Bai Chen also didn't expect that Hushou would achieve such an extent.

Don’t you know how to blush?

Bai Chen gritted his silver teeth, and a faint purple light appeared in his eyes.

Hushou was stunned for a moment, and his body froze in place. In his sight, a familiar figure slowly outlined.

It was his most beloved disciple.

Rat head, Bicang.

At this time, his face looked crazy.

Then Su Wanxiu's figure appeared, and the scene of killing Bicang emerged one by one.

After all, he was a battle-experienced tiger head, so he quickly reacted, and his sharp tiger eyes quickly regained their clarity.

Hushou pondered slightly and spoke word by word.

"Girl, you did a great job."

Tiger Head soon got out of the illusion. When he saw clearly, he found that the sky had already gathered dark clouds, rolling and churning, and it was completely dark.

The wind howled and lightning flashed.

The whole sky seemed to be about to collapse.

Bai Chen stood there, with his silver hair flying, and Lei Jue Gong had already been stretched to the full moon.

The 1,000 strands of innate spiritual power in her body are rolling endlessly in her body, and veins of blood appear on her fair skin.

The aura on Lei Jue Gong keeps changing.

Fingers as white as jade pinched the bow string fiercely.

A thunderous arrow filled with an aura of invincible destruction is continuously accumulating power.

The tiger's head eyes narrowed slightly, thinking.

“What an amazing little doll.

This is what you are born with. When you become a god, won't you be invincible? "

At this moment, Hushou knew that he could not wait any longer.

He decisively thrust his two knives into the ground.

Instead, he took out an ancient long knife.

The long sword was stained with rust, but it exuded an ancient Taoist charm.

The moment the long knife appeared, it was as if the breath between heaven and earth paused.

Bai Chen seemed to have noticed it, and said secretly.

"Can't wait any longer."

Dark red blood emerged from Bai Chen's fingertips.

Lei Jue Gong, who stretched his bow to the full moon, looked like a roaring ancient ferocious beast at this moment, opening its bloody mouth.

The originally colorful world suddenly fell into darkness. Only a cold thunder arrow set off terrifying energy ripples and shot straight towards the tiger's head.

Everyone present widened their eyes.

My heart was in my throat.

Is this still an innate warrior?

Ling Qianqian was shocked in her heart, if Bai Chen relied on some secret technique to forcibly improve his cultivation level.

She figured it out too.

However, the girl in front of her is still at the innate level.

This has completely broken the common sense of the world.

Qin Manyin's eyes were full of excitement, as if he had seen his goal.

Women can also be so strong.

Fear arose in Long Feibai's heart, and there was a young man in his heart who would never be able to succeed in the challenge.

Moreover, this person is still a woman.

What kind of strange woman could have such strong strength?

She is so strong, what will her face look like under the mask?

If such a strong girl is also good-looking, that would be really too much.

Bai Chen didn't know everything that happened outside the field.

With his current identity, he must not take out the Qingling Sword.

So is the Infinite Sword Box.

As for the Nine Nether Eyes and the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei, they are different. They are secret methods.

It can be deceived that they both came from the same teacher and have some similarities, which is very reasonable.

However, at this time.

Bai Chen was startled, and suddenly felt the hairs on her hair stand on end. Her eyes were fixed on the tiger's head opposite.

Although the long knife feels very strange, it's not that serious.

Suddenly, Bai Chen quickly placed the Lei Jue Gong in front of him.

Just because, at some point, the tiger head had already arrived in front of him.

The thunder arrows exploded directly in the air.

Set off a lot of energy ripples.

I don't know when, the rusty long knife was already placed on Bai Chen's snow-white neck.

A chill suddenly came over my heart.

Tiger Head smiled slightly.

"Don't move!"

"You have lost, do you have any last words?"

Bai Chen spoke calmly.

"Haha, the power of the vessel."

There was a hint of surprise in Tiger Head's eyes, but he soon laughed out loud.

"Haha, you are right, are you surprised?

I also have the power of blood, and I also have the power of vessels. "

"If it weren't for my body, the position of the four commander-in-chief of China would definitely have my name."

Bai Chen's cold eyes remained calm.

The tiger's head narrowed his eyes slightly, "You pretend to be a ghost, and even when death is imminent, you still look like you have a chance to win."

Su Wanxiu and Sun Dasheng's eyes flashed with anxiety. They did not expect that Tiger Head could actually do this.

This is the power of dual veins. Looking at the entire China, it is also a rare existence.

Everyone in the Jingzhou team looked solemn.

Fatty Wang even yelled loudly.

"You old fool, you are shameless. You bully a weak girl just because of your high level of cultivation."

He said all the unpleasant things, but he didn't spare any respect for Hushou.

Tang Yayun, who had been standing in the void, had a playful smile on his face.

The fox mask made her feel disgusted when she first saw it.

In addition, she is Bai Chen's sister, and she hopes that Tiger Head can kill this girl now.

Not only was this girl outstanding in talent, she was also Bai Chen's biological sister.

Tiger Head grinned.

"You'd better die."

After saying that, the rusty long knife directly wiped Bai Chen's neck.

A stream of bright red blood spurted out from the snow-white neck.

The eyes of the tiger head showed extremely joyful excitement.

Great revenge must be avenged.

At this moment, a look of shock appeared in Tiger Head's eyes, and he said dreamily.


The blood floating in the air, as if flowing backwards, re-entered Bai Chen's body along the wound on his neck.

Not only the tiger head, but also everyone present saw this scene.

A faint purple light appeared in Bai Chen's eyes.

"How about it?"

"Lord Tiger Head, I have defeated your third move."

Not far away, Bai Chen still stood as before, with no scars on his body.

A pair of strange purple eyes stared straight at the tiger's head.

The tiger's head suddenly stepped forward, leaving no one a chance to prepare.

"What an amazing pair of eyes."

Bai Chen was neither cold nor indifferent, the Nine Nether Eyes were still open, and he did not choose to withdraw.

Infinite spiritual power is constantly urging the Nine Nether Eyes.

Bai Chen didn't even feel a little tired.

Hushou spoke slowly.

"I don't know a little bit, I hope my little friend can clear up my confusion."

Bai Chen smiled faintly, and now he recognized my strength, so he shouted, "Little friend, little friend."

I really don’t have a good impression of you 12-star captains at all.


"Why should I tell you, you are nothing."

"The agreement of three moves has ended."

"It's you."


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