Chapter 221

Under the monstrous sea of ​​fire, Mariejois, which was originally densely covered with vegetation and was beautiful like a fairyland, became a sea of ​​fire.

In the Yanhai there was a gathering explosion, booming…for a time, there were explosions and screams everywhere.

Mariejois guards the soldiers screaming, these are only soldiers who are stronger than ordinary people, how can they resist this move.

Celestial Dragons screamed, yelling to the guard.

Of course, this is Mariejois, and there are many private masters “raising” Celestial Dragons.

Five Elders looked at the sea of ​​flames, just now they sent a secret force, and various elites moved in Carlo’s direction.

“Fire fighting, fire fighting!”

“Others go to surround the prisoner!”

“A lot of slaves ran out.”

This reminds people of Tiger, but over the years, Celestial Dragons has raised too many masters.

Tiger? A thousand tigers are useless, but this time it is Carlo of Four Emperors class.

Kizaru never said that, except for Aokiji, who has been beaten as a semi-vegetative, Kizaru has played against Carlo the most.

In his eyes, Carlo is more difficult than the other Four Emperors.

There are so many moves and fast growth, which is terrifying.

“What, our family!”

Saint Andrews roared: “You slaves, go and show me who dares to trespass into my Saint Andrew’s house! Bold!”

Thousands of soldiers immediately surrounded them, as well as CP masters, as well as these dying Celestial Dragons. Each family has a variety of powerful bodyguards, many of them are masters of the civilized continent before the sword tyrants.

Carlo is not in a hurry, in fact, it is safest to leave now.

But now, he saw a large number of slaves fleeing, and they were simply brave and procrastinated for a while.

This is not enough!

Raised his hand to the sky: “Elemental Kylin·Nimi·Akainu·Meteor Volcano!”

Let’s make another big move!

“Fuck——That madman named Carlo, why is he still setting fire!”

“Quickly, surround them all, and we will come together later.”

Those CP people shuddered as they watched, the white-red flame giant fist that fell from the sky hit the ground, the pavilion collapsed, and those Celestial Dragons jumped, hiding under the cover of the master.

Whoosh whoosh-as soon as I came out, I saw eight masters landing.

Then groups of soldiers surrounded them, and in the thousands, all CP masters were on their way.

“Yo? Are so many people coming to greet me?”

At the same time, twenty or thirty people leaped down from the house behind.

The person in front is estimated to be the worst and tyrannical swordsman, and everyone’s aura is no less than that of Whitebeard’s captain.

And those twenty or thirty people are estimated to be comparable to Marine Vice Admiral, a group of soldiers, and a large number of special troops armed with laser guns arrived.

At Marineford, Sengoku is rushing here personally, followed by Kizaru Admiral!

Eight masters with different looks, among them are the great swordsman, the weird old man, and the weird little Loli.

“Carlo the pirate, so bold enough to venture into the Holy Land Mariejois.”

Carlo yawned: “Lost, lost, but these animals are upset, they can only put a few fires, originally wanted to make them into suckling pigs.”

get lost? Believe you a ghost!

This Red Line stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and there is only the holy place Mariejois, why get lost!

There were more than five thousand elite soldiers in the silver armor, completely besieging the manor area of ​​Saint Andrews.

“You damn Carlo! There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, there is no way to hell, you break in.”

The silver armor general came out, laughing wildly: “Today you can hardly fly with your wings!”

“We can’t keep you with so many masters?”

“It’s so arrogant that it sneaks into the Holy Land Mariejois.”

“Do you think you can leave alive?”

A large number of people yelled at Carlo.

Carlo snapped his fingers, and the two purple thunders spun between his palms.

“Oh, when is a bunch of fish and shrimps so great? Is there a lot of people? Then I’ll let you get down a little bit first.”

Taking a step forward, Carlo stared.

呲呲呲呲呲——The dark red Conqueror’s Haki radiates.

A storm is set off with Carlo as the center.

Whether it is the elite of CP or those eight self-confessed powerful masters.

“Conqueror’s Haki!”

“Good Conqueror’s!”

“Hi—” The sword master also unfolded Conqueror’s Haki, but was instantly suppressed by Carlo’s Conqueror’s.

Carlo is now armed, seeing and hearing, and Conqueror’s are all special grades.

Someone better than Carlo Conqueror’s may be able to count with two hands.

There is no problem with the elite miscellaneous fish that Miao Miao did.

Instantly surrounded the silver armored soldiers at close range, all fell to the ground and foamed at their mouths, lost consciousness, and the closest ones spurted blood and died.

Conqueror’s Haki disappeared, and the eight people barely moved, which shows that the strength is very strong.

“` 々Don’t be arrogant, you killer! Look at the sword!”

The flying slash of the great swordsman.

“Go up together, take him down!”

Eight people started their hands at the same time, and the elite elites from behind CP also stepped on the Moonwalk to surround them.

Just waiting for you to get on together, the Xingtian thunder spear appeared with a pinch in your right hand, and thunderclouds appeared in the sky.

“My trick is super thunderous!”

Throwing it towards the front, ten thunders in the sky struck down at the same time.

Boom boom boom boom… a big explosion, ten thunders booming, touching people or crashing on the ground will cause an explosion (Zhao Dezhao).

The ground exploded, flying sand and rocks, and lightning pierced the sky.

And this detonated the bombs Carlo had stuffed everywhere in the park.

After a second explosion, the entire Andrews’ manor exploded again, and the Holy Land Mariejois trembled, and the fire blazed into the sky.

St. Andrews was still preparing to watch the theater on the third floor, but he did the rocket directly.

It was a super explosion. There were three explosives under his bed, bomb and bomb… This Celestial Dragons was blown to pieces and wiped out in smoke.

“Saint Andrews!”

“Saint Andrews!”

The soldiers and strong men on the periphery were all lifted hundreds of meters away. When they raised their heads, they trembled with fright, stretching for thousands of meters, a sea of ​​fire and flying rocks.

Andrews’ manor and the two nearby Celestial Dragons’ manors all exploded.

A sea of ​​flames of Wang Yang. .

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