Wang Shaonan looked at the thunder around him in horror, a huge cubic cage surrounding him.

The situation in the world changed suddenly, and the thunder was so powerful that it seemed as if a wound had been torn open in the sky.

With a roar, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder fell on the Qingling Sword, and the thunder light traveled around the sword, making a sizzling sound.

Bai Chen said quietly, "Why should I let you go?"

Wang Shaonan looked at Bai Chen blankly, unable to give a reason unless he gave up his position as the heir to the Wang family.

"Haha." Bai Chen smiled lightly. "Humans, they will never die until they see the Yellow River, and they won't shed tears until they see the coffin. In this case, I can only liquidate you."

Wang Shaonan's eyes were filled with terror. It could be seen with the naked eye that the 'cube' composed of thunder was gradually shrinking. In the face of 400 rays of innate spiritual power, there was no way to break it.

Everything is so pale and feeble.

Really unwilling.

Wang Shaoyuan is obviously a fat man who only knows how to eat and drink and wait to die.

But, but, his luck happened to be so good.

Being able to call Bai Chen a brother.

A smile flashed across Bai Chen's lips, "Are you ready?"

Wang Shaonan's pupils suddenly shrank, and she could already feel an extremely powerful aura of destruction.

In the next second, she will turn into a charred corpse. If she is unlucky, the corpse may not be retained and will only turn into ashes.

"no, do not want."

After all, she is still a little girl. Even if she has outstanding talents, her character is still a little worse.

Suddenly, the power of immortal spirits appeared in the sky.

The visitors were Su Wanxiu, a sheep-headed man, and Bicang, a rat-headed man.

Su Wanxiu frowned slightly. This Bai Chen was really hateful. Since his appearance, many rules have been changed for him.

The death of ordinary people in Zhoujia Town.

The ‘deaths’ of Wang Shaobei and others. ’

Long Feibai's broken arm.

In the end, the original group competitions were cancelled.

All of this is just because of one person.

But that person couldn't move yet.

Are you angry or not?

Su Wanxiu waved her hand, and the power of the fairy spirit shot out between her fingers. The dark clouds in the sky suddenly faded away, the wind suddenly stopped, and the world returned to its previous calm.

Wang Shaonan closed his eyes tightly, feeling that there was a thunder cage approaching, and a strong aura of destruction was surging.

At this moment, fear swept through her body. Her delicate body was shaking, and she even gave up resistance.

At this moment, the majesty of Thunder suddenly disappeared.

Wang Shaonan's eyes widened, as if he thought of something. He raised his eyes and saw his teacher Su Wanxiu with the head of a goat quietly falling in front of him.

Along with him is the rat-headed Bicang.

Wang Shaonan's chest rose and fell violently, and the feeling of surviving the disaster was so wonderful.

She greedily breathed every breath of fresh air.

Su Wanxiu's face was calm. To outsiders, Su Wanxiu didn't care about anything.

People who know Su Wanxiu will know that Su Wanxiu is furious now, gnashing her teeth, really angry.

Su Wanxiu said word by word.

"Bai Chen, have you thought of the reason for today?"

Bai Chen smiled and didn't take it to heart.

"I killed her just for the sake of the Wang family."

Bicang obviously didn't know, but Su Wanxiu knew very well that the issue of the Wang family's heir had been a very difficult issue in previous years.

Of course, Wang Shaonan is Su Wanxiu's disciple. You can think with your toes that if she loses, Su Wanxiu will definitely protect Wang Shaonan in the end.

Bai Chen saw all this and said meaningfully.

"Of course, if Mr. Sheep Head, you must block or interfere, will it be disrespectful to your noble status?"

"Sir, you should know the rules of the game."

"People of my generation!"

The last four words were heavily emphasized.

Bicang had no expression on his face, spread his hands and said, "Little brother, don't think that just because you treat us to a meal, you can be so unscrupulous. I think it's better for you to obey the sheep head's temper."

Bai Chen smiled slightly and spoke slowly.

"Please, Lord Yangshou, please do not participate in the battle between the juniors."

The voice was sonorous and powerful, resolute and firm.

Su Wanxiu took a deep breath, the elegance between her brows no longer existed, looking at Bai Chen with murderous intent in her eyes, she spoke word by word.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

Wang Shaonan also felt that Su Wanxiu was really angry at this time. He stayed aside and did not dare to say anything, trembling.

Bicang pretended to be a good person around him and smiled slightly.

"Okay, Bai Chen should give me some face. After all, Wang Shaonan is Yang Shou's apprentice. I'm still here. It's really hard for you to kill her, isn't it?"

Bai Chen shook his head and said calmly.

"I know that Lord Rat Head's innate magical power means that even if I kill her now, I can go back in time and resurrect her.

But I don’t believe that Lord Rat Head can stay by Wang Shaonan’s side every day. Do you think so? "

Bicang stopped talking and stared at Bai Chen coldly.

Su Wanxiu seemed to have made some kind of decision and spoke.

"Of course I know about the Wang family's heir raising Gu. I originally thought that of the few remaining heirs of the Wang family, only Wang Shaobei would pose a threat to Shao Nan. Your appearance is really an accident."

"But, I am Wang Shaonan's master after all, right?

Moreover, I am just protecting my shortcomings, what can you do to me?

No matter how strong a genius is, he still needs time to grow, right? "

Hearing this, Bai Chen's eyes were cold and silent, he clenched the Qingling Sword tightly in his hand and said sarcastically.

"Lord Yangshou, what do you mean by this?

Are you planning to take action against the juniors? "

Su Wanxiu's face was as cold as ice, an ancient book slowly rose into the sky, and the body was filled with terrifying spiritual pressure, and she spoke in a cold voice.

"I'll let you know at the end whether you want to retreat or not?"

The spiritual energy around the white dust was rolling, and 400 strands of innate spiritual energy overflowed from the body. His purple eyes were full of high-spirited fighting spirit, and the Green Spirit Sword was pointed at the sheep-headed Su Wanxiu, and he spoke coldly.

"Please advise."

Without any more nonsense, Bai Chen suddenly stepped on the ground, and his body plundered out like an arrow from a string.

In a few breaths, he had already arrived in front of the sheep's head.

Holding the Qingling Sword tightly in his hand, the sword buzzed and was wrapped with 400 wisps of innate spiritual power. The purple sword light came out of his hand. Immediately, 38 star flying knives quickly crossed the sky and appeared behind Su Wanxiu.

One after the other, there is already a tendency to double-team.

Bi Cang was about to take action, but was blocked by Su Wanxiu.

Su Wanxiu's body exudes a dense aura of fairy spirit, which is a special spiritual power that can only be understood by those who are powerful in becoming gods.

The spirit of the fairy spirit quickly gathered around him, and before the flying knives of stars and the sword light of thunder, he enveloped the surroundings firmly.

Sure enough, the star flying sword and thunder sword light seemed to encounter an invisible wall and stopped in the air, unable to move forward even half a minute.

Su Wanxiu's eyes revealed a murderous intent and she said coldly.

"Do you really think that with 400 strands of innate spiritual power, you are truly invincible?"

"Are you a genius? I don't dare to kill you."

"Or, during the previous test, did you think you could threaten me with your eyes?"

As the words fell, the ancient book in front of Su Wanxiu slowly opened, as if a pair of invisible hands were turning the pages of the book quickly. When it finally stopped at a certain page, a ferocious blue dragon appeared in the air.

"Even if I kill you, Tang Yayun will not cause trouble to me, do you understand?"

Bai Chen sneered in his heart, his expression gradually distorted.

"Everyone thinks that Tang Yayun is very nice to me?"

"As everyone knows, I can't wait to drink her blood and eat her flesh now!"

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