On the round table, nine people, including gods, witches, swordsmen, Xiao Feng, liars, doctors, chefs, painters, and the prince, sat down.

12 You Ye except Bai Chen who just joined, there are only two people who haven't arrived yet, basically everyone is here.

Xiao Feng's expression condensed and he opened his mouth to report.


After a moment of silence, the god slowly spoke.

"I understand the meaning. Are you saying that Su Wanxiu has become suspicious?"

Xiao Feng nodded heavily.

The liar's eyes were deep and narrowed slightly.

The god spoke again.

"You don't need to pay attention to the matter of Fox Immortal. His joining is something I seriously consider, but each of the 12 stars is a strong person in the world, so we must be on guard."

The god's slender fingers slowly tapped on the table, making a banging sound. No one spoke, quietly waiting for the god to speak.

The god looked towards the swordsman's seat and spoke.

"Since Xiao Feng has some concerns, swordsman, you should put down what you are doing and rush to Changbai Mountain overnight to support Xiao Feng."

The swordsman nodded and spoke.

"Take orders."

When Xiao Feng heard the swordsman coming, his eyebrows relaxed and his heavy heart relaxed.

The god said in a deep voice, "It's not easy to have everyone here. I think everyone has heard about the nightmare."

Everyone's heart sank.

The god continued.

"I know that your relationship with that child may not be very good, but there is no need to exclude her. She is still our family after all."

"We are here to observe three minutes of silence for her passing, which is regarded as the last prayer between the family."

After saying that, the room fell silent.

The painter's eyes were slightly red, and the chef sitting next to him quietly took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

The god scanned the crowd and spoke in a deep voice.

"Prayer begins!"

Everyone put their hands together and showed sincerity.

The atmosphere was very depressing, no one spoke, and everyone in 12 You Ye silently prayed devoutly in their hearts.

There is a calm and warm atmosphere in the air, which is soothing.

They originally thought that with their strength, it would be difficult to die in this world, but they all knew in their hearts that they would most likely be the next to die.

The three-minute prayer ended quickly, and God smiled as brightly as the sun.

"Meeting dismissed."


Time passed slowly, and 4 days came up soon.

Bai Chen got up early, feeling excited that a new check-in was coming.

I just don’t know if I want to go to Changbai Mountain?

But the entire Immortal Palace has been moved into the big world of the Infinite Sword Box.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen thought, and his figure quickly appeared in the big world of the Wuxiang Sword Box.

Bai Chen quickly arrived at the gate of the Immortal Palace, and the long-lost system voice sounded in his mind.

"The host has been detected and came to Changbai Mountain Immortal Palace. Do you want to sign in?"

"Sign in."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Thousand-Faced Fox Fairy Mask!"

Bai Chen was startled and quickly watched the system introduction.

The 'Thousand-Faced Fox Fairy Mask' is a top-notch fairy weapon that can block any enemy's spiritual consciousness and can transform into various humanoid forms.

Bai Chen was shocked, this was really a good treasure that was cheating and killing people, pretending to be lurking.

The next line on the item clearly states that it can stimulate the bloodline of a bloodline warrior to a certain extent.

Use with caution.

Bai Chen took a breath and grinned.

Signing in to the Changbai Mountain Immortal Palace did not disappoint him. The level of the Immortal Weapon alone was the same as the Phaseless Sword Box.

Bai Chen moved his hands, and a snow-white fox mask appeared in his hands. The mask was exquisite and well-painted. A faint purple light appeared above his eyes.

This is completely consistent with Bai Chen's Nine Nether Eyes.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen put the Thousand-Faced Fox Fairy Mask on his face.

Suddenly, the mask seemed to fit Bai Chen's cheeks, and his face felt cold and soft, very comfortable, and not uncomfortable at all.

Bai Chen was in a good mood, and when he was about to regain his consciousness, something suddenly occurred to him.

Bai Chen's eyelids twitched wildly and he spoke.

"No wonder there is something I forgot to do. It turns out it was her..."

With a thought in Bai Chen's mind, a figure appeared inside the Immortal Palace.

I saw a fiery red figure galloping across the hall at a speed of 200 kilometers per second.

The speed is unmatched.

Good guy, if it weren't for the sign in the phaseless sword box, I really wouldn't have remembered that there was such a thing as you.

Bai Chen snapped his fingers.


Suddenly, the Invincible Hot Wheels stopped suddenly, and the beautiful woman with the phoenix crown on her head collapsed directly to the ground. She was spitting out white foam, her eyes were cloudy, and she was already unconscious.

"My seat...my seat..."


The beautiful woman with the phoenix crown on her head is obviously not an ordinary person. Her strength is unpredictable. If it were not in the big world of the Wuxiang Sword Box, it would be hard to say.

Bai Chen must not dare to make mistakes in the outside world.

About half an hour passed.

The woman vomited for half an hour.

Good guy, you must have vomited out this bile.

The woman raised her phoenix eyes and glared at Bai Chen, but when she thought of Bai Chen's terrifying methods, the anger in her heart was suppressed.

She was very embarrassed, and her gorgeous, elegant red phoenix-flame and dark-flowered phoenix pattern clothes had been completely deformed and were so loose that they were worn on her delicate body.

Her figure was originally plump and well-proportioned, but now she looks even more unique.

Bai Chen dragged his chin, watching all this with interest, and clicked his tongue.

"You're a bitch with a vicious mouth, but you have nothing to say about your figure."

The woman in red was scared, covering the important part of her chest with both hands, and said tremblingly.

"Whatever you want to do to me, I won't agree to it even if I die."

Bai Chen ignored him, pulled open the buttons on his chest, and said viciously.

"Beauty, you have successfully attracted my attention. Here, you'd better listen to me."

The woman in red's eyes flashed with fear and she spoke quickly.

"Don't come here!"

Bai Chen smiled evilly and said: "Haha, you'd better not scream, no one will come to save you."

The woman in red had never been treated like this before. She suddenly burst into tears.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and shouted directly.


"Cry your sister! Don't cry!"

The woman in red was startled, not daring to cry, but her tears couldn't stop falling, and she said pitifully.

"Sir, what are you going to do? It's not suitable here. There are rooms inside."

Bai Chen was startled, as if this girl was thinking wrongly, and then he shouted again with a big cock.

"What are you thinking?"

After two slaps, the woman in red's cheeks felt burning pain. Her phoenix eyes stared at Bai Chen resentfully, not daring to speak.

After a while, Bai Chen slowly spoke.

"Tell me your identity. Who are you?"

"And what's going on with this whole fairy palace?"

The woman was stunned, so she asked me this question, why didn't you tell me earlier and asked me to do somersaults? Do you know how long I did somersaults?

I turned through 25 chapters. Chapter 25, you are not a human being.

You are the devil.

The woman in red looked at Bai Chen with a resentful look on her beautiful face, as if to say, why did you think of me?

Bai Chen was shocked, wondering if he could be seen, but his face was expressionless and he continued to scream again.

"Speak quickly and don't seduce me."


The refreshing sound of slaps echoed melodiously in the fairy palace.

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