Nightmare stared straight at Bai Chen, and then the smile remained on his face.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed, and he clenched the cold light sword unconsciously in his hand, feeling cold in his heart.

"Little brother, your eyes are very beautiful."

Bai Chen's heart twitched, "No, my sister really knows how to tell jokes." Then he quickly changed the subject.

"Isn't the strange beast just now the same kind as you?"

Nightmare frowned slightly, "You said that guy is not fully evolved and has random thoughts in his head all day long?"

Bai Chen asked: "Is your mind running wild?"

Nightmare frowned and smiled, "Yes, every day I think about how to possess my sister. Brother, you have to make the decision for me!"

"No wonder he was giggling at that time." Bai Chen thought of Tong Guang's previous downtime, and then looked up and down on Nightmare, "Have you fully evolved?"

"Brother, didn't the teacher teach you that it's impolite to stare at a girl like this?" Nightmare said with a shy smile, "Of course, if it's a brother, maybe my sister will agree."

Hearing this, Bai Chen fell silent.

I really have no interest in the body of a little girl like you.

The next second, Bai Chen's body was lifted up by the spiritual power transformed from the nightmare. It looks like a chained dog in the sky.

It took about 5 minutes.


Suddenly, there were bursts of sonic booms tearing through the air in the sky.

A terrifying air current streaked across the night sky, and then hit the nightmare.

In an instant, the spiritual power bound to Bai Chen disappeared and fell to the ground.

Looking up, a graceful and graceful figure appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Her eyes were like water, her white blood-stained trench coat made a hunting sound in the night sky, and her Qinglong Yanyue Sword pointed diagonally at the ground.

Her pretty face looked a little pale, her arms and sleeves were broken, and her jade bones and icy skin were clearly exposed.

Bai Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally here."

Although he had never seen Wan Ling, the blood-stained windbreaker with the word "rabbit" written on it still made it known that the person coming was the captain of their team.

Wan Ling glanced at Bai Chen with a rare smile.

Immediately, another young man in a suit and tie appeared next to Nightmare.

The aura exuding from his body was no less than that of Nightmare.

Nightmare glanced at the man next to him and said dissatisfiedly: "The prince is here now?"

The prince glanced at Bai Chen, his temperament returned to gentleness, "Is this our target?"

Nightmare nodded.

Wan Ling's face was heavy. She had fought with the Crown Prince just now, but she didn't expect that 12 You Ye would actually send out one of them.

The current situation can be said to be very unfavorable to him.

Nightmare said coldly: "I discovered the target first, and the dream seeds should be mine."

Bai Chen seemed to have thought of something. Could the dream seed refer to Tong Guang's heart?

The prince smiled faintly, "Without me helping you block the woman in front of you, you might not have gone so smoothly."

"Complete the task first." The prince said coldly: "As for the distribution of dream seeds, we will talk about it when we get back."

Nightmare: "Okay!"

Wan Ling's lips parted slightly, "You step back first."

After saying that, Wan Ling took the lead, and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword was suddenly swung in the air. The terrifying air flow was like a huge billowing wave, with overwhelming momentum.

The prince and the nightmare seemed to sense the crisis, and they suddenly retreated.

The nightmare's eyes flashed, and the dream world ability was activated instantly.

Seeing this, Wan Ling slashed horizontally with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand again, and the transparent air flow blasted out again, creating ripples. All the surrounding buildings were shattered into pieces, raising dust and smoke.

Bai Chen's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, purple light flashed, and the power of the Nine Nether Eyes fell on the dream again.

Calculating silently, there is only one time left.

Nightmare's dream ability was instantly shattered.

At this scene, the Crown Prince was startled at first, and then a large number of transparent threads emerged from his body. The transparent threads were flying in the sky, covering the starry sky, and pouring down like a sudden rain.

"Haha! Nightmare old woman, your abilities seem to be restrained."

The prince laughed wildly in the air.

Nightmare's face was very ugly.

Wan Ling seemed to also notice that Bai Chen's pupils were very different and said, "Not bad ability."

There seemed to be a flow of air around Bai Chen. The flow seemed to have spirituality, blocking the prince's transparent threads one by one.

Bai Chen glanced at Wan Ling and gave a thumbs up in his heart.

The captain is reliable.

The faces of Prince Mengmeng and Prince Mengmeng were gloomy. Their abilities were unexpectedly restrained.

It would be okay if it was just Wan Ling.

The prince's face was full of fighting spirit, "'Qi Liu Yun Xiao' is indeed worthy of his reputation. He is worthy of being the strongest vice-captain in the 12 Stars Team."

The prince tapped his toes and flew high into the air. The transparent silk thread in the sky transformed into a sharp spear again.

The crown prince standing in the air looked at Bai Chen and said calmly: "If you can come to our 12 Youye, you can even sit in Nightmare's seat."

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, Bai Chen still knew the power of the Nine Nether Eyes.

No wonder Nightmare was so annoyed with himself when he first broke through Nightmare's ability.

Wan Ling didn't say anything, and jumped up high. The Qinglong Yanyue Sword turned crazily on his hands, driving all the surrounding airflow, and the airflow finally transformed into a ferocious dragon in the air.

"Die to me."

The prince's face was livid, and he was very dissatisfied with Wan Ling's rudeness.

"She is good-looking, but she is such an uneducated woman." The spear in the prince's hand once again transformed into a circular shield wall.

The prince smiled lightly and said, "How long can you last in this state?"

"This is not your concern." With a wave of Wan Ling's broadsword, the dragon transformed by the air flow changed direction in the air, bypassing the Crown Prince's defense and blasting straight towards the nightmare.

Nightmare's eyes widened at the boss, with disdain on his lips.

"The power of dreams, turn on."

Bai Chen's eyes glowed with purple light, and the power of the dream was instantly dismantled.

In the end, he vomited blood, his face was extremely pale, but his eyes were filled with purple light, and he was roaring in his heart.

“Since it’s the last time, then I’m going to be crazy.

Who wouldn't fight to the death? "

Wan Ling's face was heavy, knowing Bai Chen's intentions, and his eyes were filled with approval.

The dragon opened its mouth wide, and the air flow swirled wildly in the air, swallowing the nightmare directly.

The prince wanted to step forward to help, but it was already too late.


A scarlet spiritual power rose into the sky, and the figure of the nightmare slowly appeared in front of everyone.

But now she no longer looks like a little girl.

Instead, she was an old woman with gray hair and wrinkles on her face.

Nightmare took out his cell phone and took a look at his current appearance. He was furious and his veins were bulging.

"If I hadn't drawn out part of my power to control the barrier, you could have easily succeeded."

Nightmare's eyes were scarlet, "Your Majesty, are you just paddling like this?"

The prince scolded: "Can't you see what state the other party is in?"

The nightmare is like a spoiled woman, "I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"

Wan Ling's willow eyebrows stood upright, and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword slashed several times across the void again.

Bursts of air flow were like missiles directed towards the Crown Prince and the Nightmare.

However, Wan Ling's attack was not over yet. He kept waving the weapons in his hands, and the airflow missiles poured out like a shower.

When Bai Chen saw this, he called him a bull.

You may have heard of the indiscriminate missile rain.

Nightmare looked at the prince and showed no intention of helping him.

His old teeth were almost broken.

"Your Majesty, I will report truthfully when I return this time." Nightmare's eyes flashed scarlet, and the barrier surrounding Central Park slowly disappeared.

All the power belonging to the nightmare returns.

Nightmare is happy, and finally has the confidence to return all his strength.

However, at this moment, the environment around the nightmare suddenly changed rapidly.

Nightmare said in horror: "This is impossible, I will actually enter other people's dreams."

"Your Majesty, save me!"

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