Chapter 245 The Weak Marine Who Discards Armor

Miskiro Lieutenant Junior Grade? Who is it? Sengoku listened to it for a while.

The official is too low to remember.

“Anyone else?” Crane said.

Back to “Crane Vice Admiral, there are five Lieutenant Junior Grade, twelve Ensign, and the rest are third-class Seaman Apprentice, we have more than 800 people who escaped.”

Mischiro reported with a weeping voice.

Sengoku pinched the phone bug: “What about the others? What about the others! What happened? Are you surrounded by Carlo’s fleet?”

“Marshal, Maynard, Vice Admiral, they all sacrificed, and the Carlo Pirates team defeated me. Sakazuki Admiral and Carlo lost one-on-one. If it wasn’t for Tashigi Rear Admiral to cover everyone’s retreat at the end, we might all leave. If it doesn’t fall, the severely disabled Sakazuki Admiral will not come back.”

Queen Tashigi…Maynard they are all dead…Akainu disabled.

Garp was dumbfounded.

“Marshal, we underestimated the Carlo Pirates, they got stronger again, Maynard Vice Admiral lost to them in the 23rd Division.”

Sengoku ah the phone bug: “How is it possible, I am Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, I can’t even call a chef?”

“What about the people from the World government?” He said in a low voice.

“All destroyed, not a single one escaped.

The quietness of the office.

Sengoku knew that it was no use yelling at a Lieutenant Junior Grade now.

“Miskiro Lieutenant Junior Grade!


“You all come back at full speed, I will let the tea dolphin lead the fleet to meet and return immediately to treat Sakazuki.


News of Naval Headquarters spread slowly at night.

The army led by Sakazuki Admiral failed miserably, Admiral was severely disabled, and the school was completely destroyed. Tashigi Rear Admiral was the heroic queen.

World government special teams and elite soldiers are all wiped out.

The night spread all over Marineford.

The next morning, throughout Marineford harbour, the atmosphere became depressing.

The morning exercisers were talking about it, and the Marines who had breakfast all stopped.

Vice Admiral of Whisper Rat, Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan, Vice Admiral of Stolo Berry, and newly promoted Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, Tina, all generals and schools have seen it, and the flagship of Akainu Admiral is back.

Majestic and high-spirited, he led twelve warships and battleships to go out to encircle and suppress them.

There are a total of 8,000 people, and there are many elites. I heard that there are seven super experts of World government.


The boat docked and all the other Marines got out of the way.

Tea dolphin smoked a cigarette and shouted, “Where’s the medical team! Where’s the people!”

The medical team was waiting.

Run over immediately.

I saw the deck drop gear down.

Saw a few bandaged, strong Marine carrying a square three-meter cloth bed.

On it lay a man in correct shape, covered with a white cloth, and hung with two infusion bottles inserted.

“Tap, tap, tap!”

Yelling, looking closely you can see the red suit.

Taking a cold breath, this….is it Sakazuki Admiral!

Don’t think too much about it, yes, seeing that he was sent to the rescue by the medical team, the scientific team also went.

Was the shape just now a human pose shape?

All Muna.

Over the years, Marine Admiral’s attack has never had two results.

Either the opponent throws away the armor and flees, or he kills or captures it.

For the first time, Admiral came back lying down.

See behind, Marine disembarking from the flagship.

All were crying and crying when they were beaten.

You must know that Akainu’s soldiers are all flamboyant, and this time the Carlo Pirates who came back alive were beaten and cried.

All were beaten as old and infirm.

Half of the dozens of people hanging with salt water had crutches, all of them were bandaged, and they looked worse than the other.

All the other Marines were dumbfounded.

Without speaking, among these people, five Lieutenant Junior Grade walked out and headed towards the pavilion, while the others went to the medical department on their own.

On the fifth floor, the office of Marshal Sengoku.

It was lively today, Sengoku was sitting, with Garp and Crane on the left and right.

Kizaru Admiral had Erlang’s legs crossed, the green cow was next to him, Fujitora was still in the New World, and Vice Admiral such as Kumo, Huoshaoshan, Tea, Stolo Berry, Tina, etc. were all there.

This time it was a big event, Rear Admiral had ten, and behind Garp stood Kirby and Belumeb.

Say it”, all through, Miskiro Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Miskiro Lieutenant Junior Grade is also a half body bandage.

We “arrived at the location given by Momousagi Vice Admiral and found the Carlo Pirates with precision.”

“On the other side, there is only this group, but compared to before, there are three more members in this group.”

It’s not surprising that there are three more people. The Carlo Pirates are now very famous and attractive.

“We started the 477 operation and encirclement, except for the seven experts from the World Government, nearly 8,000 of us completely surrounded each other.

” Carlo faced off against Sakazuki Admiral and went to the uninhabited island to fight alone, and there was a big battle on our side.

Kizaru’s mouth was crooked, and everyone understood a little.

That is Akainu was defeated by Carlo, a one-on-one fiasco.

“Sakazuki lost in less than half an hour?” Sengoku didn’t believe it.

“Yes, but that Carlo also looks like a huge drain.”

Miskiro Lieutenant Junior Grade said: “Marshal, the combat effectiveness of each opponent has greatly improved, which is the reason for our fiasco.

“The navigator of the other side became as strong as a colonel, and killed many compatriots with high-tech martial arts. The female cook actually ate Logia Mera-mera Fruit and defeated Maynard Vice Admiral. Tashigi Rear Admiral was defeated by one of the other side’s navigators. The new female swordsman was dragged, and there was a woman who flew in the sky and ate an angel fruit, and there was a silver-haired woman in a military uniform, she was a demon and she killed 2,000 of us with ease.

“Its terror is no weaker than that of Medusa, and it is one of the new 3D combat powers of the Carlo Pirates.”

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