In Changbai Mountain in April, the ground is covered with thick white snow, and a fresh breath fills the forest.

Under the blue sky, the sky is full of white clouds, and the light is scattered, covering the snow-capped mountains in a golden coat, shining like diamonds.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team got up early, had some breakfast, and gathered together.

In front of the villa, a group of young boys and girls were gearing up and getting ready, as if they were a well-trained team, waiting for the captain to give orders.

Bai Chen glanced around the crowd and spoke slowly.

"Set off."

About 30 minutes later, the Jingzhou team led by Bai Chen had arrived at the foot of Changbai Mountain.

Gaze at the endless mountain peaks stretching under the blue sky. The quiet lake water lapped against the rocks, and Bai Chen felt extremely refreshed.

At this time, the 100 training talents have arrived.

Xiao Feng, Long Feibai, Quan Shanshan, and Wang Shaonan led their respective teams, all focusing on the Jingzhou team.

Qin Manyin still vaguely remembered that during the first ranking match, Bai Chen did not arrive, and all the other teams' eyes were on the Jingzhou team.

Only this time, the result was completely different. For the first time, it was like being targeted. After the qualifying match, almost everyone in the Jingzhou team was scarred.

But now, everyone in the team looked at the Jingzhou team with fear and respect.

Just because of Bai Chen's arrival.

Qin Manyin looked at Bai Chen with a pair of beautiful eyes.

The young man is full of confidence and high-spirited, like the most dazzling star in the sky, dazzling and bright.

For a moment, Qin Manyin was in a daze. Thinking that his strength was only a little bit different from Bai Chen's, an inexplicable sense of tension arose in his heart.

Qin Manyin had a terrible thought in his heart. If he didn't work harder, he might not even have any hope of standing by Bai Chen's side in the future.

At this time, two figures came from a distance.

It is the sheep head, Su Wanxiu.

Rat head, Bicang.

Su Wanxiu wore a tight-fitting black combat uniform that completely outlined her figure. She put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which made her look less elegant and more charming.

A pair of water-like eyes were extremely cold, as if they were to be kept away from strangers.

Bi Cang, on the other hand, looked much simpler, wearing a purple sportswear and black sports pants, looking casual and relaxed.

Suddenly, the noisy atmosphere immediately became quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on the two of them.

Su Wanxiu still looked cold and spoke in a cold voice.

"Today's goal is the Tianchi at the top of the mountain, but it is not the Tianchi at our scenic spot. Do you understand?"

"Today's road is very special. If you can't even walk this road, I think you should pack your bags and leave, so as not to be embarrassed."

Everyone looked at each other, and at this moment, someone asked.

"Lord Yangshou, is that the road you are pointing to?"

As soon as the words fell, the person who spoke pointed in a certain direction. Everyone looked in the direction and saw that it was a rugged and steep winding road. It could even be described as a steep cliff.

The ground on the 'curved road' was slippery and full of potholes. Under the morning light, some muddy sections were impossible to walk on.

If you climb halfway up the mountain, if you accidentally slip and fall, you will fall off the cliff and die.

Bai Chen looked up and saw that the road pointed by the sheep's head might not be easy to walk on.

At this time, Bicang slowly spoke.

“Have you forgotten that you are now a whole?

Do we still need to climb mountains in the usual way?

What is the most important thing between the squads? "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up. Everyone was smart, and they immediately thought of what to do.

Long Feibai smiled coldly, "It's ridiculous. I can climb this kind of mountain by myself. Only the weak need to hug each other for warmth."

Unexpectedly, Long Feibai ignored the people behind him. His figure in black clothes quickly flashed out and said a word in a floating voice.

"Bai Chen, I'll wait for you at the top of the mountain, but don't make me wait too long."

Bai Chen was speechless. Is this guy mentally retarded?

Of course, with Long Feibai's strength, it is not difficult to climb to the top of the mountain.

However, it is hard to say for others.

Su Wanxiu narrowed her beautiful eyes and continued.

"The top 10 climbers have many benefits. If anyone is confident in his own strength, he can join the list like Long Feibai."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of Quan Shanshan, Xiao Feng, and Wang Shaonan quickly swept out, speeding towards the rugged and steep slope at almost the same speed.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced meaningfully at Su Wanxiu, meeting her eyes.

Ling Qianqian looked at everyone in the Jingzhou team out of the corner of her eye and said to Bai Chen, "Brother Bai Chen, aren't you going?"

Bai Chen waved his hand and said without caring.

"You have forgotten that the Jingzhou team came first in this competition.

We have the right to be first. "

Ling Qianqian's beautiful eyes flashed with light and she didn't ask any more questions.

Choose to believe silently.

As Long Feibai and others left, their original team was not panicked by their departure.

Some people found a very thick rope out of nowhere.

Tie the rope securely to your body, and not far from the rope, there is also a person tied. Stringed together one by one like a gourd strung together.

Just in case someone grabs a teammate when they fall.

At this point, many people suddenly realized that they could learn from others, and this kind of thick rope could be obtained from Bicang.

In this way, almost all of the Tianjiao team entered the steep mountain road until they disappeared from the sight of everyone in the Jingzhou team.

Lu Jin and others couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Chen, they have already taken action, why are we still waiting to start?"

The corners of Bai Chen's mouth raised slightly and he replied lightly.

"Why are you leaving?"

Fatty Wang knew Bai Chen well. He walked up to Lu Jin, jumped up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Haha, don't you understand? Of course we have a secret weapon."

Lu Jin raised his eyebrows: "Secret weapon?"

"Can we still fly?"

"Look, they are all gone. If we don't hurry up, we might be the last one."

Fatty Wang patted his chest and said carelessly.

"Isn't this your Brother Chen? Look at how confident he is, how come he didn't think of a way to deal with it?"

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone in the Jingzhou team fell on Bai Chen.

Bai Chen smiled lightly and said.

"You guys are so rigid and don't even think about it."

Ye Wu was also confused at this time and couldn't help but ask.

"Why use your brain?"

Bai Chen smiled, walked towards the direction of the sheep head, and asked respectfully.

"Lord Yangshou, is it convenient for us to compete for first place this time?"

Su Wanxiu frowned, her face seemed displeased, but in the end she didn't interfere too much.

She glanced at Bicang beside her with her beautiful eyes, then nodded slowly, then waved her slender hand, and a gentle and soft fairy power enveloped everyone in the Jingzhou team.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team looked shocked, and then their bodies slowly rose into the air, and then quickly flew towards the top of Changbai Mountain.

Lu Jin, who was flying in the air, said in surprise.

"Gan, it's so damn special that it's flying."

Is that outrageous?

Bicang looked at Su Wanxiu, wanting to ask something else, whether this was a bit unruly.

Su Wanxiu's eyes flashed coldly, "My rules are just the rules!"

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