Chapter 259 Underwater Palace, Go to Princess Shirahoshi

“Guards, go back immediately and inform King Neptune that the Four Emperors Carlo is here for a banquet at noon.”

The soldiers on The fish men island are now admiring Carlo so much that they will immediately run to inform Jinbei without saying anything.

When Neptune knew that the Carlo Pirates were coming, it was estimated that the whole island would be notified, which was comparable to a celebration.

After all, it was the murlocs who requested the protection of the Four Emperors Carlo, so as to reduce the encroachment of pirates and other forces.

At least now, the Murlocs would rather trust a powerful Four Emperors than Marine.

There are many beautiful murlocs in Geelongcord Plaza, Coral Hill, and Mermaid Cafe.

When buying clothes from The fish men island, the girls from “Eight Seven” were very happy to buy them.

Suddenly, the broadcast was heard, the whole city celebrated, and the Four Emperors Carlo came.

The soldiers on patrol were also heard saying, “Did you see it just now?”

“No, I’m patrolling the square, what happened over there?”

“The fish men island broke into a big pirate with a reward of 500 million, and with the mermaids who wanted to snatch the coral group, the third and fourth teams were easily defeated.

“That’s too dangerous.”

“Yeah, it’s fortunate that Lord Carlo is here, three or two, quack quack, and all those big pirates will be killed cleanly without leaving a piece of armor.”

The other soldiers listened with staring eyes.

Everyone looked at each other and continued shopping.

At this time, several gorgeous seahorses fell outside.

Nami and the others looked at the blue-haired murloc with a golden fork, and came down with two maids.

Immediately, many murlocs wanted him to greet him.

“Prince Green Star!”

“It’s the Prince of Shark Star.

Sharks led people to stop in front of Nami and them.

“Dear members of the Carlo Pirates, I am the Great Prince Shark Star, specially ordered by my father, to accompany all the beautiful ladies to go shopping. When it’s noon, please follow us in the Underwater Palace and invite you all to participate. banquet.”

“Where’s Carlo?” Noqigao didn’t see Carlo.

“Master Carlo, accompanied by Master Jinbei, seems to be going to the historical text office and rubbing the historical text for Miss Robin.”

Robin was delighted to hear that.

Nami smiled wickedly: “Prince Shark Star, are you leading the way for a discount on shopping?”

On the other side, the Sun Pirates led the way, and Carlo went to rub the historical text.

“Jinbei, how did you deal with what I said?”

Jinbei followed in parallel, and Ardin and the others followed silently.

“After Boss Carlo’s orders, we returned to The fish men island. These days, we have been in joint politics with Neptune and detained hundreds of people.”

“Since the banner of Boss Carlo was put up, there used to be more than ten pirates making troubles every day, but now there are basically no, only once in a while.”

After the rubbing, here is the blue historical text, which is the legendary apology.

However, Robin must still want to read it, and Carlo rubbed it back for her. As for the red historical text of The fish men island, it is in the treasure house of the palace.

After the noon banquet, go to Neptune and ask for it.

The third prince, Carpup Star, came here with the hippocampus fleet.

“Lord Carlo, I’m the third prince Roverstar, and my brother Wangxing is going to pick up your crew.”

Carlo nodded.

“Master Carlo, the palace is arranging a reception banquet for you. Everyone has heard of your wiseness and martial arts. The king has summoned thirty beautiful mermaid girls and is preparing to pick you up.”

“Shh? Does King Neptune still know men well?”

Carlo and Jinbei got on the Haima Chinese car…

“I heard that Princess Shirahoshi is beautiful, don’t you know she’s coming to the banquet?”

“Shirahoshi is not worried about what Carlo is going to do, in fact, many people are familiar with Carlo’s deeds.

Carlo is a normal man. Of course, he has a certain preference for beautiful women, but he has never said that he was enslaved. There are many beautiful women who follow him, and they are all happy and free. Carlo’s character and reputation are very good.

Especially in the pirate circle, that is an explosive male god.

“Shirahoshi she was entangled by a vicious guy and dared not leave the room.”

“When the time comes, call her out, isn’t it just a target fruit? I’ll deal with it later.”

They are too weak, but Carlo is strong.

“That’s great, Shirahoshi has been hiding in a hard-shell tower for ten years, and the Van der Deaken Middle Age of Damn it is hiding in a secret location that we can’t find anywhere.

Jinbei’s Sun Pirates searched for a long time, but couldn’t find where that guy was.

It was still early, so Carlo went to the palace alone to see the great beauty 5.8 Shirahoshi.

She is rumored to be as beautiful as the Empress. Carlo has seen it in the story, but the real person has not.

The overturned star leads the way, and the fish-men sea-horse cart is pulled into the palace of The fish men island.

The very majestic coral reef buildings are decorated with splendid decorations, and the murloc kingdom is very rich.

Greetings from all the guards.

Entering the hall, King Neptune, who has a body of twelve meters, is very conspicuous.

The coelacanth mermaid, the king of Neptune who is known as the great knight of the sea, is loved by the people and is a good guy.

“Wow wow wow” laughter: “Very nice to meet you, Lord Carlo.”

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