Chapter six hundred and eighty seventh bells and whistles

Ye Yi didn't expect things to be like this.

Ye Yi couldn't describe how he felt at that time.

It was as if Ye Yi had been galloping in a place he thought was a paradise.

In this paradise, there are also many people like angels.

But one day there were some apparently very slight bells and whistles.

Some people actually showed demonic fangs.

This incident had a great impact on Ye Yi.

At the same time, Ye Yi was very, very angry at the time.

At that time, Ye Yi really didn't understand why things became like this.

Anyway, although Ye Yi was very angry at the time, thinking about it now doesn't make him tremble with anger.

But this is indeed able to successfully maintain Ye Yi's current rage value.

This is still totally fine.

So Ye Yi just needs to recall these things a lot.

And after thinking about this, Ye Yi's memory seemed to be opened as if the floodgates had been opened.

I remember a lot of related things.

It's the injustices that happen to others.

And then it's also about networking.

After all, before Ye Yi passed through, he still spent a lot of time on the Internet.

And that is, on the platform of the Internet, you can see more of those incredible things.

Ye Yi simply followed his memory.

To recall the injustices that you have encountered on the Internet.

As I said before, there is not much about Ye Yi's own experience before he passed through.

And Ye Yi couldn't remember as much for a while.

So Ye Yi can focus on some film and television works that make him uncomfortable.

Or what I have seen with my own eyes, the unfair things that happen to others.

These can also offend Ye Yi.

And another thing that once made Ye Yi very angry on the Internet is also very interesting.

Anyway, Ye Yi didn't know what some people thought until now.

Before Ye Yi didn't cross, he really liked playing online games.

Ye Yi prefers to play various types of online games.

Ye Yi also likes that kind of shootout games.

That is the kind of FPS competition game.

In the 10 years or so when online games were just emerging, fps games did indeed occupy a very important place.

After that, it felt a little bit worse.

But at that time, these things were very hot.

Ye Yi remembers a very good fps game coming out one year.

Suddenly, many people flocked here.


Ye Yi is a person who is at the forefront of online games.

Of course, it is also the first time that the registered account enters the game world.

Anyway, Ye Yi still remembers some details of that game.

It is really better to do it.

Ye Yi was also enjoying himself at that time.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the online discussion platform about that game was harmonious and happy.

It's really good.

In short, at that time, many people said that this was really a game of conscience.

There are not too many charges.

Ye Yi wanted to laugh a little at that time.

But Ye Yi generally doesn't participate in any opinions about this kind of remarks.

Ye Yi is at most just laughing and doing it.

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