Chapter 218

Men’s bathrooms are easy to find. People in this world like to soak, but Carlos also like it.

But Carlo only likes to be with his own people. Marine’s is a large public bathroom. Many Marines who rest every day are bathing.

Today the flying squirrel Vice Admiral and Maynard Vice Admiral are both here, there are at least three or four hundred Marine.

Soaking comfortably.

Carlo has reached the bottom, ready to give! They add a big fire.

When Akainu came back to his residence, he took a look at the door, and his favorite potted plants were neatly arranged in a row, and then they were all cut off. Several of them were just sudden-.


The whole Marineford heard Akainu Admiral’s roar.

People nearby even flee in fright.

Someone dared to sneak into Akainu Admiral’s residence?

This is all looking for death!

Also moved Akainu Admiral’s potted plants!

Akainu got a nosebleed with anger, and the bandage on her body began to bleed, feeling dizzy and unsteady.

The potted plants he worked so hard for several years are all gone, all gone!

Akainu almost spurted blood.

At this time, a wise man was heading against the wind and was waiting intentionally. Hearing Akainu’s roar just now, he knew that Carlo must have done it.

“Sakazuki Admiral!”

“Sakazuki Admiral, are you okay?”

Akainu is going to be unsteady, can you say it’s okay?

“Sakazuki Admiral, what’s the matter with these potted plants?”

Tashigi is equivalent to slap in the face.

“Sakazuki Admiral, your potted plant was-cut!”

Tashigi made another heavy blow.

“Sakazuki Admiral… these potted plants are no longer alive.”

Tashigi’s heart hits hard.

The point is that you can’t blame her, she is telling the truth.

Akainu was bleeding from the wound and fainted and sat on the ground.

“Come here, come here! Akainu Admiral fainted due to recurrence of the wound!”

Tashigi yelled immediately, after all, it was Naval Headquarters, there were Marines or family members everywhere, and he immediately picked up Akainu and sent him to Marine Hospital.

Akainu is still tossing here.

On the other side, Sengoku, Crane, Garp, Huoshaoshan, and Cha Dolphins were having lunch and walked back to the fifth floor.

I was full and I was sleepy now. Sengoku was going to listen to the report of the tea dolphin, and then take a nap at noon when the office only had them Iron Triangle.

Happy talking along the way.

When I got to the fifth floor, my nose smelled: “Why do I smell a burnt smell!” Garp’s nose sniffed.

“I also smelled a scent of barbecue.” Cha Dolphin added later.

“It came from the office!”

“Sengoku, you won’t be overwhelmed by something, will it burn?”

“No, nothing can get hot!”

“It’s not necessarily Crane’s tea.”

Crane broke his brain and called Garp: “You idiot, hot tea, tell me how to burn things, that’s water!”

Five people ran to the office to take a look.

“Nothing burns!”

“Barbecue smells very strong!”

“I feel like it is here!”

A few people look at the high places first, and then when they look at the low places.

Five pairs of eyes saw at the same time that the sheep beside the sheep bowl was gone on the floor.

“Puff—” Garp covered his mouth hard without laughing.

Sengoku’s sheep was gone, replaced by clean sheep bones that were eaten, and he was specially presented as a sheep.

“Sengoku, your sheep…how it has become bones!” Huoshaoshan made a knife.

“Me! Sheep!” Sengoku roared angrily: “Who is it! Eat my sheep!”

It was fine before going out for dinner, and Sengoku grabbed a pot of grass for him when he left.

When I came back, there were only bones left.

Sengoku’s roar could be heard throughout Marineford.

Many Marines shrank their heads. What happened today? Just now Akainu Admiral was snarling angrily. Now Marshal Sengoku is screaming.

Sengoku’s head was angry, and he was a little dizzy.

Originally, Sengoku was about to faint with anger, but Cha Dolphin didn’t forget to run over to see it, and asked, “It’s still hot, it should have just been eaten soon.”

“Vice Admiral, why does the water temperature feel so hot today?”

Moxigan’s flying squirrel said: “The hot spot is good. This will test the man’s willpower.”

The other Marine nodded, the high temperature was also soaking.

But why is it getting hotter and hotter?

“Ah-it’s too hot to stand it!”

Except for the flying squirrel and Maynard, who were still insisting, the other Marine jumped out.

After ten seconds, the two of them couldn’t hold on anymore: “This is too hot! Who is burning the wood today, give me…”

Boom-The ground burst open, and the flames burst through the bathroom.

“It’s on fire!”

“The fire is burning!”

“Run, run!”

Outside, I saw that the entire male bathroom was completely burned by the fire.

…….. …

“The big bath is on fire, go and fight the fire!”

“Female Marine, don’t go!”

“hurry up!”

“Hurry up and report to the marshal. Someone set fire maliciously.”

The entire Naval Headquarters was already messed up, and Carlo simply set fire to it more and burned all the newly repaired turrets.

“The artillery building is burning!”

“Go and fight the fire!”

“Go and inform Marshal Sengoku, there is an enemy attack, there is an enemy attack, there is definitely a pirate who is making trouble.”

The entire Naval Headquarters became a mess.

Who is messing up!

None of the Marine has a clue, and Sengoku is even pointed out by his own sheepishness.

At this time Tashigi stood up and said, “It must be Carlo. He is still pretending to look like our Marine. Various units and several departments are formed into teams. They start searching, and when they see unfamiliar people, they will check on the spot, and first force that Carlo out. Even if you can’t find it, you must scare him away!”


“Listen to Tashigi Commodore’s arrangement!”

“As expected of Tashigi Commodore, the idea is very clear!”

Several Vice Admiral nodded and immediately followed this method.

Originally, Carlo had already signed in and walked towards the Red Line direction and dived to the holy place Mariejois.

It happened to cooperate with Tashigi, and it did not continue to be destroyed, and the flame was extinguished. It only means that Carlo or other lurking pirates have been scared away.

Still Tashigi responded quickly!

As expected of Akainu Admiral’s right-hand man! Death.

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