Chapter 225

“Beasts Pirates? Four Emperors Kaido’s men?” Nuoqigao took out his binoculars and saw it.

This is the temporary residence of the Carlo Pirates. You can find out which island they are on by asking about it nearby.

“It looks like trouble is coming again.” Rayleigh smiled.

“No trouble, you’ll run into it sooner or later, Mr. Rayleigh, you continue to take them to practice Haki.”

Rayleigh smiled, beckoning to Kuina and Nuoji.

Dreyus and Michels were carrying weapons, Carlo was leaning against the ship guard rail comfortably, Medusa was sitting on the observation deck, Altaïr, who was smirking, was on the top of the third floor, Unicorn and Nakiri Erina also Look over there.

With just a few people, Kaido can deal with the three plagues, not to mention Carlo has seen who is standing on the beasts.

Three boats of the beasts drew ashore, a big man with teeth and claws.

The trash fish of the Four Emperors group is different, at least burly in appearance and hideous in appearance.

The two people walking in the front.

The young man on the left has purple hair and long hair on the right to cover his right eye. He wears a white and green horned hat and a mask.

He has a PA03GE1 tattoo on his body.

Peggy Wan, one of the six volleys of Beasts Pirates, belongs to the core combat cadre of the Beasts Group.

Zoan Devil Fruit, dragon dragon fruit, ancient species, spiny dragon form.

The young woman on the right wears a short skirt and high heels with a bow tie, a pair of horns on her head, and a face mask.

Runti, the enchantment of Peggy Wan, one of the six volleys of Beasts Pirates.

Zoan dragon dragon fruit, ancient species, swollen head dragon form.

With a thousand people behind him, walking towards Carlo in diameter.

“Carlo, this is Peggy Wan of Beasts Pirates! By our boss’s meaning…”

Carlo opened his mouth and banged—a hundred-meter flame spurted out.

“Dodge!” Runti reacted swiftly, kicking his brother, and then leaping away.


However, the hundred people behind them were not so lucky. The flame spread and burned for a spike. The other Beasts Pirates swallowed their saliva. If they stood close, they would all die.

“Carlo what do you mean!” Peggy Wan growled.

Carlo’s mouth was still burning, his tail wagging behind him, and his cold voice: “Where is the cat and dog, there is no courtesy, just yell in front of me?”

The majesty of the king, as if the surrounding air has become cold.

“You! Unseen guy, I’m the Flying Six of Four Emperors Beasts Pirates, Peggy Wan!” Peggy Wan jumped up.

“You dare to kill the people of Beasts Pirates, you are so bold!”

“Unexpectedly dare to take action against our Four Emperors!”

Altaïr has floated, and Medusa has pinched the chains.

“What, what kind of rubbish is Beasts Pirates?” Altaïr pinched the scar of the sky.

Carlo smiled: “No, no, they are better than rubbish, they are a bunch of idiots.”

Peggy Wan was blocked by Runti, and she said that these two twenty-year-old brothers and sisters couldn’t do anything at all, and Carlo actually sent them.

“Carlo, we are on behalf of Kaido, to invite you into Beasts Pirates. It is your honor.”

Carlo pointed to his head: “Is Kaido a silly drinker? To recruit a Four Emperors to be a subordinate, why doesn’t he go to his wife BIGMOM?”

Puff-Rayleigh laughed when he heard it in the distance.

Peggy Wan said with a smile: “Carlo, you have been out to sea for so little time. It’s just good luck. It’s not a Four Emperors at all. Our boss Kaido thinks that you are good. It will give you face to recruit you and your people into the beasts group. ”

Carlo shrugged: “If everyone in Kaido asks you to solicit in a daze, you probably won’t be able to recruit anyone. Get out of here, while I’m in a good mood now.”

“Carlo, dare you look down on my Peggy Wan?”

Carlo drank the juice and nodded without hesitation.


Runti whispered, “Brother, let’s go.”

“What’s going on, my sister, Carlo actually looks down on me? I can only let him know how good I am.”

Peggy Wan roared and turned into a beast form, and the brown twenty-meter spinyback appeared.

“Carlo, I will let you know the horror of my Peggy Wan.” the dinosaur roared.

Carlo chuckled: “Destruction·Mantra of Royal Shadow·Gold!”

A loud elephant chanted, and a fifty-meter giant golden elephant appeared.

“With your strength, you are not qualified to let me make a move. First, win the little elephant I recruited.”

This is called a baby elephant? The fifty-meter golden energy body giant looks majestic and majestic.

“You–” Peggy vomited blood out of breath, and Carlo just used a move to deal with him at will.

Peggy is angry, an elephant with an energy body? Actually looking down on him, the runner roared towards the golden elephant.

This is not an ordinary Mikage Mantra, but it is blessed by the Eye of Destruction.

Butt bump—Boom!

The sound of thunder, the ancient species, and the famous dragon and dragon fruit, can enter the six volleys at the age of twenty, which is enough to show that Peggy Wan has…

Ouch, screaming, Peggy Wan was knocked out more than five hundred meters away.

“Boss Peggy Wan!”

“Boss Peggy Wan!”

“Xiao Pei!” Runti was stunned.

Peggy Wan’s strength he knows very well how it is possible.

[Peggy Wan, Comprehensive Combat Power Assessment: 4788]

“As far as the supernova’s strength is concerned, my little elephant may not be able to collide even with the ship king Jack.” Carlo said indifferently.

“Altaïr, let you do those, and see if you are eager to try.”

She squeezed the skirt with her hands: “I am very willing to help you, Mr. Carlo!”

With the left pistol and right hand, there is no great slash of the sky. Altaïr summoned countless long knives and flew into the sky, facing the clamoring Beasts Pirates below.

“Go to hell and give you the funeral song of death!”

Cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster-the long knife flew out, these people simply couldn’t resist it.

Altaïr was crazy to kill, like a devil waving a funeral in the air.

Peggy Wan rushed to the golden elephant again angrily.

Using his strongest move, he hit the elephant, but only moved three to five meters.

Jin Xiang smashed his nose down.

Peggy Wan sank half of his body to the ground, bleeding from his head, and had a concussion directly.

The huge body crushed and kicked him wildly.

“Little Pei!”

Runti was running at a gust of wind, rushing over into a half-beast form, swollen-headed dragon, using a move-run-head spear.

Knock the golden elephant out.

“This iron head attack is fine.”

Peggy Wan was pulled out by Runti.

“Sister, I’m fine!” Peggy broke his blood, glaring at the golden elephant.

That was just Carlo’s move. Runti rushed directly to Carlo at a fast speed, leaving behind an afterimage.

“Head gun!”.

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