Endless as far as the eye can see, surrounded by silent darkness.

I...am I dead?

"Warning! Warning! The host is on the verge of collapse, please stay in a good mood and don't get lost!"

There was an urgent voice from the system in my mind.

Bai Chen opened his eyes with difficulty. The darkness around him did not make him feel scared.

On the contrary, it feels a little bit familiar.

Suddenly, there were two voices arguing.

Special alien beast? Humanity?

I seem to understand why Tang Yayun did what he did.

I just felt very unwilling and angry.

"Is this really the end?"

"Warning! The host's body is losing energy. Do you want to activate the power of blood?"

It’s already reduced to this, and I can’t control it so much.

"Turn on!"


Tang Ningxue's beautiful eyes were solemn, staring at Bai Chen's 'corpse'.

"Give up! This is his best destination, unless he can handle it?" Tang Yayun said.

"What do you mean?" Tang Ningxue was surprised.

It was obvious that Bai Chen was dead.

Such a big ‘hole’ in your chest? Can this survive?

Tang Yayun quickly took Tang Ningxue's little hand, pulled it behind her, and said lightly: "The time is just right, watch it carefully!"

After saying that, he stepped towards Bai Chen's direction.

Bai Chen miraculously stood up as if his whole body had been injected with adrenaline.

The wound on his chest healed quickly, sharp nails grew out of his hands, his hair was dyed silver and grew crazily, making him look like a demonized god.

He became taller and slender, his silver hair moved freely, and his whole body exuded a terrifying and weird aura.

Bai Chen opened his eyes, which shone with faint purple light, making people shudder, and the whole space seemed to tremble.

Tang Ningxue looked solemn, "Is this what you said?"

"Xenogenization, all warriors with the power of blood must cross this threshold."

Tang Yayun's eyes were filled with excitement.

Bai Chen stared forward, and the two women in front of him felt a little familiar to him.

When his eyes fell on Tang Yayun's beautiful figure, he was suddenly startled, as if he thought of something, and his whole body disappeared out of thin air.

When he appeared again, he was already in front of Tang Yayun.

Tang Yayun looked at all this with interest, "Not bad speed!"

She raised her jade-white palm and slapped it into the void. Bai Chen's entire body instantly froze in the air.

Before Bai Chen could react, his body flew out quickly.

He should have hit the wall behind him, but there seemed to be an invisible hand grabbing him hard in the air.


Bai Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, but the look he looked at Tang Yayun was still violent and cold-blooded.

The body began to convulse and twitch, and the muscles on the body swelled. Black evil spirits slowly appeared on the back, and the evil spirits gathered into two fox-like tails.

"Demon fox?"

Tang Yayun's eyes were as bright as a torch, and she stood still, shaking her jade hand in the direction of Bai Chen.

The entire space around me feels more compact.

The invisible pressure made Bai Chen feel suffocated.

The next second, the third tail slowly rose behind Bai Chen.

"Are you three?" Tang Yayun's expression remained unchanged, but the strength between his palms became a little stronger.

At this time, Bai Chen had lost his previous calmness, and his mind was filled with the consciousness of tearing the woman in front of him to pieces.

He felt that the power was getting stronger.

There was a rushing voice in my head.

What is this sound? It’s very familiar. Why can’t I feel its meaning?

"Warning! Warning! Warning! The host is being alienated!"

"Warning! Warning! Warning! The host is being alienated!"

"Warning! Warning! Warning! The host is being alienated!"


Bai Chen ignored the system reminder. Now he felt that his whole body was full of power, and he just wanted to tear the disgusting woman in front of him into pieces.

Although this woman is very good-looking.

But what does that have to do with me?

The space pressure in the void seems not as strong as before?

"I should be able to break through. Hehehe!" Bai Chen's handsome face showed a ferocious twist.

call out!

White dust rose into the sky so fast that even the naked eye could not catch it.

Tang Ningxue only felt that the surrounding space was being squeezed out, and Bai Chen, who was originally bound, was like a wild horse running wild.

Tang Yayun's beautiful eyes narrowed, obviously underestimating Bai Chen's current strength.

From the explosion sounds coming from the surrounding space, Tang Yayun knew that Bai Chen's speed had exceeded several levels.

But this is not enough.

Tang Yayun stood still without moving, her eyes flashing with a faint white light, as if all the power around her had gathered around her.


Bai Chen's figure came to Tang Yayun again, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed directly towards Tang Yayun's face.

This claw was as fast as lightning and extremely sharp, tearing the air apart, and a harsh sonic boom resounded throughout the space.

Tang Ningxue had already covered her mouth. She couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. Bai Chen's appearance was already beyond her understanding.

Is this still the Bai Chen she knows?

Seeing that Bai Chen's attack was about to fall, suddenly, Tang Yayun seemed to be protected by an invisible space around him.

You can almost touch Tang Yayun's delicate skin, but it is as far away as a chasm.

The surrounding space seemed to be trapped in a quagmire.

Bai Chen's face was slightly startled, and then a storm of claw strikes fell.

Ripples appeared in the space around Tang Yayun.

Bai Chen's body moved again.

This time it appeared above Tang Yayun.

It was still a sharp claw strike, falling with a crash, but still being blocked by the invisible space.

There seemed to be an invisible space protecting Tang Yayun.

Tang Yayun remained as still as a mountain and as calm as a rock.

"Hey, the fourth tail has been opened." Tang Yayun opened her pink lips lightly with a joking look in her eyes.

Bai Chen seemed to be a ferocious beast that didn't know how to tire. No matter whether the attack was useless or not, he seemed to have inexhaustible power.

Tang Yaqi said lightly: "You don't have any other power, otherwise you will still be unable to escape death."

Bai Chen seemed to understand this sentence, tilted his head, and roared like a beast.


The fifth tail composed of black evil energy is looming behind him.


Bai Chen's power has once again risen to a new level. The muscles all over the body may collapse at any time, and the muscles have swelled to an exaggerated degree.

Veins popped out, and the fifth tail on his back solidified instantly.

When the fifth tail completely appeared, the black evil spirit had already enveloped Bai Chen.

In the eyes of outsiders, Bai Chen is now a humanoid monster composed of black evil energy.

Bai Chen suddenly stomped his feet, and the ground was shaken with spiderweb-like cracks. His body suddenly rushed towards Tang Yayun, he clenched his right fist and hit the invisible space with all his strength.


Just when Tang Ningxue thought that this time she was still in vain.

There were cracks in the invisible space protecting Tang Yayun.

Tang Yayun's beautiful eyes were stunned, looking at the crack, she was furious in her heart, as if something had been trampled on.

"You, a little acquired warrior, can actually have the power to break through space."

"It seems that I was really hasty. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful talent, but..." After a pause, Tang Yayun continued to say arrogantly.

"But, so what!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the faint white light above Tang Yayun's eyes suddenly bloomed, the power of the surrounding space exploded, and a death sickle as black as ink fell into the white palm.

She shook it hard! Swing the scythe!

"Boy, sister, I'm going to take you seriously next!"

"Don't die!"

"Just hold on a little longer!"

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