Bai Chen tried hard to calm down his mind and kept muttering in his heart.

"I am not Bai Chen now.

Not white dust.

No one will recognize me. "

When the time comes, I will definitely find a way to regain my manhood.

Even if Feng Qingxuan has no choice in the end, she still has a system that can use the treasure to restore her body.

The tiger's head looked into the distance, and the soles of its feet suddenly kicked on the ground, splashing gravel, and appeared in front of Bai Chen.

He said with a playful smile on his lips.

"I couldn't keep you here yesterday, but you came here on your own today. Do you think this is a restaurant?"

"Come when you want and leave when you want?"

An invisible field opened from Hushou's feet, instantly locking onto Bai Chen, locking all retreats behind him in all directions.

Su Wanxiu opened her eyes, sighed softly, and soon came to the tiger head and said respectfully.

"Teacher, there is a reason for this. She came to Tianchi to cleanse the marrow on behalf of Bai Chen.

Teacher, it is hard for you to believe what happened in the middle, but the facts are before your eyes. Senior brother is dead. Please express your condolences. "

At this time, Sun Dasheng and Tang Yayun in the sky looked towards this side one after another.

Just from the fox fairy mask, one can guess that this woman must have a different relationship with Bai Chen.

All the students who participated in the Tianjiao training, especially the Jingzhou team, looked at this scene in surprise.

Especially Fatty Wang, who rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it to death that he saw the goddess he had always dreamed of again.

This fate is truly wonderful.

Hushou said in a deep voice.

"I am not an unreasonable person, I am just a cleansing marrow from Tianchi. I am a talented person who was selected through layers of efforts in various areas of Hua Xiajiao.

How can you convince the public if you find a random woman to replace you? "

Su Wanxiu continued.

"Teacher, the person in front of me is Bai Chen's biological sister. The two of them have been practicing with the mysterious teacher since they were young.

The mysterious teacher called Bai Chen back because there was an urgent matter in the teacher's sect.

Bai Chen knew that the number of places for marrow cleansing in Tianchi was limited, so it was not an exaggeration to let his sister take his place. "

Bai Chen, who was under the mask, did not speak and stared at everything coldly.

After pondering for a moment, Hushou said.

"Then why didn't his teacher explain all this himself?

Or do you have a crush on that boy Bai Chen?

Are you always talking about that kid? "

Su Wanxiu shook her head.

"Teacher, there is nothing."

Hushou's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said.

"Little girl, if things are really as Su Wanxiu said, how about we just adopt a compromise approach?"

Bai Chen spoke coldly.

"any solution?"

Tiger Head smiled slightly.

"Take my three moves?

If you can follow my three tricks, it will be enough to prove your potential.

If you die in my hands, you can't blame anyone else.

After all, my apprentice Bicang also died at the hands of your master.

Isn't it? "

Bai Chen had no expression on his face and spoke calmly.

"So what about three moves?"

"Please ask Senior Tiger Head to take action."

The tiger head smiled heartily.

At this moment, Bai Chen suddenly sneered.


The tiger head grinned and sneered, "You can't keep your promises.

It's too late to regret now. "

The mask of the thousand-faced fox fairy reveals a strange and penetrating smile.

A gentle and cold voice echoed in everyone's heart.

"If I take three moves, can the grudge between Bai Chen and senior be resolved?"

Hushou didn't listen to the latter's words at all.

With his strength at the peak of his divine transformation, how could the little girl opposite him be able to catch his three moves?

He agreed casually.

"It's up to you."

It is impossible for Hushou to imagine what it would be like for an innate warrior who can take on a warrior who transforms into a god head-on.

But Su Wanxiu would never believe this idea before.

Su Wanxiu smiled, gently brushed the hair beside her ears, and carefully looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her.

Just from the aura emanating from the girl's body, one can judge that her strength is also in the Xiantian 9-Star Great Perfection.

Combined with Bai Chen's previous monster talent, this woman's talent might be even more powerful than Bai Chen's.

Tiger Head laughed loudly, and the powerful fairy power wandered on the surface of his body with a bang.

The black suit on the upper body exploded.

A series of hideous scars were revealed, and each scar was a feat. This was also the reason why Tiger Head had such a high status in the 12 Stars Team.

One of the scars was the most obvious, spreading from the neck to the lower abdomen, like a vicious centipede. Just looking at it made people terrified.

Two double swords appeared directly between the thick palms of Hushou.

Suddenly, Hushou raised his left leg and stepped suddenly towards the ground. His figure quickly disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Bai Chen.

The two straight knives, filled with murderous intent, crossed together and cut straight towards Bai Chen's neck.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team did not expect that the tiger head attacked so suddenly. They simply did not regard the silver-haired girl as a living person, and it was murderous when he attacked.

Bai Chen smiled faintly, and his figure turned into a gust of wind and dissipated in place.

The corners of Hushou's mouth raised slightly and he said.

"Little girl, your aura has been locked by me. It's better not to show off your wind-like movements. It will be embarrassing."

"Oh, is it so?"

Two icy sword intents merged into a terrifying cross slash in the sky.

As Bai Chen's silhouette continued to change in the air, the cross slash always locked Bai Chen's position.

Bai Chen opened his mouth slightly.

"Is this the God-Transforming Warrior?"

Tiger Head grinned.

"Little girl, she is not old, but her tone is not young."

Bai Chen shook his head and did not speak.

You know, now I have almost no mana consumption.

Carrying a blue baba, I am still afraid of your little tiger head.

Suddenly, three white evil spirit tails slowly rose behind him.

The skin on the body becomes fair and attractive.

At this point, the original 899 strands of innate spiritual power instantly increased to 999 strands.

Bai Chen bit his lip, and the fox fairy mask seemed to come to life, greedily devouring the essence and blood.

Soon the 999 strands of innate spiritual power suddenly increased to 1000 strands again.

Not only the members of the Jingzhou team, but also countless geniuses all looked at each other, dumbfounded.

No one can believe that this will be the result.

This silver-haired girl is so terrifying.

Moreover, it has reached the strongest innate existence in history.

No one would activate their innate spiritual energy to such an extent when they were born.

The reason is that the more innate spiritual power you have, the more difficult it will be to enter the next level of master.

Like this unprecedented 1,000 strands of innate spiritual power, once you break through the innate power, you will become a master.

Then, he is the king of masters.

No one can beat him.

The fierce tiger eyes of the tiger head narrowed slightly, as if he was also shocked.

I never expected that there would be a monster with 1,000 strands of innate spiritual power.

Bai Chen seemed to be satisfied with everyone's shocked expressions, and the fox fairy mask smiled slightly, still looking so weird and frightening.

"Junior, you're welcome."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind whizzed through the air and landed directly on top of the cross slash.

With a roar, the wind and the sword tore apart in the air, causing energy attack waves that continued to spread to the outside world.


A large amount of spiritual white mist filled the air.

It is difficult to see clearly the status of the two parties.

However, there were still some warriors who had trained their eyesight and were surprised.

"What a strong girl, she actually blocked Senior Tiger Head's sword."

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