Chapter 253 Super Lingfeng Wing, Departure The fish men island

There was some light snow this morning, and the weather on the Grand Line is also very common.

“It’s finally finished, our new Wing of the Wind.”

Everyone stood by the sea, watching and watching Carlo pull the oversized Wing of the Wind into the sea.

“Come on! Captain!” Metheus and Darius men cheered.

“Carlo is not far away!” Nochigo and Nami laughed.

“Carlo is almost here!” Kuina said quietly.

“Carlo won’t be crushed, will all his bones be broken?” Robin, a black-bellied man, especially likes to talk about people.

“Carlo was slow. Tsunade was especially happy.

Carlo is a solo boat, and now the Wing of the Wind is three times bigger.

It is extremely heavy, and the normal shape of the whole ship is 700 meters long.

“Sister Tsunade, come here, you won’t have a backache while you’re standing and talking!” Even if the unicorn lightens its hull, it has at least five thousand tons.

In singles, Carlo had to use all his strength and transform into a beast god unicorn before he was barely impressed.

“This is a test for the captain! Ritual!”

For Uncle Ghost’s ceremony, all other boats are pulled into the sea, because the new Wing of Lingfeng is too heavy, and it is not far from the sea.

The girls united, and Robin said the mysterious ceremony, which really tricked Carlo.


The new ship entered the sea, and the Wing of the Wind remained the same blue as before.

There are four below deck and four above deck.

Basically expand on the original basis, and add various functions.

“Ahem, everyone, now I have a unicorn to introduce to you, the Super Wing of Lingfeng! The strongest ship in the world.”

This upgrade does not count as a gold pillar. It consumes 2.5 billion Berry materials in total. The Empress has given at least one billion materials, plus the gold pillar.

This is more than six billion. To upgrade a ship, it is still upgraded by unicorn technology.

“The Wing of the Wind has four forms. Now it is a common form, which can accommodate 30 people. There is a sunbathing deck on the second floor, Nami and Noki Gao’s orange trees on the third floor, and Robin’s sister on the fourth floor. Evil Garden.”

Evil Garden…

“There is an oversized 100-meter sparring platform at the stern, and the lower level is a gravity training room.” Both Kuina and Mikasa wanted it.

“On the first floor, in addition to the captain’s room, there are five chained super kitchens.

The normal state of the Wings of the Wind is almost a break through everyone’s needs.

The girls’ big bathroom, Robin and Dilumon and Altaïr’s big study, plus Nokigo, they all like to read.

A training room, and even an exhibition room.

Quiet secret rooms, large warehouses, freezers, and almost everything that Carlo quietly requested.

The engines are on the fourth floor, and as for the unicorn’s eight-layer protected core wheelhouse below deck, just below Carlo’s captain’s cabin.

“Normal state for daily sailing with the lowest energy consumption.”

The second “is the combat mode. The Wing of Lingfeng now has 30 cannons, of which Tianhe’s main cannon is shot at 1,400 meters and can attack 365 without four corners. Now it has a defensive position. The wing flight mode, as well as the blister submarine mode, can adapt to any scene to fight.”

Unicorn akimbo proudly said: “Moreover, my upgraded power system, which can move laterally and longitudinally in a short period of time, is very flexible. Even though our hull is huge, it is easier to control than two sailboats.”

“As for the third form! It’s called the fortress form!”

The unicorn shouted.

Countless steel plates appeared on both sides of the hull of Lingfeng Zhi, and the surface of the ship expanded, estimated to be thousands of meters huge, forming a huge trapezoidal sea fortress.

All thirty cannons popped out, like a huge battle castle.

This “form has both attack and defense, but the movement speed is relatively slow. And… expand!”

The walls of the fortress unfolded and covered the sea, and the ship became an island-like existence.

“The fortress form can be expanded into a platform form. What kind of large-scale activities or competitions do you want to play? The maximum distance is 2,345 meters, and the entire ship becomes a moving island.”

Everyone was excited.

“There is also the final fourth form, the multi-function mode! The reason why everyone should not go to the fourth floor of the deck is that the machinery on the fourth floor is very complicated. In addition to weapons such as torpedoes, there are various small tools.

The side hull of the Wing of Wind, which has changed back to normal mode, opens the door.

Respectively, “Yes, Little Goldfish Submarine!” Submarine that can seat six people.

“Little Flying Fish High Speed ​​Motorbike!” is the upgrade of Weiba, Nami and Conis are very familiar with it, and can deform the hull into six.

“Pangolin waterway amphibious armored vehicle!” A small armored vehicle that can seat twelve people.

“Little Dragonfly Quadruple Plane!

“And the little mole digger!”

The multi-functional form of the unicorn can release a variety of small car bodies at the same time, but the unicorn can be more cute, Carlo is not used.

…… ask for flowers ……

“Everyone! Board the ship!”

Carlo leaped up, got on board, and tidy up his room.

Nokigo and Nami hugged the unicorn and thanked them.

“Such a powerful ship, we guarantee that we can cross the Grand Line!

Carlo’s room is also relatively simple, and the bed is big enough to sleep several people without any problem.

Go to the spacious deck.

The helmsman Darius took his place, Nochigo and Dilumon jumped up on the observation deck, and Erina Nakiri stood at the door of the kitchen on the first floor.

On the third floor is the Nami, and the navigator’s podium.

The fourth floor balcony Robin is blowing the sea breeze.

Tsunade also jumped to the roof and looked into the distance.

Altair went to the bow with the sea breeze, and at the stern stood Mikasa and Kuina, and Medusa on the swing.



“Wing of Lingfeng, set sail!”

“Carlo Pirates, let’s go!

“Target The fish men island set off!

The Wing of Lingfeng was activated, and the Light Sound Pirates and the Black Rabbit Pirates were watching from afar.

The Qingyin Pirates used this as their branch, and Melis was one of the few people who knew that the Empress was the captain of the third division.

If you encounter a strong enemy, you can ask the Empress for help.

As for the Black Rabbit Pirates, they will wait for the captain to be in place before setting off. As the fourth division, they currently only have fifteen members and need to grow slowly.

Carlo went to sea not far and passed Impel down.

“Warden Magellan is not good!

“The Four Emperors Carlo Pirates are coming this way.”

Carlo just passed by, scared the whole Impel down top alert.

All troops, all to the port defense.

At this time, Tina and Momousagi are escorting the pirates from the headquarters to Impel down.

“What’s up?”

Seeing the port on high alert, Momousagi and Tina still don’t know what’s going on.

“Report Momousagi Vice Admiral, our patrol boat spotted the Carlo Pirates coming this way.”

Tina drank a cigarette: “Carlo? They do have to pass this way when they go to New World.”

Hearing that the Four Emperors were passing by, these prison guards shivered.

Momousagi secretly said: “A bunch of idiots, Carlo has no interest in sabotaging the advance.” She knew Carlo very well.

“You continue to escort the pirates to prison, and Tina and I use speedboats to monitor each other’s movements.”

“The Momousagi Vice Admiral is too dangerous!”

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