Chapter 235 Carlo Pirates vs Akainu Marine

Flying down, Carlo landed on the ground with a whirling airflow, standing silently and lightly on the uninhabited island.

In addition, on the magma wave, Akainu fell heavily, and the 100-meter ground beneath Yo-Yu’s feet cracked, the magma began to spread, and the surrounding temperature began to rise.

“Carlo, the arrogant boy, thinks he has defeated Aokiji and is my opponent?”

Carlo moved his neck: “Akainu, you underestimated our pirate group, I will let my crew members give you a requiem tonight.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Akainu suddenly shot: “Magma shock!”

He squeezed his right hand, and at Carlo’s feet, the magma column burned into the sky.

While volleying to avoid, Carlo held the air with his right hand, forming a crystal-green wind, aiming at Akainu.

Slash Wave of Linghe Fengli of 300 meters.

Add one more to the left hand.

“Humph!” Akainu shouted angrily, with his arms wrapped in color, he punched and smashed the wave with a stalemate for two seconds.

Garp is the top Armament Haki, and so is Akainu.

[Sakazuki, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 14500)

“Volcano roars!” Akainu’s fists were facing Carlo23, and his fists were like an erupting volcano.

The magma balls filled the sky, and they all smashed down in the direction of Carlo.

Carlo leaped in the air, the elemental light shining in his eyes.

Hands up and down: “Flame builds up!”

A vortex of flames formed in the air, Akainu’s magma bomb was swallowed up, but was used by Carlo to form a huge whirlwind of flames.

Then compress, facing Akainu.

“Five Flames, Elemental King, Huilong Fire!

Roaring fire dragons face Akainu, half of which are Akainu’s power.

“Canine-toothed red lotus!”

Akainu blasted the red lotus with his right hand, and the fire dragon and the red lotus canine teeth bit each other and exploded in mid-air.

Akainu blocked it with his arm, and the whole island shook.

“The King of Elements · Mi · Aokiji Ice Age!”

Carlo won’t stop, and the kilometers are frozen away.

“Flame · Eruption!”

Akainu reacted, the whole body elementalized and erupted magma, the ice and fire collided, and the temperature was extremely high and low.

“Dark Hound!

Akainu jumped up and blasted the Dark Hound towards Carlo in the air.

This move was extremely fast, and Whitebeard didn’t dodge it, the speed was comparable to lightning.

The purple space flickered, and Carlo used Wanxiang to avoid it.

Akainu has also seen Carlo’s moves, and immediately flew to Carlo’s position, punching a large area: “Great Eruption!”

The 300-meter fist should cover all of Carlo’s positions.

The surrounding elements are basically covered by Akainu’s magma. Today, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the light element cannot be borrowed. The power of the sky fire is greatly reduced, and the hell fire or the ghost fire may not do any harm to Akainu.

Against Akainu, the Elemental King has no problem dealing with it, but it is very difficult to defeat.

Hide under your feet, transform into a transformation, silver-white light.

Cluster – silver lightning.

Akainu was already paying attention to Carlo’s use of panoptic purple light, where space flickers.

But now, in the state of the beast god unicorn, Carlo moved out 300 meters in an instant and turned his body with one foot.

Boom – Kicks Akainu’s Great Eruption away, while the body runs lightning.

close up.

Akainu greeted him with a fist with his left arm.

Time slows down under Carlo’s movement.

In just one tenth of a second, Carlo squatted down.

Akainu’s fist was empty.

Carlo’s right arm, the blood accelerates, driving the silver light, like a supercharger in this stagnant time, supercharged, supercharged, supercharged.

Sing—Punches on Akainu’s jaw!

The power caused the ground to burst, and the shock wave spread for kilometers.

Akainu turned upside down and almost flew from the center of the island to the outside of the island.

Spinning to the ground, Akainu still stood still.

With so many years of combat experience, as well as his own tyrannical strength and physicality, with Shichibukai, Carlo may be able to abolish this punch.

Breaking the ground and rushing up, thousands of meters are full of afterimages.

Fast as lightning.

The silver streamer, the punch of the unicorn.

Yu–the island surface cracked, and the silver light and the light of the crimson magma hit together.

“Wow? Akainu Admiral’s reaction is still very fast?” The corner of Carlo’s mouth rose, and Akainu finally blocked this punch.

The strength of the two froze.

As expected of Akainu, his combat power is almost the same as his, which is enough to show his strength.

The corners of the mouth are still bleeding: “You are just tickling me!”

In fact, Akainu’s jawbone was cracked, but how could it be sent to the mouth.

Hedged away from each other, each retreated fifty meters, stood firm and rushed towards each other at the same time.

Akainu’s magma fist madly punched, and Carlo’s arms were wrapped in silver light, and the two of them fought meleely with their fists and feet, like a sea of ​​thunder.

The Tuya Kingdom, which was ten nautical miles away, could hear it, and the frightened king had already hid in the palace. People all over the country were so frightened that they dared not go out, and all the pirates nearby were scared away.

And on the temporary resident island next to it, three minutes ago.

That is, after Carlo and Akainu flew out.

The battle has begun here!

“Come with me! Destroy the Carlo Pirates!” yelled Maynard Vice Admiral!

Darius rushed to him: “Give me this Vice Admiral!”

Metheus followed.

At this time, the seven rays of light rushed out, and the speed was far from that of the CP on the right and the silver armored soldiers.

The Guilty Seven are out.

“Your opponent is me!”

Medusa immediately shot, and the two chains were like silver dragons.

The arrogant Garfis flew back to dodge, and the jealous Pilger also rolled over to dodge.

“Look at the hammer!” Big Fatty 470 Gluttony Beamon wanted to sneak attack from the left.


Tsunade appeared and his fist met the five-meter sledgehammer.

The two forces are deadlocked.

“What?” Beamon, the three-meter fat man, was absolutely confident in his own strength.

But the moment he met Tsunade, the opponent’s power emperor actually suppressed him.

back, but–

“Go to hell!” Jesima appeared behind Tsunade, and if she didn’t make a move, she made a silent sneak attack. The opportunity was perfect.

The backstab penetrated Tsunade’s body.

However, Tsunade turned into wood.

“What?” This is the wood of the Body Replacement Technique.

Tsunade was already over his head.

“It hurts!” The foot was about to hit Jesima’s head.

“Don’t think about it!” A kick in the air.

The furious Pampas suddenly flew up, matching Tsunade’s strength.

Tsunade was obviously unable to deal with the three, who were very fast.

After landing and retreating continuously, Howlby chased after the mad attack.

Jesima just wanted to continue the sneak attack.

“Cat Cat Fist!”

Dilumon’s fist hit the ground, cracking at thirty meters.

“What?” Jesima was shocked to see the cute white cat attacking her from the side: “What are you?”

Dilumon evolves, unfolds an eight-winged angel, and has the appearance of a beautiful woman, holding the holy one: “Your opponent is me!”

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