Wang Shaonan was dumbfounded and extremely unwilling. He couldn't understand why Bicang was able to break through the shackles of the four-phase formation and use the power of time again.

Just when everyone's heart is palpitating.

Only a hissing sound was heard.

The Yellow Paper Book was split into two parts, as if someone had torn it apart with ruthless hands.

Half of the book burned with golden flames.

Su Wanxiu and Bicang disappeared at the same time.

For some reason, Wang Shaonan always felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

"What am I thinking about?" Wang Shaonan shook his head vigorously, "That's the master's sheep head."

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the four-phase formation standing on the top of the mountain.

The cracks spread rapidly, and the sound of cracking could be heard endlessly.

Not long after, a man with his upper body exposed, dozens of meters tall, and covered in kinked muscles, roared out.

Countless bloody eyes opened on his body, and the muscles on his back were pulled apart, growing out a pair of disgusting flesh wings.

The man was in a daze, his eyes were bloody, and the meridians on his body were squirming like earthworms.

Streams of dark blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Wang Shaonan was speechless and his eyes widened, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.

"Is this Xiao Feng?"

Judging from the cheeks, it is not difficult to tell that this person's face is that of Xiao Feng.

However, I usually see him wearing suits and leather shoes, and his clothes are very delicate and elegant.

But now it looks more like a naked giant, a very disgusting and ugly beast.

The aura on Xiao Feng's body was very chaotic. He shook his head and saw a flash of anger in his eyes when he saw everyone in the Jingzhou team.

Without saying a word, Xiao Feng bent his legs forcefully, and the next second, his whole body exploded like a rocket shell.

Standing near the original mountain, gravel suddenly flew into the air.

Everyone was shocked, and no one could stop it.

Suddenly, Ling Qianqian and Wang Shaonan came out of the air and came directly to Xiao Feng.

At the same time, he also gave orders.

"Everyone, run."

Hearing this, everyone looked solemn. It would be a burden to stay in this situation.

Everyone's eyes were full of unwillingness, but there was nothing they could do.

Ling Qianqian and Wang Shaonan, with their pretty faces serious at this moment, were staring at Xiao Feng intently.

Xiao Feng has completely transformed into a beast, and it is impossible to see what he looked like when he was just a human.

Xiao Feng saw two figures coming to block him, and suddenly, fists like cannonballs exploded in the air.

Ling Qianqian and Wang Shaonan felt as if they were struck by lightning. Having activated the power of the vessel and blood, they couldn't even block it for a moment.

Their figures instantly dissipated in place, directly blasting into the Tianchi on the other side.

With a pop, the two figures were directly blasted into the bottom of the pool.

Fortunately, the Eye of Spiritual Spring has already fallen into the hands of Sun Dasheng.

Otherwise, the evil eye of the spiritual spring will devour them directly.

Wang Shaonan and Ling Qianqian were defeated in one move, and everyone who was still retreating felt as if they had been hit hard in the heart.

Fatty Wang said foolishly.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Qin Manyin's beautiful eyes were full of worry, and she was looking around quickly.

However, Bai Chen seems to have disappeared from this world.

A powerful flame burned across the sky.

A hint of sarcasm flashed across the corner of Xiao Feng's mouth, and he knocked his fists in the void, causing cracks to appear in the original space.

The spatial cracks are still spreading, rushing towards the Tianjiao students at extremely fast speeds.

No one can stop it.

With a rumble, Quan Shanshan turned into a flame queen again and appeared in front of everyone.

The next second, her beautiful figure fell back directly, and the flames on her body became even more bleak.

Quan Shanshan's delicate body stepped back and was embedded in the mountain wall.

There was no room to move.

Qin Manyin's eyes showed a fierce look, and the colorful glass roared out, and the colorful light illuminated the way forward at this moment.

Go forward without hesitation and look wherever you go.

"I no longer want to hide behind you, I just want to work hard to stand by your side.

Even if this is the last time. "

The sharp colorful light is like a shooting star in the dark night, dazzling.

Qin Manyin held the colorful glazed sword tightly with both hands. As he approached Xiao Feng, his innate spiritual power surged from within his body, and the terrifying power of the sword suddenly fell.

Xiao Feng tilted his head, and without even looking at the falling attack, he slapped it directly like a cattail leaf fan.

The colorful glazed knife suddenly broke at the moment of contact.

The colorful glazed sword with the power of the vessel broke into several pieces in the air.

Qin Manyin looked at the fragments of the sword flying in the sky with dull eyes.

"It actually broke?"

Before Qin Manyin could notice, another big hand like a cattail leaf fan came out directly.

With Xiao Feng's body dozens of meters tall, his palms were big enough to almost cover Qin Manyin's petite body.

A trace of determination flashed in Qin Manyin's heart, and it didn't seem strange at all that he rushed forward so recklessly.

Because she didn't want to fall behind Bai Chen anymore.

Not even once.

Injuries on the body can be repaired with medicine. If the warrior's Taoist heart is hit, that is not something that medicine can change.

However, at this time, a thought flashed in Qin Manyin's mind.

"I really want to see you again."

"I must not be his type, or it's just wishful thinking on my part."

The feeling of death lingers around.

Qin Manyin finally closed his eyes.

Quietly waiting for death.

"If you can die like this, you don't have to live in such a tiring way."

At this moment, a strong wind roared down.

An ancient long sword was unsheathed decisively.

A loud sound!

The Qingling Sword crossed the sky, and a beam of thunder containing violence came to Qin Manyin.

Suddenly, the palm as big as a leaf fan was cut off directly with a pop, and the incision of the severed palm was as smooth as a mirror.

Black blood was pouring out in a steady stream.

The next moment, Qin Manyin felt a soft palm coming from his waist.

She opened her eyes and was about to turn around when she heard a familiar voice.

"Xiao Nizi, don't you see that you are really brave? Don't you know what the realm is on the other side?"

Qin Manyin buried her head, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment, but she didn't know that the person coming was none other than Bai Chen, whom she had longed for.

It's just that the two of them look a bit ambiguous now.

Bai Chen held Qin Manyin in one hand and held the sword in the other. Jiuxiao Xuanlei twisted wildly on the Qingling Sword.

The majestic meaning of destruction raged in this space, and there were faint sounds of cracking and breaking.

This space actually split open.

In the sky above the top of the Changbai Mountain, huge dark clouds gathered, the wind roared, and white dust stood in the void, making a hunting sound in white clothes.

At this time, Bai Chen's aura had reached its peak.

Ling Qianqian and Wang Shaonan also climbed out from the bottom of Tianchi Lake and happened to see Bai Chen.

Wang Shaonan opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe it for a long time.

"Is that Bai Chen?"

Although Ling Qianqian was extremely shocked in her heart, she took it as a matter of course.

"If it's not Brother Bai Chen, who else could it be?"

Ye Wu was running hard with Long Feibai in one hand.

Suddenly, I felt terrifying spiritual pressure coming from the sky.

Looking back towards the sky, I saw a familiar figure with long flowing hair and a strange fox fairy mask that made people feel palpitated.

Standing tall in the sky, thunder and lightning surge around it, like a fairy in the sky.

Qin Manyin couldn't help but speak.

But he was interrupted by Bai Chen.

"Watch it."

"This sword will be very handsome!"

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