Immortal Palace could be seen in full view.

Even the stone statues of the Immortal Palace seemed to become gleaming, and the Immortal Palace began to slowly change under the influence of the fairy spirit.

Bai Chen didn't know what changes this would bring to Immortal Palace.

However, what is certain is that the Immortal Palace can be summoned by oneself. Doesn't it mean that one has a movable villa?

Judging from this situation, it should be more valuable than Fatty Wang's villa.

Thinking of this, Bai's figure flickered again and came to the main hall. This time Bai Chen wanted to absorb the Phoenix Throne carved from spiritual stone.

"Haha, your cultivation will definitely see a breakthrough surge."

Bai Chen murmured, rubbed his eyes and looked at the phoenix throne again, feeling dumbfounded.

On the phoenix throne, there was a beautiful woman wearing a red phoenix-flame flower-patterned dress and a golden phoenix crown on her head.

Her beautiful eyes are as bright and moving as the stars and the sea, her red lips are pretty, her waist is slender, her figure is graceful, dignified, noble, and charming.

She placed her hands casually on the phoenix seat, and when she saw Bai Chen's arrival, her eyes met his.

Bai Chen was stunned. This woman was so beautiful.

This is the most beautiful woman Bai Chen has ever seen.

She even surpassed Qin Manyin and Ling Qianqian.

Suddenly, the woman raised her snow-white neck, her delicate body slowly floated up, stood on tiptoes, and walked through the void. Every step she took would cause ripples like water patterns on her soles.

Bai Chen's eyes suddenly shrank, his thoughts were racing, and he quickly calmed down. Regardless of why this woman appeared here, she was now in the big world inside the Phaseless Sword Box.

Within the phaseless sword box, I am the master of this world.

Soon the woman had arrived in front of Bai Chen, but her ability to walk in the void was a bit high. She looked down at Bai Chen with a hint of contempt in her eyes.

The woman spoke proudly, "Although I don't know who you are, I am awake. In order to help me, I can grant you the status of a servant.

Not even kneeling down to express gratitude. "

Bai Chen:......

Did this woman not understand the situation? Or is it that when God created man, he accidentally added all the points in the IQ column to appearance?

Will Bai Chen adapt to her temper?

hehe? Straight man of steel, do you understand? Do you understand that I am pregnant with the system? In the novel, I am the son of destiny.

Bai Chen said coldly, "I think you should be a good person and come down and talk to me."

The woman's beautiful eyebrows furrowed, and anger appeared on her beautiful face. It seemed that no one had spoken to her with such an attitude for a long time.

When she was about to speak.

The Immortal Palace trembled violently, and a powerful pressure suddenly fell on her shoulders like a towering mountain.

In an instant, the woman suddenly hit the ground and fell like a dog eating shit. Her noble and elegant appearance was completely gone.

Bai Chen was in a good mood when he saw that the woman was not standing in the void pretending to be cool.

"Haha, I don't care who you are? What noble status you have.

In my territory, if it’s a tiger, you have to lie down, and if it’s a dragon, you have to lie down.

Do you understand? "

The woman quickly stood up, adjusted her clothes and the phoenix crown on her head, her face changed drastically, and she cursed directly.

"Baby, do you know who I am?"

Bai Chen grinned, "Haha, it seems like the lesson wasn't enough?"

The woman's face darkened and she immediately cursed.

"Just wait for me, I'll call someone."

Bai Chen covered his face. This woman was really ignorant. Forget it, let her wake up first and figure out the relationship between priorities.

Bai Chen turned around and left, waving his hand, "You do somersaults here first, until I am satisfied."

The woman said: "If you tell me, I will..."

Before she finished saying the word "turn", the woman only felt her delicate body tremble, and there was an irresistible force in the air that made her start.


Bai Chen narrowed his eyes, "Don't be lazy. If I don't tell you to stop, just keep reading."

After saying that, the woman turned somersaults faster and faster, like a red hot wheel galloping in the hall.

Anyway, the scope of the main hall is large enough. No matter how she turns around, she can't find the palm of her grandfather's hand.

Immediately, Bai Chen decided not to pay attention to the woman, and with a thought, he had arrived in the world outside the phaseless sword box.

With the disappearance of the fairy palace, the fairy island has not changed, but it looks a little empty.

It is estimated that the people who built the Immortal Palace did not calculate that a young man would directly take away the entire Immortal Palace in the future.

A bottle of exquisite jade gourd appeared in the palm of his hand.

Opening the jade gourd, a dense stream of spiritual energy escaped from the mouth of the bottle, and an extremely pure liquid flowed inside.

Bai Chen was stunned, and just now there was a system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained spiritual fluid."

What is spiritual liquid? It takes 50 high-grade spiritual stones to process a drop of spiritual liquid.

How many high-grade spiritual stones are needed to fill a gourd of spiritual liquid now?

Moreover, it is said that the absorption efficiency of spiritual liquid is far greater than that of spiritual stones, and there is no such thing as a physical barrier.

However, the current technology has long been unable to refine more pure spiritual liquid. One can imagine how precious the spiritual liquid is after repeated use.

The spiritual liquid has been forgotten in the long river of history.

But what is in front of me is a whole gourd of spiritual fluid?

Bai Chen smiled faintly and absorbed it directly without hesitation.

"Detecting whether the host has acquired spiritual fluid and absorbed it."


The innate spiritual liquid in the jade gourd turned into trickles and escaped, entering the body along with Bai Chen's every breath. The gentle spiritual power spread from the blood veins and entered the limbs, bones, and internal organs.

Time passed by, until the last drop of spiritual liquid in the jade gourd disappeared, Bai Chen slowly raised his eyes.

Bai Chen smiled slightly and stretched, his bones crackling, and he felt full of strength.

400 strands of innate spiritual power linger around the body.

9 stars innate!

Climbing up to 3 stars, an unprecedented improvement, which can bring the innate level of Bai Chen to 400 strands of innate spiritual power.

Looking at the whole of China, there is no one before and no one after!

Bai Chen smiled faintly, and he could feel that now he had just entered the 9 innate stars, and was far from reaching the innate perfection.

And he, who is born with 9 stars, already has 400 rays of innate spiritual power.

Bai Chen just wanted to ask, who else?

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