Dr. Yu: "It's better for the patient to listen to the doctor, otherwise the condition will worsen and it will be bad."

Bai Chen smiled lightly, "Aren't you here?"

Doctor Yu smiled and said: "Haha, lead the way!"

Soon, the bald man and Bai Chen came to the basement, and Dr. Yu followed slowly.

He had a calm smile on his face, but he was not at all curious about what Bai Chen wanted to do.

The basement was originally supposed to be a parking area.

Apart from these few cars, it was very empty.

Suddenly, Bai Chen stopped and said to the bald man.

"Go and try his depth."

Hearing this, the bald man nodded. As things have developed now, although he doesn't understand what Bai Chen needs to do, he just does what the boss said.

I saw two straight knives floating in the void. The bald man held the knives in both hands and rushed towards Doctor Yu quickly.

Bai Chen smiled, "Haha, let me see if you are pretending? Or do you have some other purpose?"

Doctor Yu saw this and pushed up his glasses, "I didn't expect that I already have no eyes. I don't know how you found me."

Suddenly, Doctor Yu's body twisted crazily, his muscles squirmed, his left arm grew wildly, and he grabbed the bald man.

The bald man's eyes narrowed, "An alien beast?"

The next moment, innate spiritual power lingered on the two straight knives. The knife's light flickered and slashed hard at the doctor's arms, which were growing crazily.


Black blood spurted out!

The entire arm was chopped off and fell to the ground, twisting wildly.

The next second, the arm that was broken by the doctor's incision suddenly grew again, like a new life.

A chill rose in the bald man's heart. He turned slightly sideways, dodged the attack, and then went straight towards Doctor Yu.

Doctor Yu smiled lightly, "Hey, why do you humans always like to be smart?

Obviously you just need to cooperate with us well,

Now you are seeking death yourself. "

Suddenly, Dr. Yu's back bulged, and more than 10 arms grew wildly from behind, and they quickly grabbed the bald man.

The arms fell crazily in the air like dense showers.

After the bald man entered Xiantian, his obvious strength also changed a lot.

In his innate spiritual power, there was a trace of fire attribute. Suddenly, two straight knives turned red all over and met the sky-filled arms.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

Sparks flew everywhere, and the sound of metal clashing was loud.

At this moment, Bai Chen moved.

A purple thunderbolt lit up the entire basement, and a sword containing Jiuxiao Xuanlei chopped off all the arms.

They fell to the ground, their skins and flesh torn apart, and electricity was still jumping.

Black blood flowed from the corner of Dr. Yu's mouth, but he still had a calm smile on his face.

"Not bad ability. No wonder the organization thinks so highly of you."

Bai Chen's body turned into a gust of wind, and in an instant, he appeared behind the doctor.

The cold light sword was already placed on the doctor's neck.

As long as he dares to mess around, it is guaranteed that his head will be moved in the next second.

Doctor Yu raised his hands high, and his body returned to its previous human size.

"Haha, don't be anxious, humans. Killing me won't do any good."

The bald man came over cursing, "Damn it, you, this strange beast, still dare to bargain now?"

Bai Chen frowned slightly, no, although he was currently taking the initiative, the situation on the other side was too calm.

What's the matter so confident?

Doctor Yu spoke slowly, "Aren't you curious?"


"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

After saying that, Doctor Yu's body suddenly expanded like a balloon.

With a final bang, the body exploded.

Dark blood splashed everywhere in his internal organs.

A wall of wind rose from the ground in front of Bai Chen's body, blocking out these dirty things.

The bald man on the other side was not so lucky.

He was splattered all over his face.

Bald man: "Fuck, yuck!"

The pungent and unpleasant smell filled the entire basement.

Bai Chen ignored the bald man and thought about what Doctor Yu said.

"What do you mean I'll see you tomorrow?

Could it be that? "

Thinking of this, Bai Chen's body turned into a gust of wind and disappeared instantly.

"Boss, are you just leaving like this?" The bald man raised his hand and smelled the smell on his body, "Haha, I still want to find a place to wash up! I remember there is a good bathing center nearby.

Anyway, the boss is so strong, he probably doesn’t need my protection.

Really, I just wanted to do the mission, but now it’s okay, the strange beast ran out again. "

Bai Chen didn't know the whereabouts of the bald man, and now he was back in this VIP ward again.

Wisps of spiritual power escaped from Bai Chen's body. This time, Bai Chen mobilized more spiritual power.

By activating the Xiaoyao Divine Refining Technique, every tiny detail in the entire 100-square-meter room becomes clearer.

“There is no problem with the room.”

Bai Chen only felt upset, as if there was a particularly important point, which was obviously obvious, but he couldn't grasp it.

"Damn it!"

Beads of sweat fell from Bai Chen's face.

Gradually, Bai Chen felt that his head was a little heavy.

He even wanted to call Tang Yayun. Thinking of this, his hand was already on the phone.

After hesitating for a moment, Bai Chen still chose to call.

Toot toot!


An impatient voice came from the other side.

Bai Chen was about to speak, ready to explain everything that happened today.

Suddenly, Bai Chen felt an inexplicable panic in his heart. At this moment, time seemed to stop.

The air around him stopped.

The clock hanging on the wall no longer ticks.

I have lost my vision now, especially hearing.

He concluded that the clock on the wall had now stopped.

Not moving around.

But why is there nothing wrong with me?

There was only a response from Tang Yayun on the other end of the phone.

However, such echoes are infinitely magnified in my mind.

Suddenly, Bai Chen felt a kind of terror coming from the depths of his soul, rushing straight to the Tianling Cap.

It seemed like he was being targeted by something inexplicable.

Bai Chen even thought that even if Tang Yayun was here, he would not be able to fight against this fear.

What the hell is this.

Thinking of this, a hot burning came from his blood, and Bai Chen suddenly woke up.

His whole body was warmed up and the chill was driven away.

Bai Chen smiled faintly.

"It's okay, Boss Tang. I just wanted to ask you if there are any other rewards you can give me. After all, I am also a formal member now."

On the other end of the phone.

"Haha, no!"

Toot toot!

After hanging up the phone, the chill in the whole room quickly faded away like an ebbing tide.

Hoo ho ho!

Bai Chen gasped for air.

Because he knew that he had already been on the verge of death just now.

This feeling is really unpleasant.

I just feel like a pig and dog being slaughtered by the enemy.

Just the excitement rushing through his blood made Bai Chen's whole face start to show inexplicable excitement.

"This is the feeling, the feeling of being separated between life and death."

White dust added to dry lips.

"This feeling is so good!"


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