As the safe slowly opened, a bright light emitted from inside, and the whole room was suddenly filled with wisps of spiritual energy.

It is clearly a top-grade spiritual stone.

One high-grade spiritual stone is equal to 10 medium-grade spiritual stones, and 10 medium-grade spiritual stones are equal to 100 low-grade spiritual stones.

There were countless spiritual stones in the safe, so many that Bai Chen couldn't believe his eyes.

You know, now that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, if you want to obtain spiritual stones, you can only mine them in the caves.

Alien beasts are rampant in the caves. If you want to gain a foothold, only a wealthy family like the Wang family can mine spiritual stones.

My brother is a miner. Do you think he is angry or not?

Fatty Wang said calmly.

"These spiritual stones are also my pocket money, but my physical body has reached a bottleneck and there is no way to absorb them. Now let's see how much you can absorb?"

Bai Chen said excitedly: "These are your spiritual stones. Will it be okay if I do this?"

Fatty Wang waved his hand, "Don't worry so much. If you want to absorb the high-grade spiritual stone, can your physical body be able to withstand it?" He paused and continued.

"Wait a minute if you ask Qin Manyin to come with you, maybe the two of you will not be tired of working together as a man and a woman."

Fatty Wang nodded and spoke earnestly, pretending to be an elder and taking great pains for his grandson.

Bai Chen opened his mouth and smiled: "Then I won't be polite. I want to ask how many spirit stones you have here now."

Fatty Wang raised his neck and said proudly.

"300 high-grade spiritual stones, 550 medium-grade spiritual stones, and 4020 low-grade spiritual stones."

After saying that, he continued typing on the computer, and immediately, various safes appeared on the wall.

It is filled with spiritual stones.

Suddenly, the entire room was illuminated.

Bai Chen: "It's only natural for grandpa to take care of his grandson. Hehehehe."

Bai Chen would not be too polite to Wang Shaoyuan. Since integrating the original Bai Chen's memories, he now regards Wang Shaoyuan as a true brother.

What's my brother's belongs to me.

Hey hey hey!

Don't be so polite, after all, he is the eldest son of the Wang family.

"You go out first. I will absorb it here for the next time. When the time is up, you can call Qin Manyin over."

Bai Chen's eyes rippled, guessing Fatty Wang's inner thoughts.

"Tell me, how do you need me to cooperate with you this time? Is it the same as last time?"

The last time must be referring to the time when the classes competed in Zhongping No. 1 Middle School.

Bai Chen knew that Wang Shaoyuan must have his own difficulties, otherwise why would he come to Zhongping No. 1 Middle School.

I didn’t see that everyone in Wang Shaodong’s family went to Imperial High School.

There is no reason why Wang Shaoyuan, as the eldest son, would come to the most rubbish Zhongping No. 1 Middle School.

Wang Shaoyuan spoke, but he still couldn't hide anything from you.

"In this competition, I hope you can help me get first place."

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows. "Get first place?"

To be honest, it is a bit difficult to be ranked first. Don’t look at the current achievements of Zhongping No. 1 Middle School. Although there are rumors that Zhongping No. 1 Middle School is an invincible dark horse.

But it is still very different from Imperial High School.

Even so, Bai Chen still said happily.

"From now on, tell me directly about things like this, and don't make it so fake. Make it seem like there is a transaction between you and me."

Fatty Wang's eyes flashed and he nodded heavily.

Immediately, Fatty Wang went out, leaving Bai Chen alone.

Is Fatty Wang stupid?

no! The eldest son in the Wang family's wealthy family is said to be stupid, and it is not easy for him to survive to this day.

Bai Chen must have his own secret.

In less than a month, Bai Chen's strength has risen like a rocket. Who would believe him if he said he had no secrets?

But as long as he is my brother, that's not enough.

At this moment, Qin Manyin appeared next to Fatty Wang and said.

"Where's Bai Chen?"

"Inside." Fatty Wang pointed to the door of the room.

Qin Manyin asked; "What are you doing in there?"

So Wang Shaoyuan started talking to Qin Manyin.

Qin Manyin said: "Thank you very much for the spiritual stone, but now my physical body can't absorb it. I took a lot of resources from Zhongping No. 1 Middle School before."

Fatty Wang asked in confusion, "Did Zhongping Yizhong give you a lot of spirit stones?"

Qin Manyin shook his head, "Not many."

"Then your strength has improved a lot! You are worthy of being a college beauty." Fatty Wang gave a thumbs up and teased.

Qin Manyin smiled politely, "I don't know what happened, but after competing with Bai Chen on the martial arts stage, I discovered that I have a special connection with that Tang sword.

My brain seems to be enlightened. "

After saying that, Qin Manyin gently stroked the Tang Dao on his waist.

The Tang sword was very spiritual, and the blade trembled slightly.

Fatty Wang was speechless and spread his hands. Well, you all have secrets. I am an honest and honest little fat man.

Since Qin Manyin can't absorb it, he should save a lot of spiritual stones.

After all, there are so many spirit stones, no one can absorb so many at once.


In the room, Bai Chen looked at the dazzling array of spiritual stones and was so excited that he was speechless for a moment. The spiritual stones he had worked so hard to obtain were nothing compared to Fatty Wang.

Bai Chen sighed softly, "Hey!"

Immediately, decisively turned on the system.

"Ding, a high-quality spiritual stone has been detected. Can the host absorb it?"


The spiritual power contained in high-grade spiritual stones is far more intense than that of low-grade spiritual stones.

A moment later, the high-grade spiritual stone in his hand had been replaced by powder.

Bai Chen could feel that his body was getting stronger, but absorbing one high-grade spiritual stone was equivalent to 100 low-grade spiritual stones.

However, he still has not advanced.

"In this case, you can't blame me. Fatty Wang needs me to help him get first place. This is not my fault."

"System, suck it for me!"


The spiritual stones in the entire room turned into extremely pure spiritual liquid.

It's true that it's spiritual liquid, but it's not comparable to spiritual energy.

The spiritual liquid turned into a trickle and penetrated through the capillaries between Bai Chen's breaths.

Bai Chen's entire body was immediately immersed in the ocean of spiritual liquid.

With the help of the system, the animal nature hidden deep in the bloodline was suddenly activated.

They are eager and jumping for joy.

Suddenly, a beast-like roar came from Bai Chen's body.


Bai Chen's figure became taller and slender, and wisps of spiritual energy escaped from his body, which was a symbol of entering the innate realm.

But it's not over yet.

Spiritual power swirled around Bai Chen, slowly outlining the first tail, and gradually, the second tail also appeared.

The first tail is surrounded by the coldness of the Nine Netherworld.

The second tail is filled with terror and chilling meaning.


A sizzling purple electric arc appeared all over Bai Chen. Suddenly, thunder exploded, and all the furniture and the ground in the room turned into powder.

Suddenly, Bai Chen slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Thunder from Heaven and Earth was like a happy child, as if he had found his long-lost family.

Outside, over the entire Jingzhou City, dark clouds suddenly rolled in and thunder flashed.

All the spiritual power of heaven and earth disappeared in an instant, as if the spiritual power of heaven and earth fell into a real state of withering.

All the warriors were surprised.

However, this feeling did not last long and returned to normal.

At this moment, all the warriors in Jingzhou City breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that strange beasts were coming and the caves were shaking.

The beautiful voice of the system sounded behind Bai Chen's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have entered the innate world."

Bai Chen grinned, "Haha, Xiantian and now I am the same."

Just looking at the extent of damage in the room, I was a little stunned.

The whole room was unrecognizable.

All the spiritual stones turned into powder.

"Fat Wang, for such a rich man, he shouldn't care so much about me, grandpa, right?"

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