Bai Chen walked slowly and unsteadily, his body seemed to be hollowed out. It took almost 5 minutes just to walk off the martial arts stage.

All the geniuses looked at Bai Chen with solemn eyes and admiration in their hearts.

Just fighting for 2 hours with exhausted spiritual power, this kind of perseverance is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

In the end, he won, which is even more incredible.

The boy's firm back taught everyone a lesson.

Never give up until the end.

Bai Chen ignored everyone's thoughts, came to the front of the Jingzhou team, and slowly exhaled a filthy breath.

Bai Chen, who looked extremely tired, was being supported by Ling Qianqian.

Many people looked at her with envy. Ling Qianqian's strength, family background, appearance and appearance were second to none in China.

It is thought-provoking why Ling Qianqian, who was rumored to be engaged, chose to be so close to Bai Chen.

Many people can only think that Bai Chen is too outstanding, with outstanding appearance and dignified appearance.

At this moment, Fatty Wang didn't know what Bai Chen was thinking in his heart. Due to his face, he definitely couldn't reveal it, so he looked at it with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Fatty Wang didn't look worried at all, Qin Manyin sneered in his heart. Do you really think I can't see the little thoughts you two have?

Soon his eyes fell on Ling Qianqian's delicate body. Given the latter's excellent family background, Qin Manyin would inevitably feel a gap in his heart.

Ling Qianqian's family background was so good that she couldn't compare with it, and a sense of frustration arose spontaneously.

Qin Manyin has a complicated heart. She has a mission, but it is far beyond what a young lady like Ling Qianqian can understand.

Ye Wu patted Bai Chen's shoulder heavily and said loudly.

"Brother-in-law, when are you going to marry my eldest sister?"

Everyone present's eyes lit up, as if they had heard a shocking secret. The relationship between Bai Chen and Ling Qianqian had long been known.

Hearing this, a blush appeared on Ling Qianqian's pretty face, and she immediately interrupted.

"Xiao Yezi, really, there is no one to pick up. Is now the time to discuss this?"

Ye Wu smiled and said, "Oh, I didn't think about it. My brother-in-law needs time to rest now."

Bai Chen ignored Ye Wu's question. Bicang was still nearby. On a high ground in the distance, he could feel Xiao Feng's eyes staring at him.

The connection between the 'dream fruits' gives rise to some kind of unclear and incomprehensible connection between the strange beasts.

Bai Chen spoke slowly, "Help me go back to rest first."

Everyone in the Jingzhou team nodded, and when they were about to turn around and leave, they heard Su Wanxiu's cold voice coming from the air.

"After four days, they will all enter Tianchi to wash their marrow."

The voice was cold and without any emotion.

Ling Qianqian wanted to speak and ask why time was so urgent, but was interrupted by Bai Chen.

Ling Qianqian thought for a moment, nodded, and helped Bai Chen back to the villa just now.

After finding an excuse, Bai Chen returned to the room, lying on the comfortable big bed, resting his head behind his head, staring at the ceiling, with many thoughts in his mind.

When I first started thinking, I felt tired like a tide.

It would be a lie to say that I am not tired, whether it is seducing Wang Shaonan, facing Su Wanxiu's illusion, or Wang Shaobei's final decisive battle.

These are all troublesome things.

No one knows now that they have entered into a relationship with Su Wanxiu in the illusion space.

Bai Chen looked at the ceiling and analyzed calmly in his mind.

First of all, Xiao Feng's goal must be the order given by the gods to find some treasure in Tianchi.

Second point, as to who the other undercover agent is, after what happened in the past few days, it seems that the biggest suspect is Rat Head Bicang.

However, Bicang is an unconscious undercover agent, and it is unknown whether there are others.

The third point is whether Amelia Su can handle the current situation.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen felt exhausted, and the entire Zhoujia Town was surrounded by Bicang's power of time.

I am just worried that Bicang will find out if I make a call or send a text message now.

The strength of the God Transformation Warrior cannot be underestimated or careless.

In this situation, Bai Chen didn't dare to act rashly. After all, it was revealed that his own strength was too poor.


Bai Chen sighed heavily. Anyway, he had informed Su Wanxiu of the current situation.

The latter's illusion is quite terrifying, and if used properly, it can at least eliminate one Xiao Feng.

As he thought about it, the surging sleepiness came over him again. Bai Chen only felt that his eyelids were heavy and he slowly closed them.


Su Wanxiu returned to the resting place alone.

Su Wanxiu, a noble person with a sheep head, did not live in a gorgeous villa, but chose an extremely ordinary courtyard to live in.

12 Stars, as the head of a sheep, of course she also has a resident team.

However, going out on a mission this time was a very safe and relaxed matter.

Over the years, Su Wanxiu had not doubted Bicang, but for some reason, Bicang cleverly resolved them 'invisibly'.

Until in the illusion space, Bai Chen told himself what happened before.

Only then did Su Wan understand why she had had special thoughts about Bicang for so many years.

Originally, I had been deeply affected by time without even realizing it.

"Three days later, it will be the marrow cleansing in Tianchi. According to what the boy said, Xiao Feng is one of the confirmed beggars of the 12 Youye."

Su Wanxiu murmured in her heart.

Su Wanxiu had no doubts about what Bai Chen said, and her credibility was very high.

She had always wanted to find an opportunity to ask about Bicang.

It seems that in the past years, it is not that I have not inquired, but that Bicang has cleverly resolved it.

12 Youye's Xiao Feng and Bicang, if they are really undercover, this time the Tianchi trial will probably be terminated.

She must be responsible for the younger generation of China's genius.

Thinking of this, Su Wanxiu flicked her fingers, and a stream of fairy power burst out from her fingers. Ripples of spiritual power appeared in the courtyard where she lived.

The spiritual power ripples in the void and disappears the moment it appears, as if it had never appeared.

Su Wanxiu opened her lips lightly and said coldly: "You have your power of time, and I have my way of illusion."

In a certain room, Bi Cang, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes, raised his brows slightly, and said doubtfully.


In the space belonging to Su Wanxiu's location, a faint power of time rippled.

That was a formation set up to observe Su Wanxiu's daily progress.

Bi Cang quickly checked and found out that the formation had not been damaged, presumably because Su Wanxiu was practicing.

Bi Cang shook his head and sighed heavily.

In a certain villa.

Xiao Feng sat cross-legged on the bed, looking towards the sky without any intention, feeling the changes in the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and various voices emerged in his mind.

"It's a meeting, it's a meeting, it's a meeting... Malaga, get out of here, don't dive..."

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