Chapter 237 Chaos, Mikasa vs Tashigi

Mikasa’s machete with both hands slanted down, standing upright opposite Tashigi, with an indifferent expression.

Mature Mikasa is cold and arrogant, like a silver wolf walking alone, making people afraid to get close.


A dozen Marines on the left took out their muskets and attacked.

Mikasa’s body dodges in place, and her reaction and facial features are very fast. Don’t look at Mikasa’s combat power evaluation of 2800. Her talent, her state during battle, can burst into 200% of her mental power and concentration. Under her use, it is comparable to advanced.

This is the natural talent for fighting, turning sideways and throwing two machetes in a spiral.


The blood was like a column, and ten people fell to the ground, their heads and necks branching the house.

Without the slightest pity, Mikasa has seen too many sacrifice and death scenes, as long as the flame in her heart does not disappear, she will not be shaken.

Tashigi looked at Mikasa and drew out her two knives. This woman is not simple.

“She handed it over to me, and you continue to rush!”

“Understood, Tashigi Rear Admiral!”

Mikasa pulled out the third and fourth machetes.

“I haven’t seen you before, Mikasa?” Tashigi pulled out Orange Flame and Shigure, both swords.

“I just joined the Carlo Pirates, and the only task the captain assigned me is to hold you back.” Mikasa’s aura was very strong, as if his body was emitting a chill.

Tashigi felt the cold murderous aura coming from the shop, as if seeing Mikasa sitting on the corpse of ten thousand people, still the same expression.

“Then let’s see!” Tashigi started.

At the speed of control, dashed over fifty meters, and slashed vertically with two swords!

Metals collided, sparks flying.

Mikasa crossed his sword to block Tashigi’s attack.

Knife Turn–New Time Rain!

Mikasa’s toes pushed hard, the man was dodged upside down in the air, Slash Wave rushed out 100 meters, and even hit the silver armored soldier of the World government.

“What a sharp move!” Tashigi jumped to avoid Mikasa’s dangling slash, and used a move he learned from Kuina.

“Yan back!

“Yan back!”

The two said two words almost simultaneously.

When–Tashigi’s Tsubame was blocked by Mikasa.

With the help of her, she rotated back and landed to stand firm.

Looking at Tashigi’s surprised expression: “Kinina said, you must have learned a lot of her moves.

This trick Mikasa and Kuina learned from each other, so I knew it was a good opportunity.

“As expected of Kuina.” Tashigi admired Kuina.

Isn’t it Kuina?

Mikasa stood on his side, the knife slowly dropped from a height, facing Tashigi: “Kuina said that you are gentle, but strong, and it is true.

She could clearly sense that Tashigi’s speed was one line faster than her.

Tashigi pulled away: “You’re not bad, come again!”

The two rushed towards each other at the same time, two swords against two swords, buzzing buzzing and buzzing at close range.

After more than 3,000 moves in a row, Mikasa pulled away, and blood flowed from the wound on her right arm.

The wound didn’t affect Mikasa’s eyes at all, and what she saw was a machete, and there was already a gap.

The strength is one line, and the knife is several lines.

She threw the two knives out, and easily knocked out Marine who was entangled with Nami not far away. She pulled out the red blood knife and the dyed heart knife from behind.

“Tashigi, come again!”

Tashigi was holding the two knives, and seeing Mikasa’s two knives was also great: “Come again!”

The two met again, and Tashigi didn’t care about others. She came into contact with new moves, new enemies, and fought Mikasa with an excited expression.

It’s different than enjoying fighting with Mikasa on Tashigi’s side.

The front line is Kuina, who is full of strength and kills, with both swords in hand.

“Sakura Flower · Scattered!”

Marines fell to the ground and spewed blood.

Twenty school officials surrounded her, to no avail.

Kuina’s knife is too fast: “Aoyi Luo Blue Enchantress!”

In an instant, her body disappeared and appeared 100 meters away. In a straight line behind her, two colonels, dozens of Marines, bloomed blue flowers.

All fell to the ground.

The volley (cdfi) jumped up, dodging a large number of gunfire, and slammed the sky down, ah ah ah–four Slash Waves down.

Kill fifty or sixty people.

Kuina fell and was led by Bariba Commodore, eight school officers, and surrounded by five hundred people!

“Let’s go together and destroy Kuina, one of the three-D forces of the Carlo Pirates!”

Blue Armament Haki wrapped her arms, Kuina stood in the middle, and the corners of her mouth suddenly rose: “Three-D combat power? Now I am not.”

Kuina’s furious slash, a green Slash Wave of 200 meters.

“Get out of the way!” Bariba Commodore yelled.

But Marine, who was in the attacking position, had no time.

“Support, support! Support is needed here!” Bariba saw that their encirclement was broken.

Shouting, armed with big spears, the Marines charged up and besieged Kuina.

While resisting with both knives, counterattack.

Kuina was besieged frantically, and Bariba smiled evilly, ready to kill Kuina with crowd tactics.

And fifty people armed with scoped pistols circled to the position behind Kuina and prepared to fire.

“Thirty Round Flowers Locking Throat!”

The black-bellied elder sister Robin appeared from the side and activated the Flower-Flower Fruit ability. Thirty hands grew out of the shoulders of the spearmen, crushed their necks, and killed them all.

“So many people, besieging a woman, huh, Marine is still so ugly!” Robin sneered: “Profound meaning, colorful, huge tree, blow!”

Robin made a big move, and countless feet grew on the ground, forming two huge feet of 100 meters, stomping on Marine frantically.

DONG DONG DONG DONG DONG DONG — Hundreds of people were trampled to death.

“That’s the devil’s son, Nico Robin, go up and surround her!” Bariba Commodore panicked.

Kuina slashed with a spin, to break out of the siege, both knives were already full of blood, Kuina slashed three hundred people!

“Sister Robin!” Kuina leaped in front of Robin, she and Robin were a group.

Bariba’s 500 people are now less than 200, a big disadvantage.

On the left, three hundred Marines surrounded it.

“I’ll clean up this Kuina!

A middle-aged man came out of the Marine, Mozambique Vice Admiral!

Many people may not have much impression of him.

Sammobia was the Vice Admiral who guarded Naval Headquarters and Mariejois. When they called Shichibukai to talk about the new Shichibukai personnel, one of the two Vice Admirals controlled by Doflamingo who fought each other was the Mozambican Vice Admiral.

He carried a large knife, brown skin, short hair, and a head like a potato.

Tall, in a gray suit, pulling his tie: “I’ll clean up this Kuina, you go grab that Nico Robin.”

“Understood! Vice Admiral Mozambique!”

Kuina is holding two knives and facing Mozambique!,

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