The sky above 10,000 meters is as blue as water, and above the sea of ​​clouds, the vast sea of ​​clouds stretches out.

The white clouds flow slowly, like soft marshmallows, making people feel unlimited imagination and reverie.

At this height, Changbai Mountain becomes extremely small, like a huge ant nest. You can see the mountains and rivers in the distance, which look particularly spectacular and beautiful against the sea of ​​clouds.

The two figures were rapidly fighting.

The sounds of metal clashing resounded through the sky.

The terrifying energy shocks caused by the collisions stirred up the vast sea of ​​clouds.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, two men stood face to face. One hand holds a long knife, the knife is shining. The other is holding a black stick with a heavy shadow.

The swordsman and Sun Dasheng were so light that they fought dozens of times in an instant.

Suddenly, the swordsman yelled and his sword flew up, drawing a rainbow and slashing towards Sun Dasheng.

Sun Dasheng's movement changed, and his figure was like flying. The black stick in his hand drew a bright arc in the air. The majestic power exploded instantly, causing the entire sky to tremble.

The battle has reached a fever pitch. The swordsman's swordsmanship is extremely ferocious, and each sword has an astonishing lethality.

Sun Dasheng's stick skills are exquisite, and every move can neutralize the swordsman's attack. Their figures shuttled through the air, sometimes spinning and rolling, sometimes leaping high, and sometimes falling back suddenly.

Rainbows, black shadows, and gray-white air currents intertwined into an indescribable picture in the sky.

The entire process, set against the backdrop of rainbows, black shadows and gray-white air currents, formed an extremely thrilling battle. The intertwining of strength, speed and skills demonstrated the superb martial arts and realm of both parties.


The two figures dispersed again and stood in the void.

The swordsman spoke.

"You really didn't disappoint me.

Back then, you and he were the most talented beings.

I never thought that I would have the chance to fight with my juniors again. "

Sun Dasheng said with a grin on his face.

"Senior Daoxian, it seems that what happened back then has something to do with you?

It seems that after so many years, your strength has not improved much, which surprises me. "

The swordsman's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart seemed to be stabbed hard.

"Talent is not the only thing. If a person works hard enough, I believe he will be able to transcend his own existence."

Sun Dasheng carried the black stick on his shoulder and laughed unscrupulously.

"Haha, student Daoxian, what you said is really funny.

You said it yourself, under the premise of working hard, you must still be an individual.

Isn't it? "

The black stick in Sun Dasheng's hand danced crazily in the air, pointing directly at the swordsman standing opposite.

"Daoxian, are you still human now?"

The swordsman was startled, but then he smiled coldly, the expression on his face became indifferent again, and he spoke slowly.

"Yes, after all these years, I still haven't forgotten the bad habits of human beings.

Now I am no longer human. "

As soon as the words fell, the original injuries on his body recovered instantly, the depressions on his body were quickly refilled, and his face became rosy again.

Violent evil spirits swirled around the blade.

The extremely sharp sword intent tore apart in the air.

The sea of ​​clouds as pale as snow was split open at the soles of my feet in an instant.

Holding the knife in both hands, he slowly closed his eyes and murmured.

"Since you want to see my true strength,


Fulfill your wishes by the way. "

The terrifying and sharp knife shadow flickered in the sky, and the blue sky seemed to have been cut with a deep hole.

The Baizhang sword slashed down from Sun Dasheng's head with a sharp and swift power.

Sun Dasheng's eyes narrowed, and immediately, the black stick was beside Xu Fu's body, and he spit it out softly from his mouth.

"Holy Ape Bloodline, open!"

Sun Dasheng lowered his body. Suddenly, his body began to expand continuously. His limbs gradually became thicker and longer, and his head began to become abnormally large.

The skin also began to become rough, and the muscles all over the body continued to tighten, making creaking sounds. Soon, Sun Dasheng's body had become a hundred meters high, like a giant mountain standing on the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The body is covered with hair, and the color of the hair has become extremely rich, exuding a strong beastly aura.

The eyes also became unusually bright, like two bright gems.

The teeth also became extremely sharp, like sharp knives, shining brightly and making people shudder.

Sun Dasheng suddenly grasped the palm of his hand, and the short black long stick suddenly became the same height.

In the eyes of normal people, it is a divine pillar that reaches the sky, standing ten thousand meters in the sky.

Sun Dasheng roared, as if the earth was shaking, and the whole world was shaken.

"Daoxian, you betrayed humanity and pretended to be like me. In my opinion, you are just like Bicang.

He has no idea!

Fuck your mother! "

The black rod danced rapidly across the sky, and the void was shattered every inch.

A terrifying sonic boom echoed through the sky.

The extremely sharp Baizhang sword fell apart instantly when it met Sun Dasheng's black stick.

The swordsman's face was full of shock, his proud sword intention was defeated so completely.

However, Sun Dasheng's black stick did not stop, and its power remained unabated, falling rapidly towards the swordsman.

The current black rod, oh no, for the swordsman's small body, the black pillar is like a bolt from the blue, covering the light of the sky.

A shadow enveloped the swordsman's body.

This was the first time since he took refuge in the alien beasts that he felt the threat of death.

Only the swordsman's dull eyes were left, and he said dreamily, his face almost crazy.

"why why why?"

"For those of you with such a strong talent, no matter what you do, it is a matter of course."

"I gave up my identity as a human being, why did I still fail!

God, I don't accept it. "

"His grandma is a brother, why are you talking so much nonsense? I will die."

Suddenly, a colorful rainbow light flashed across the sky.

From behind the swordsman, a door-shaped cloud was quickly outlined.

A white arm stretched out from the Yunduo Gate and grabbed the swordsman's body into the door.

The black rod filled with a devastating blow smashed directly into the air.

Sun Dasheng grinned.

"Haha! Can't you afford it?"

Soon, a door-shaped cloud emerged from the other side of the void.

The door was slowly opened, and two figures slowly walked out.

One of them is the swordsman from just now, Daoxian.

The other one is a 15-year-old girl in her prime, wearing a blue school uniform, her skirt fluttering gently in the breeze.

She has fair skin, bright eyes, and long eyelashes trembling slightly, like a pair of amiable little animals.

Her smile is sweet and charming, making people want to get close to her involuntarily.

Holding a painting pen in his hand, he drew gently on a piece of white paper. Her movements are light and skillful, and each stroke has a unique charm. Her gaze is focused and profound, as if the whole world is attracted by her creations.

Sun Dasheng's eyes were filled with high-spirited fighting spirit.

"Well done, one sword string is not enough to kill me."

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