In the illusion space.

The endless black space in the universe is dotted with bright stars. The stars twinkled, some so bright and huge.

Xiao Feng stood in the starry sky, surrounded by deathly silence, and beside him was a strange green lotus like a big tree in the sky.

Qinglian exudes a strong aura of death.

At this time, a large crack opened in the dark starry sky, and a beautiful figure suddenly stepped out of the crack.

Xiao Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, "General Yangshou, do you really think you can defeat me with the four-phase formation?"

Su Wanxiu's pretty face was frosty, and her beautiful eyes could not hide the murderous intent.

The slender jade hand pointed in the void, and golden fairy power wandered in the starry sky.

The power of the golden fairy spirit seemed to have spirituality within the four-phase formation. In the vast universe, it transformed into a ten thousand-foot golden dragon, entrenched above Xiao Feng.

Gorgeous golden scales shone brightly. The dragon's head is high and the dragon roars, as if it can control the whole world.

The golden dragon's body is extremely strong, and its claws are like iron pincers, capable of crushing any obstacles in front of it.

Its eyes sparkle with a cold light, as if it can see through all the secrets deep in your heart.

Even a top god-forming expert like Xiao Feng couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene.


"Interesting, with the help of the power of the four-phase formation, it finally made me a little more interested." Xiao Feng stamped his legs hard in the void, and his body quickly swept upwards.

Su Wanxiu, who stood on top of the dragon's head, did not speak. She stared at everything with cold eyes, like a machine without emotions.

Xiao Feng's figure shuttled through the void, and his movement path was very tortuous. He must be preventing Su Wanxiu's sneak attack.

On the other side, Su Wanxiu waved her jade hand in the void, and a ten thousand-foot golden dragon wandered in the void, as if the entire world was trembling violently.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon opened its big mouth, and a dragon roar that filled the mountains and rivers sounded in the void.

The powerful dragon's power spread rapidly, putting Xiao Feng, who was hiding in the void, directly in danger.

Nowhere to escape!

Bang bang bang!

The dragon's power was like an invisible cannonball. In an instant, Xiao Feng's figure appeared. The clothes on his upper body exploded, and his muscles shriveled like knives and axes.

Black blood was flowing down from his chest. Standing in the void, he was looking at Su Wanxiu above with a solemn face.

Su Wanxiu looked down at Xiao Feng with cold eyes filled with endless killing intent.

Xiao Feng frowned, Su Wanxiu's current combat power has exceeded the average strength of the 12-star captain.

Su Wanxiu would not give him a chance to rest. With a thought in her mind, the ten thousand-foot golden dragon moved in the void, and another loud and powerful dragon power sounded from the void.


Xiao Feng only felt pain in his eardrums, and a powerful uneasiness came from deep in his soul.

It seems that at this moment, I am no longer myself.

For a moment, he fell into a brief trance.

"This is where?"

"Why did I come back here? It's such a disgusting place. Is this also an illusion?"

After the war, the area was in a mess and littered with corpses. A emaciated child was carefully examining each dead body.

The child's face is thin and yellow, and one can tell that he has been hungry for a long time.

Just when the little boy found a piece of compressed biscuit from the corpse, a bright smile appeared on his face.

One piece of compressed biscuit can provide you with enough food for 2 days.

The little boy carefully packed away the biscuits, then looked around to make sure no one noticed, and then quietly started to leave.

On this battlefield, there are many similar people.

Most of them are in groups, in twos and threes, and there is only one little boy. If today's harvest is discovered, they will definitely have to hand it over.

In a world like this, who would care about the life and death of a child?

Too many humans die every day, and no one knows if there will be a tomorrow.

Today's humans are far from being able to fight against those terrifying armies of alien beasts.

When the little boy came to an open space, there were many iron barrels lying upside down on the open space. He looked around again and made sure that no one was there before climbing into the iron barrel.

The upside-down iron bucket was very big, with enough space inside to accommodate a child.

However, inside the iron bucket, there was only a broken quilt and half a piece of bread leftover from yesterday.

Just as the little boy was taking out the compressed biscuits he found today, there was a violent tremor inside the iron barrel.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

It's like an iron bucket being beaten continuously with a metal rod outside.

The little boy suppressed his discomfort, hid the compressed biscuits, and quickly got out.

As soon as he poked his little head out from the edge of the iron barrel, someone grabbed his hair. Although he knew there was danger, he was still cautious.

But he was still caught.

Soon, the little boy was thrown in front of a corpse.

The little boy's dirty face was almost attached to the corpse.

After a while, no one bothered him.

There are many adult famine-stricken people around. They are all refugees left here because of the war.

The leader of the famine spoke.

"Xiao Feng, is this your good friend? Speaking of which, she is really interesting. She didn't tell you your whereabouts until her death."

"You know, if you dare to steal supplies from Brother Qiang, I think you two should have died long ago, hahaha!"

The little boy Xiao Feng didn't speak, and stared blankly at the girl lying on the ground in front of him.

They are not so much friends, but good brothers and sisters who rely on each other in troubled times.

Is it a simple brother-sister relationship?

No, it's very subtle anyway, they just want to rely on each other to survive in this bullshit world.

Each other is the sustenance of the soul.

Xiao Feng huddled together and looked at the girl's body. It was obvious that the girl had been severely tortured.

I originally thought that they just stole a small piece of bread, and as long as they hid it carefully, the man named Brother Qiang would forget it in a few days.

The brother and sister even hid separately, preparing to live together again after avoiding the limelight.

But right now, the girl has no trace of life left.

There was not a single intact bone in his body, and the blood in his hair had long solidified.

You can even smell the rotting smell of corpses.

However, Xiao Feng held her in his arms and stared at the group of people around him angrily.

Soon, a figure slowly walked out from the crowd.

Xiao Feng knew that the man was called Brother Qiang.

He is the leader of the hungry in this area.

His face was covered with beard, his thin cheeks, and his eyes were full of disdain.

He stepped on Xiao Feng's head hard on the ground, rubbed it hard, and said viciously.

"I dared to steal your grandfather's supplies after eating the courage of a leopard."

"You are the beggar among us famine-stricken people, incompetent and cowardly."

Then he stepped hard on Xiao Feng's head.

Brother Qiang’s sarcastic voice sounded again.

"You're a useless fucking beggar, trash among trash."

"I tortured your friend to death, come here and kill me, hahaha! Trash."

Xiao Feng remained calm and allowed Brother Qiang to trample on his head. His body seemed to have lost its soul, and all he could see was the body of the girl.

He kept mumbling in his mouth.

"Beggars, beggars..."

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