Chapter 214

“This Carlo!” Sengoku ate two bites of senbei angrily.

In the past, Garp absolutely laughed loudly, but now he returns to Windmill Village to find out that his grandson Luffy’s life paper is gone, and Ace is also dead. He hasn’t recovered yet and sits on a chair.

“It’s a complete disgrace to Marine.” Dalmatian gritted his teeth.

Too embarrassing, they Marine hadn’t caught a supernova after several tossings, and Carlo killed five in ten minutes.

It spread out like a fan of Marine’s face.

Oss stood aside after reporting.

Sengoku looked at the report: “Let Green Bull go back to the headquarters to report on the healing, and arrange for Hina to guard Sabaody Archipelago first.”


Crane propped his chin: “I’ve seen the Green Bull guy several times. He is a guy who loves to behave with his hands. He will definitely not release water. It can only prove that Polusalino is right. That Carlo has become stronger again. .”

“Notify Gion that when he is cruising near Tuya Island, he should be farther away from the Carlo Pirates, as long as the telescope can monitor it.”


When Momousagi was notified, Momousagi nodded.

As I said in my heart, my old lady is going to vacation to eat delicious food.

She only needs to wear a mask to go to all the pirate boats of Carlo’s ship group and think of the nutritious and skin-beautifying delicacies made by Erina Nakiri.

You can go fishing with Nami and Nuoqigao, and Conis can sing well.

There is also a cute little sister unicorn… She is completely on vacation.

After all, the last time the big boat group gathered, Momousagi went to stay for a day, and felt that Carlo and the group were actually very nice to get along with.

Hear the latest news.

Momousagi covered his face: “It’s crazy, why did this lunatic kill two Celestial Dragons again.”

“Is it bad? Hina thinks there is no harm.” Hina is by her side, and she has no good feelings about Celestial Dragons Hina: “And the first 30 area of ​​Sabaody Archipelago is illegal. We all know that, but the World government won’t let us clean up. .”

Momousagi snorted coldly: “It is clear that the World government can obtain benefits, or that Celestial Dragons acquiesced.”

“It’s such a big trouble, should Carlo go back?”

Hina tilted her mouth: “Hina hasn’t cleaned him yet.”

Momousagi smiled and didn’t speak, his best friend Hina was like this, absolutely not in number.

In Sabaody Archipelago, Carlo took Dinisi and the others, waiting by the beach in the 13th area.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the people from the Heart Pirates group got a triple boat over, and Luo stood on the bow and flew down.

“Carlo’s head, we only got this one. Marine has a lot of people patrolling nearby, so it’s not easy to find a boat.”

Carlo nodded: “It’s okay, you can go now.”

“That’s one step ahead.”

After speaking Luo Fei leaped back to their own Polar Submarine.

The crew immediately got in, and immediately started the boat and wanted to turn into an arrow to shoot out. They were scared to see Carlo.

Luo looked at Carlo on the coast from the window. He found that Carlo was actually not as scary as the rumors, and he was not an unreasonable person.

He knew that the eight women were slaves Carlo bought, but he saw that their slave ring was missing, and he was happily communicating with Carlo.

“Four Emperors Carlo, really a terrifying peer.”

“Captain? Let’s run.”

Luo’s mouth smiled: “Go to New World!”

Newspapers are published in a frenzy, spread from Sabaody today, and the whole world will know about it tomorrow.

[Four Emperors Carlo made a solo upset in Sabaody, killed Celestial Dragons, and retired in the two Marine Admiral]

The news in every major tavern is always talking about Carlo.

“What is Four Emperors! This her mother is Four Emperors, it’s so awesome.”

“It’s not comparable to those little pirates.”

“You are not a little pirate.”

“Yes, so I don’t dare at all.”

“Both Admiral didn’t stop him, it’s amazing!”

“It’s totally our idol.”

“I heard that the new Marine Admiral Green Bull who took office on the first day was injured.”

“I heard that there are thirteen pirate groups affiliated with Four Emperors Carlo!”

“I also heard that someone pretended to be killed by the second division captain Thor Enel.”

“I heard that the members of Carlo’s big ship group all have a treasure given by Four Emperors Carlo, so they can communicate with each other, and they can also know whether it is a real affiliate group through the treasure. It is impossible to install it.”

Let Dines and the others take the egg to Tuya Island, where they expanded first, waiting for their captain to return, take the egg back and let Robin and the others slowly study 0…

Seeing the ship go away, Carlo has time to receive the sign-in reward.

Ding——You completed the eighteenth sign-in task, scored 70, and earned 150 points.

[Acquired: Super Agile Culture Solution, worth 350 points][Get: Angel’s Feather, worth 200 points][Acquisition: Ability·Metal Runaway, worth 200 points]

There are still 12 hours before the next check-in!

Carlo took the special-grade medium by himself, and the high-end combat power increased very slowly by 14075.

Angel feathers can resurrect humans or creatures under 30 years old and can be kept.

The ability of this volume is to increase the value of metal four times in an instant, if it is a metal fruit ability, such as Kid’s magnetic fruit.

The mechanical arm that condenses one hundred meters can instantly become four hundred meters under the increase of this trick.

“It’s a good ability. It’s estimated that the cost will be more expensive than the secret moves, but it’s a pity that I can’t use it.”

Elemental Kylin can borrow iron and metal elements, but it is far from abundant in natural elements.

Carlo simply kept it, and used it to buy people’s hearts.

Ding-You complete the additional task [Injury Admiral of Headquarters Green Bull] score 100.

[Reward: Four bottles of advanced physique culture solution, worth 1000]

It’s a pity that Kizaru came too fast. Killing Green Bull will at least double the score. The reward should be even better.

Collect the culture medium and put on the Marine coat Carlo continues to the Naval Headquarters.

Everyone thought Carlo was gone.

But never expected.

Hina and Momousagi who were eating at Marine’s cafeteria thumped at the same time!

Carlo is back?

“That lunatic!” Hina just finished her voice.

On the opposite side of the dining table, Carlo changed into Lieutenant Colonel Marine’s clothes, and his face changed again: “Hina, who are you talking about crazy?”

“Hina said you.”

Carlo took the plate and ate, “Didn’t I agree to Hina’s fight?”

Hina smiled: “Huh, Hina is trying to clean up you.”

“Hina, if you lose, you will sleep tonight?”

Hina dangling a cigarette: “Hina is afraid you won’t make it? Go now?”

“Wait, I’ll give Momousagi a present.”

“Gift?” Momousagi tilted his head. .

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