A middle-aged man in a white coat in a suburban waste area had a cigarette in his mouth and was looking at his watch.

"The time is correct, why hasn't this person arrived yet?"

Suddenly, two staggering figures appeared in his sight.

It is the swordsman and the painter.

Their bodies were gray and gray, and their mouths were chattering endlessly.

The middle-aged man quickly waved his hand to indicate the direction.

Soon the three of them came to an abandoned hospital building.

"Why are you two alone?"

“Where are the beggars?

And what about the servant who knows the power of time? "

For a moment, neither swordsman nor the swordsman knew how to speak.

The swordsman looked at the painter.

The girl's eyes were full of sadness, she buried her head, clasped her little hands tightly, and was choked with sobs that she could not speak.

The swordsman sighed helplessly, and then slowly told what happened to them.

After a while.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"You mean it failed?"

"The beggar and the servant are dead?"

The swordsman looked unwilling and spoke slowly.


The middle-aged man pondered slightly and finally said.

"Treat the injuries on your body first. Right? The stick intention of the monkey head, is this the stick intention of the monkey head?"

The swordsman and the painter didn't explain anything.

Soon he followed the middle-aged man to a hall.

There are many 3-meter-high vessels placed in the hall.

As a strange beast, its own recovery power is extremely strong, but it takes a lot of time to recover from the injuries left by the artistic conception.

The figures of the swordsman and the painter entered. Behind the utensil, the middle-aged man looked solemn and murmured to himself.

"It seems that Fox Fairy still needs to monitor us."

It is not difficult to tell from what he just said that a powerful man with terrifying strength took action.

caused the failure of this mission.

Does this suddenly strong man have something to do with the Fox Fairy?

What the swordsman said.

He saw a young man wearing a fox mask and a sheep head blocking him.

However, that young man was not strong enough to threaten Xiao Feng and others.

Then came the arrival of the monkey head.

The three of them have been in the painter's painting space.

All I knew was that something had changed in the outside world, a powerful and sharp aura.

As the auras of Xiao Feng and the servant disappeared, the two of them rushed over in a hurry.

The doctor held his chin up and thought carefully. The cigarette in his mouth was almost burned out and he didn't realize it yet.

"That beggar was a loser. He died without leaving any useful clues and revealed the organization's information in vain."

The ethereal and majestic voice of 'god' came from his mind.

"The swordsman and the painter will have a meeting immediately after they recover from their injuries."

The doctor was suddenly shocked. The god had not communicated with him for a long time.

He was extremely proud and excited. A pious smile appeared on his face.

Holding back the excitement in his heart, he asked cautiously.

"Will Fox Fairy participate this time?"

The doctor stood respectfully without moving, like a devout believer.

After a while, the ethereal voice of the gods sounded in the doctor's mind again.


A young man with almost no wrinkles on his face, but with silver-white hair.

His eyes were deep and gave off an aura of thoughtfulness.

It seems that he has experienced too many vicissitudes of life. He is tall and straight, wearing a dark green military uniform, and looks majestic.

The man is powerful and is in charge of each pair of captains of the 12 stars. He is powerful, wise and resourceful.

Whether it is the distribution of benefits or the handling of emergencies, he can always respond calmly and stabilize the situation.

His decision-making is decisive and powerful, which is amazing.

Lu Wushuang

One of the four great commanders of China

Sitting in the center of the Chinese Imperial Capital, he is the supreme leader of the 12 Stars Team.

No one knows his strength.

At this time, in a low-key and luxurious office, he was quietly looking at the report in front of him.

His eyes were somewhat deep, revealing an elusive vicissitude and profundity.

"Bicang?" Lu Wushuang said calmly.

"12 Youye, you are so courageous that you have reached out to the top management of China."

Lu Wushuang exuded a cold aura, and the desktop computer, teacup, and documents on the desktop exploded with a bang.

Sun Dasheng, who was standing aside, clasped his ears, spread his hands and said.

"You have to go to Hushou for this matter, it has nothing to do with me."

Lu Wushuang glanced at Sun Dasheng.

"Who is that mysterious strong man? Why didn't he appear in the report and was just mentioned in one brush stroke?"

Sun Dasheng grinned: "You guess."

Lu Wushuang's expression softened a little and he said calmly.

"That's friendly forces."

Sun Dasheng's eyes twitched, "How did you know?"

Lu Wushuang slowly closed his eyes, "If it wasn't a friendly army, with your bad temper, would you let it go like this?"

Sun Dasheng was speechless and thought for a while, not knowing how to refute.

Just admit it directly.

Lu Wushuang continued.

"Next time, remember to call Commander Lu, no matter how big or small you are."

Sun Dasheng grinned, and when he was about to speak, his ears twitched slightly.

"Hey, Senior Hushou arrived on time today."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a boom.

The door was kicked open, and a ferocious-looking uncle walked quickly.

The wrinkles were deeply etched on his face, like the marks of time. The eyes are deep and energetic, flashing with a dangerous luster from time to time.

Wearing a red training uniform, he has a strong figure, clear muscle lines, vigorous and powerful, and his body is full of strength.

Through the red training clothes, you can see that Douhu's skin is covered with various scars.

Every scar reflects Senior Hushou’s dedication and greatness all the time.

As soon as Hushou saw Lu Wushuang, he immediately turned black, pulled his neck and shouted.

"Lu Thief, why are you barking here?"

What does it mean that there is something wrong with the person I take care of?

Lu Thief, if you don’t explain it clearly to me today, you won’t even be able to get off work. "

Lu Wushuang raised his eyes, and there was no emotion in Gu Jing Wubo's eyes.

“How many times have I emphasized to you that when entering a house, you must knock on the door first.

Also, call me Lu Tong..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud bang was heard, and Lu Wushuang's desk was instantly smashed to pieces.

Sawdust flew everywhere.

Tiger Head stretched out his palm, grabbed Lu Wushuang's collar, and said harshly.

"That boy Bicang has been following me since he was a child. I know his character best. You are a coward, aren't you?

After climbing to the position of commander-in-chief, do you want to turn everything upside down and reverse right and wrong? "

"That's your senior brother,

Master brother!

Every time you are punished, my senior brother will protect you and Wanxiu!

How did you become the commander-in-chief? Is the investigation clear? "

Lu Wushuang's expression was calm, his eyes flashed with holy light, his tiger-headed body suddenly shook, and his body flew out like a cannonball.

Sun Dasheng sighed helplessly, his figure flashed, he caught the tiger's head, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Senior Tiger, Lao Lu... what Commander Lu said is true. If you don't believe me, you can call Su Wanxiu and ask.

Moreover, Bicang's Nascent Soul was killed by Su Wanxiu in the end. "

Lu Wushuang's eyes flickered at the end, and he spoke slowly: "If the sheep head doesn't say anything, you can find the jade fox in the rabbit team.

He must know something. "

Sun Dasheng's scalp went numb when he heard this, and he smiled bitterly in his heart, "Xiao Baizi, you can't blame me for this."

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