A girl wearing a mask and a black trench coat walked out of the China Mobile lobby.

Although the mask covered her face, she revealed a pair of eyes as deep as night, with soft electric light flashing in them.

When the eyes of the passers-by around her met hers, there was a hint of confusion and enthusiasm in their eyes that they couldn't help themselves from. These eyes are charming, yet clear and bright.

“We can only ask Su Wanxiu about the temporary ID card.

The phone card and mobile phone were also changed. "

As Bai Chen walked, he thought about what would happen next.

The purple light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

For ordinary people using the Nine Nether Eyes, when using a girl's body, the consumption is almost non-existent.

This was the first time that Bai Chen felt the benefits of being a girl.

However, when buying clothes, there are also a lot of jokes.

Women's store, what a joke.

Bai Chen also had a shameless attitude and bought a piece of clothing that fit him.

When buying underwear, Bai Chen wanted to die.

No further details will be described here.

Make up your own mind.

Everyone who understands understands.

In order to better adapt to the new personality, Bai Chen also worked hard.

However, during this period, many men who consider themselves to be personable and have extraordinary temperament can't help but come forward to strike up a conversation.

Bai Chen even wanted to scold his mother.

He cursed directly.

"piss off."

Some men were even prepared to use force, but of course, all of them had their legs broken by Bai Chen.

Five limbs were lost.

Even though he was wearing a mask, his charming eyes and long hair as white as snow made the man unable to help but look back.

When Bai Chen was upset, a young and lovely girl walked towards him.

She wore white sneakers and a pink coat draped around her body, looking very anxious as she walked.

By accident, he collided hard with Bai Chen.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and cursed directly.

"I'll fuck your mother, do you know how to walk?"

The voice is sweet and the content is real.

The girl was slightly startled and looked at Bai Chen. She instantly discovered a new continent, as if Bai Chen only existed in the whole world.

The pink-clothed girl froze on the spot and didn't move. Bai Chen took it for granted and passed the girl and walked away.

But suddenly the face of the girl in pink clothes changed in shock, and meridians like earthworms squirmed on her pretty face.

Her eyes gradually revealed the madness of obsession, her cheeks flushed, and saliva remained in her small mouth.

"I met the most perfect woman in the world.

so beautiful!

What kind of white dust are you looking for?

I want you now. "

The woman in pink is one of the liars in the Twelve Nights.

Little did he know that the woman the Liar had just met was also Bai Chen.

Auras of aura escaped from the Liar's body, and soon the sky was filled with such auras.

Bai Chen walked on the street, trying to adapt to his identity as a woman.

But he was really, really annoyed.

My chest felt like it was being wrapped, which was very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Bai Chen's ears twitched slightly, and gusts of wind surrounded him.

As Ting Feng Jue was pushed to the top level by the system. This is the level of returning to nature.

With just a thought, you can control the surrounding wind.

It was as if his body had turned into the wind.

The meaning of wind, if understood again, is as if the wind itself is a part of the body.

Bai Chen smiled faintly.

The figure disappeared.

The liar's eyes widened and he looked at what was happening in front of him in disbelief.

She followed Bai Chen until Bai Chen walked into a small alley.

She just chose to take action.

But Bai Chen's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Even in this place, it was as if Bai Chen had never been there.

At this moment, an extremely sharp blade swept from the air.


It was as if the air had been forcibly torn open, and bursts of mournful sounds were emitted.

The liar's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a puff, a bright red flashed across his neck, and his cute and beautiful head flew high.

A breeze blew by, and Bai Chen's silhouette walked out of the darkness.

"No matter how you fly or walk, you can encounter strange animals?

And it’s a special one? "

At this moment, the Liar's headless corpse seemed to be unharmed and headed straight towards Bai Chen.

Bai Chen frowned slightly and waved his jade hand.

Suddenly, hundreds of wind blades appeared in this small alley.

The wind blade was like a knife cutting, emitting a sharp sonic boom.

In the blink of an eye, the headless corpse turned into countless pieces of meat.

Red blood splashed in the air.

Flesh, internal organs, and bones dyed this area scarlet.

The smell of rotting corpses filled the air.

Even though Bai Chen was wearing a mask, he was made extremely uncomfortable by the unpleasant smell.

This corpse should not have had such a large amount of putrid odor.

It was as if a mountain of corpses could emit such a quantity.

The strange beast opposite must not be an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen had a thought in his mind, and was about to exude the aura of the dream fruit to threaten him.

A dark figure appeared behind Bai Chen.

Bai Chen broke out in a cold sweat.

When did this happen.

Why is this strange beast so fast?

Bai Chen didn't think much and used Tingfeng Jue again.

Quietly, the distance between the two people was increased by 10 meters.

However, at this moment, the mask on his face slipped off.

Revealing a flawless face.

The black figure seemed to be even more excited. It looked up to the sky and roared. The figure was as black as ink and shot out countless black lines.

There were so many black lines that they almost filled the entire sky and fell overwhelmingly towards the white dust.

Bai Chen's face was expressionless, 899 strands of innate spiritual power rose into the sky, his silver hair was flying, and his black windbreaker made a sound.

A purple long bow suddenly appeared in Bai Chen's palm.

Shining under the light, the purple electric light sizzled.

Its lines are graceful, and the bow arms and bowstring are independent yet perfectly connected, forming a perfect curve.

Thunder Bow, the ultimate immortal weapon.

Bai Chen also wanted to try the power of this long bow.

Bai Chen's beautiful eyes were stern, as if he was born to be a superior person. With his silver hair flying, the thunderous bow had already been stretched to the full moon.

A faint purple thunder was pinched between his fingers.

Bai Chen's lips parted slightly.


A brilliant and cold arrow thundered out.


The countless black lines approaching the thunder arrows instantly turned into powder.

Thunder seems to have strong penetrating ability.


It directly penetrated the entire body of the liar.

Wherever the thunder passed, the ground was filled with terrifying energy, leaving long char marks.

The liar tilted his head, looked at the hole in his chest, and then raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Showing a charming smile.

A cold and sharp voice sounded.

"Jiuxiao Xuanlei, you know Bai Chen. What is the relationship between the two of you?"

Bai Chen's heart seemed to be stabbed hard.

Thinking about this, the more I think about it, the more irritated I get.

He cursed loudly, spittle flying out of his mouth.

Start spraying directly.

"Go back and ask your mother."

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