Chapter 201


The Naval Headquarters alarm sounded.

“What happened?” There are still many people training on the training ground.

Tashigi whispered, “I knew it, that damn Carlo.”

“This is the headquarters’ defensive alert. Everyone is on guard, and the notification will come out immediately.”

Hina was smoking a cigarette at the beach: “This idiot, what did you say yesterday? Hina is still going to pack you today!”

Momousagi came out of the office, knowing that Carlo had already left.

“Attention to all units, attention to all units.” Sengoku’s voice.

“Very vigilant, all search for Colonel Taldi.”


Many generals have impressions. Isn’t this the colonel at the meeting yesterday?

“This person is the Four Emperors Otaldi Carlo pretending to be, and various units gather for a large-scale search.”


“Four Emperors!”

“It was Carlo who had a meeting with us yesterday?”

“Crazy, crazy?”

Akainu turned up from the hospital bed angrily.

“It’s terrible.” Kizaru turned into light particles and appeared on the roof of the building 03: “The pirates are so terrible now, hahaha, it amused the old man.”

Even if you came here quietly, you still participated in the Naval Headquarters conference, but you were only discovered because of your speech.

The key is why so many people know this name.

It was Carlo who represented the Marine faction that they worked hard and raised their dissatisfaction.

Many Marines were still talking in the meeting yesterday.

Can you imagine that he is Four Emperors? It’s Marine who came to the meeting.

Sengoku and Crane are in the office, Stolo Berry has joined the search, and Huo Shao Shan is there to support at any time, so he stood at the window.

Oss re-reported: “Report to the Marshal. Carlo has not been found so far. He should have spent the night in the town yesterday. Marine saw him in the morning… and greeted him… He was still very Marine’s response, and may have left the headquarters. ”

“This Carlo, turn our Marines around.”

Kizaru appeared in the office.

“Colonel Oss, has the headquarters heard of the wounded, or who disappeared and injured?”

Oss shook his head: “I have counted the reports of various departments just now. All cruises are normal, and there is no report on the destruction of Marineford or who harmed it.”

“In other words, Carlo is all right, and came to our Naval Headquarters to go shopping?” Crane drank tea.

Oss didn’t dare to say, that’s what he meant.

“Continue searching.” Sengoku said.

In fact, He had already thought that the lawless Carlo was here to play.

It is estimated that Tashigi saw her beautiful, and deliberately went up to say a few words with the beauty, and was willing to sit with Momousagi.

Now, even if the guy didn’t leave, he heard Marineford’s broadcast and also left.

Now the Naval Headquarters is weak, and Crane does not want to fight, deliberately said the announcement.

Sengoku was also so busy, and without thinking, Tsuru agreed with what he said.

At this moment Carlo has arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

Shakky’s ripped off BAR.

Rayleigh drank, and almost drank the last box he brought back. He was running out of money again.

Shakky took the new information that emerged from the dark room.

“Hahahaha, I’m so ridiculous.” Shakky smiled brightly.

“What’s wrong, it makes you so happy, very interesting information.”

Shakky showed it to Rayleigh: “That kid, then Carlo, went to Naval Headquarters to play yesterday, and then pretended to be Marine to participate in the Marine meeting. He also offered to give Marine suggestions. It was completely miserable for Marine.”

Rayleigh drank: “The kid, you can do anything, it’s not surprising at all.”

“This little Carlo is so interesting. I really want to meet him. I have never seen such an interesting boy. He is the most interesting Four Emperors.”

Just finished speaking, the bar door rang, and a guest came.

“Welcome…” Shakky was stunned.

The guest here is in a Marine uniform, but…

“Little Carlo?” Shakky’s eyes widened.

“What?” Rayleigh turned to see that Carlo was indeed the one who came.

Carlo walked in with a grin: “This is the first time I’m here. It’s Aunt Shakky, did you recognize me at a glance?”

Shakky smoked a cigarette and smiled: “I was still looking at your information just now, I didn’t expect you to come to me.”

“My information?”

Looking at the black market intelligence on the table: “Is it exposed when I played in Naval Headquarters so quickly?”

Don’t care: “Aunt Shakky, come for a glass of juice.”

“Why did your kid come to us, Rayleigh said?” handed it to Carlo.

“I didn’t say it.”

“I don’t need Rayleigh to tell me that I also know that, in area 13, I originally came out to play, so I happened to have something to do with Mr. Rayleigh.”

“what’s up?”

Carlo took out 300 million Berry: “Master, you are going to finish drinking, right? With the money, please go and guide my crew member Haki? Just two months.”

“You kid, I’m not interested in other people.” He collected the money. “Recently there is a lot of coating business, but yours is not bad. Then guide them for two months.”

“let’s go together?”

“You go by yourself, I’m still going to stay around here for some time.”

Sabaody, Marineford, and Mariejois, the holy land, are on the city-link line, and they all have higher scores when they encounter check-in tasks.

Carlo has his own plans.

“All right, I’ll leave in the afternoon.”

Carlo was chatting and drinking juice at Shakky. Shakky liked Carlo this young man very much. He didn’t have any airs and talked casually, and he knew a lot.

Ding-trigger the nineteenth sign-in task.

Carlo is actually waiting for the task, now he is here. .

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